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How do you feel to learn by two top Democrat leaders Donna Brazile and Senator Elizabeth Warren that the DNC rigged the 2016 primary elections against Bernie Sanders?

Thank you for the A2A.The question is, How do you feel to learn by two top Democrat leaders Donna Brazile and Senator Elizabeth Warren that the DNC rigged the 2016 primary elections against Bernie Sanders?I note it in passing and feel some satisfaction because the Democrats who backed Sanders are proven right in their charges they made before the election.Other evidence that came out last year was the proof that H. Clinton was given the debate questions before she debated Donald Trump who was not so advantaged. So even though it’s been proven she knew of a gross election fraud, she kept silent and has not been charged.Something tells us the prosecutor is chasing up the wrong trail in his investigation of Trump & C.: he has a case waiting for him ready to file with federal courts. Yet he seems unaware and continues to pursue the irrelevant matter of “Russian interference” as if it were the first time ever. The Russians attempt to interfere with every US election and voters continue to ignore their efforts.Everyone who believes in Justice is offended and angry about this. Others who don’t aren’t.