Looking For Someone Who Wants Help With Their Product Line Overseas. I Am In Sweden And Will Work

How can i find someone's phone number in sweden?

Some of my relatives are trying to get back into contact with an old friend from sweden but their phone number won't go through anymore any one have ideas to find her number on the net?

How can I find someone in Sweden?

Use Eniro:

You just type in their name in the first blank, and city in the second (can leave blank, but if it's a common name, you'll get a lot of results). The results are listed on the right side of the page, with a corresponding map.

If you want to see it in English, run it through Google translator:

When you do a search, it switches back to Swedish. Shouldn't be that hard to understand the format, though.

What should I do if I want to e a cosmetologist in Sweden?

I am a cosmetologist in the US. Worked in Calif., Hawaii, New Mexico and Las Vegas, NV.
I am now living in Hungary but my paperwork in the states does not work over here in Europe.
I have known people from both Europe and the US that have worked in places were they have no license but that is more like temp. guest worker program or they worked under the table for friends in salons.
Not legal in general.
I just paid to re new my US cosmetology papers but can't use them here in Hungary, not even to buy myself pro. supplies to do my own hair.
My hairdresser here in Budapest told me things are different here anyways. They receive papers that are good for their lifetime, not have to re new every 2 years like in the US for one thing. Most people do an apprentice thing before getting proper papers, work in salons as helpers washing hair and sweeping floor for years then move up slowly. There are of course schools here but they only get you started as you learn more in the salons.
I think you should wait until you are in Sweden to start your training unless you just want to learn a bit for yourself, the US time will not count over here.

Is there a U.S. Military base in Sweden?

what do think the military is? your personal travel agent? Your recruiter-"thanks for joining, where woud you like us to send you to make your time with us enjoyable?
Besides I spent some time with the Swedes at their camp in Kosovo and the only thing that impressed me was their wall to wall of Absolute vodka but they cheat at volleyball. Everyone there seemed to be blonde.they are members of NATO or OTAN as they call it.the females are nice little whores though.

How to find a job as a hairdresser in Sweden/Denmark?

There is no need for hairdressers in Sweden, and most likely not in Denmark either, making it difficult to be approved for a work visa in those countries. To be approved to work in Sweden or Denmark you need to have a profession or skills that is not getting filled by Swedish or Danish employees. Right now the unemployment is high and many immigrants are unemployed.
Most people who move are either independently wealthy, have higher education in field where they need people or are employed for an international company and get a transfer.

How feasible is it for a non-Finnish speaker to work/find work in Helsinki?

I just wanted to say hi and note that while people are complaining that it’s difficult for the people who don’t speak our language to find jobs that I spent ~7 years trying to land an entry level job while I was working my way up to be a programmer.They say that “Finns don’t want to clean” and other rubbish but no, I tried to get hired and I know a lot of other Finns who have tried everywhere without getting hired.It’s difficult for all of us unless there’s a real shortage of workers in a field.And most of the time there isn’t a shortage.The figures I’ve heard in many fields were that up to 200 people could be applying for same job - an entry level position with very poor pay!When no one would hire me I started a company.And the company didn’t feed me and I was often looking for anything else to get some food on the table.Two years of 14h days as a programmer, the only programmer, of a game studio with a county as our client?And still no one would hire me. The best I got was that one time when I got to post a code sample and was laughed at.The cleaning job? The warehouse job? All the jobs?99% of the time I wasn’t rewarded with as much as being contacted back. If I showed up people were annoyed with me showing up and said that “this is not part of our process”.It’s ridiculously hard to get a job at times.The only thing that will really help is learning to do something that people will hire you to do for them.Take your time and learn something useful. That will help. It may seem to be failing at first but you need to keep going until your skill level is high enough in a field that counts.You gotta just keep going.I still have a lot of people in my age class who have yet to find their first job.

Why didn't Nazi Germany invade Sweden?

Trust me….I’m as antiswedish as a half Swede can get today. I think most things about Sweden today is rotten. Politics, feminism, crime, immigration. All issues that make Sweden somewhat a bizarre and crazy country.However…Although it is true Sweden supplied Germany with valuable iron/ore, let Germany drive through the country to fight Norway, and stopped the British and French from gaining a foothold in Scandinavia potentially making a German invasion of Norway more complicated, the following should also be remembered about Sweden during WW2.-Hitler did have a backup plan to invade Sweden. Especially if they would allow English troops to be stationed on Swedish soil. Sweden hoped to avoid both Allied and German troops, staying neutral.-Lots of Danish resistance fighters and Jews fled Denmark and got refuge in Sweden. Danish resistance was allowed to hold meetings with allies and plan operations. Gestapo/Abwehr/SD on the other hand was harassed and hindered working undercover in Sweden/Germany.-Like the Danes and Norwegians, the Swedes considered communist as being a greater threat than fascism/Nazism. They rather support Finland against Russia, than regarding the Nazis as enemies. Likewise, even the Danish resistance at the end of the war, despite their bitter feuds with nazi occupation, had their sights set on halting communism.While many Danes, and especially Norwegians can never forget the Swedish “betrayal”, Danes in particular still thank the Swedes for harboring fleeing resistance fighters, letting them organize the halting of communism and the harboring the jews.Besides, while the Swedish king might harbor some sympathies towards the Germans, the Norwegians had a full fledged nazi collaborator in Vidkun Quisling, while the Danes had the Schalburg Korps collaborating with the Germans. So perhaps the Swedes were really not that much worse than the rest. They just got more lucky.