Log9 1/129 How Do I Simplify

Simplify log9 243?

= log9(243)

= log9(9² • 3)

= log9(9² • √9)

= log9(9²) + log9(9^½)

= 2log9(9) + (½)log9(9)     ...     Note:  loga(a) = 1

= 2 + ½

= 5 ⁄ 2

How to simplify 8 log9 9^6?

8 log9 9^6
= log9 9^(6+8)
= log9 9^14
log9 9^14 = x
9^x = 9^14

Therefore, x=14

How do I simplify log(37/45)?

How do I simply log(37/45), so I can write it as "1 - log(y)" or "log(y) - 1"? I can get as far as:
log(37/45) = log(370/450) = log((370/45)/10) = log(370) - log(45) - log(10) = log(370) - log(45) - 1. I don't know how to go forward from here. Perhaps it's not possible with this fraction, because 100 can't be equally divided with either 37 or 45. (100/37 = 2.7027... 100/45 = 2.2222...) I know it's possible with log(25/21), because you can divide 100 by 25 (100/25 = 4); you get 1 - log(8.4).
Perhaps you could use a different log base in this case?

Simplify log9 243?

= log9(243)

= log9(9² • 3)

= log9(9² • √9)

= log9(9²) + log9(9^½)

= 2log9(9) + (½)log9(9)     ...     Note:  loga(a) = 1

= 2 + ½

= 5 ⁄ 2

HELP!Simplify log9 7x + log9 x + log9 5x?

log9 7x + log9 x + log9 5x=log9(35x³) answer B

3 log6 2 + 2 log6 3 – log6 x = 2

Log27/Log3 + Log9/Log81. How do i simplify this to a single log argument?

Note that 27 = 3³ and 81 = 9².

log(3³)/log(3) + log(9)/log(9²)

This yields:

3 + ½
==> 7/2

I hope this helps!

How do you simplify a log?

729 = 9^3, so 1/729 = 9^(-3)

log9 (9^(-3) ) = - 3 log9 (9) = - 3

where we use the properties of logs that log x^n = n log x

and that the log base b of b is 1

(125)^2/3( 5)^3×2/3(5)^2 =25 Ans.

Can I further simplify (Log 9) / (Log 3)?

________________________________________... log_3 (80 one) + log_3 (6^a million/5)^-8 - log_3 (one hundred forty four/512) - log_3 (4)^a million/5 + log_3 (a million/3)^4/3 ??????????????????????????????????????..... EDIT here is yet differently to try this ??????????????????????????????????????..... technique 2 log?80 one + log?((6¹??)??) - log?(one hundred forty four/512) - log?(4¹??) + log?((?)??³) = log?(3?) + log?(6??????) - log?(9/32) - log?((2²)¹??) + log?((3?¹)??³) = 4·log?(3) + log?(3??????2??????) - log?(3²/2?) - log?(2²??) + log?(3???³) = 4 + log?(3??????) + log?(2??????) - [log?(3²) - log?(2?)] - (²??)·log?(2) - (???)log?(3) = 4 - (???)·log?(3) - (???)·log?(2) - [2·log?(3) - 5·log?(2)] - (²??)·log?(2) - (???)log?(3) = 4 - (???) - (???)·log?(2) - [2 - 5·log?(2)] - (²??)·log?(2) - (???) = 4 - (???) - (???)·log?(2) - 2 + 5·log?(2) - (²??)·log?(2) - (???) = 4 - (???) - 2 - (???) - (???)·log?(2) + 5·log?(2) - (²??)·log?(2) = ?? ?? - (14/15) ???? + ???????? (-??? + 5 - ²??)·log?(2) = ?? ?? - (14/15) ???? + ???????? ??????? 3·log?(2) = ?? ?? - (14/15) ???? + ???????? ??????? ?log?(2³) = - (14/15) + log?(8) ? 0.95945592 ?????????? ? answer ??????????????????????????????????????..... technique a million ?????????? ?? 80 one·(6¹??)??·(?)??³ = log? —————————— ?????????? ??? (one hundred forty four/512)·4¹?? ?????????? ?? 80 one·(6????)·3???³ = log? —————————— ?????????? ??? ? (9/32)·4¹?? ????????? ?? ??????? 32·80 one = log? —————————— ?????????? ?? 9·4¹??·(6???)·3??³ ????????? ?? ??????? 32·9 = log? —————————— ?????????? ? word that each little thing ?????????? ?? 4¹??·(2???·3???)·3??³ ?????????? ????? would properly be written as powers of two or 3 ????????? ?? ????? ? 2?·3² = log? —————————— ?????????? (2²)¹??·2???·3???·3??³ ????????? ?? ????? 2?·3² = log? ————————– ?????????? 2²??·2???·3???·3??³ ????????? ?? ????? 2?·3² = log? ————————– ?????????? ?? 2¹???·3???¹? ????????? ?? ????? 2?·3² = log? ————————– ?????????? ?? ? 2²·3???¹? = log?(2??²·3²?????¹??) = log?(2³·3?¹??¹?) = log?(2³) + log?(3?¹??¹?) = log?(2³) - (14/15)·log?3 = log?(8) - (14/15) ?????????? ? answer ???? log(8) = ———— ? (14/15) ?????????? ? answer ???? log(3) ? 0.95945592 ?????????? ? answer ___________________________

1+2*cos(x) is pretty simple. Did you mean 1+cos(2*x)? That can be simplified using cos(2*x)=2*cos(x)^2–1, so 1+cos(2*x)=2*cos(x)^2