Looking For The Name Of A Male Singer Green Eyes Black Hair

Is it possible for black people to have green eyes?

Yes, and not just because of European ancestry. Blue and green eyes occur naturally, but rarely, in Africa as well.FACTS: Black, African People With Natural Blue, Green Color Eyes: The GeneticsAfrican-Americans With Green, Grey, Hazel or Blue Eyes, Naturally Blonde or Red (Ginger) Hair, and Freckles

Names for a blonde boy with green eyes?

Its not a good idea to go by the baby's colour of hair and eyes at birth. Babies eyes change until they are around 9 months when there natural colour will stay, so your son could go on to have brown eyes later on.
Blonde hair will darken, my son had blonde hair and blue eyes when he was born and his hair has darkened up so much but his eyes are the same. My daughter had blonde hair and blue eyes, her hair has stayed blonde but her eyes are a grey/green now. My friends daughter had blonde hair and blue eyes at birth, she is 7 months old now and is going to be auburn with brown eyes, her eyes have changed to dark.
Its hard to change the name when you have set your heart on it from the beginning. Dont be hasty.

What would you name a character with black hair and green eyes?


Is naturally black hair and blue eyes a rare combination?

Yes it is an extremely rare combination. Though in Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Iceland it is not uncommon to see people with that combination. Though black hair in those countries in a small minority of the population.

What is a young female celebrity with black hair and pale skin?

By celebrity, it can be a singer, actor, model, whatever. And, someone who looks like a young adult ... eighteen, maybe? Oh, and no Disney/Nickelodeon people, because really, everyone knows who they are.

Oh, and if you have the time, find other celebrities with these features?
Dark hair, lightish green eyes, male.
Blonde hair, blue eyes, male. (I know, plenty of them out there, buuuut, seriously, no Pettyfer.)
Shoulder length black hair, whatever eyes, female. (Kind of this goth looking girl?)
Ginger hair, whatever eyes, male. (I know who Rupert Grint is, so, don't suggest anything Harry P. related. Uh, maybe someone who looks wimpy ish, I guess?)
Blonde hair, whatever eyes, female. (Think the queen of populars in high school.)

OH! And, make them look to be around similar ages. If you're wondering why the heck I'm looking for celebrities, I'm trying to find castings for this book. Okay, thanks!

Do men think that blue eyes look prettier than brown eyes?

There’s research suggesting that blue eyed men are much more likely to partner with blue eyed women. The theory behind this is that blue eyes + blue eyes = blue eyes, so it was a very early indicator that any children produced in the union were actually his, before the advent of easy genetic testing. This is not exact though, and men who do not have blue eyes show no such preference.If you look at pictures of people with complete heterochromia, you can see what a difference blue eyes vs brown eyes make to the overall look of the person. Hold your hand over each half of this woman’s face and ask yourself how, in your opinion, the sides differ. What traits would you ascribe to each side if they were separate people?Blue eyes more radically show the pupil which can convey emotional state and physical communication via pupil size combined with facial expressions. Additionally, blue eyes reflect more light and seem to sparkle more. They are also seen as an indicator of youth and innocence*, much like blonde hair, as some babies are born with blue eyes that later darken to another shade. Since we live in a world with a Euro-centric idea of beauty, blue eyes are also prized as “rare” or in some circles, “pure,”* even though green eyes are technically rarer worldwide.Since openness and youth are both attractive qualities for women in our culture, it’s likely that blue eyes are seen, on a broad scale, as more attractive. However, indicators of health, fertility, and youth such as the whites of your eyes being very white, nice skin, lush hair, no facial hair, body shape, etc hold a lot more sway than simply the color of your eyes.* Note: Considering blue eyes “purer” or more innocent than brown eyes is racist. Don’t do this.

Male celebrities with black hair and blue eyes?

It's a free eBook on Nearly everyone uses stars there. I don't publish the story btw and the character's my own. It's just for the so called cast. You choose some celebrities to help people imagine your character ;D

Guys, do you think girls with tan skin, dark eyes and jet black hair are pretty?

YES!The girl who enticed me to finally at least give it a try to kiss is like that. Is because she is naturally like that, no artificial tan, no hair coloring. Her skin showed a dark seamless tan, almost like cinnamon. Her hair pitch black and wavy, almost curly, rare in Mexicans. But the most uncommon feature was her eye color. Irises and pupils a uniform black. O.K. maybe almost, but it sure seemed like that, for I took a long and hard look. And she seemed to like the green of mine! We almost embraced ourselves with our eyes. Kiss me! I read in those black eyes. I bent down for a shy peck, for I had no idea about this. So I was firstkissed that night by her. Things would never be the same after her kissing. Life would finally start for me, at 27!