Lose Weight Questions

Prozac questions...Weight gain/loss on Prozac???

Has anyone ever actually lost weight while on Prozac? If gained how much and how long were you on it and what dosage? Also did it help for anxiety? Did it mae you rageful or angry? How long did it take to start working? I once took Zoloft and put on a bunch of weight, don't want to repeat that. And wellbutrin made my heart race

Health questions about food and your body weight?

Kara has a BMR of 1000 calories and a daily energy need of 900 calories. If she eats 1800 calories a day, will she gain a weight, lose weight or stay the same?

Sly's BMR is 1200 calories and his daily energy needs is 1300 calories. If he eats 2700 calories a day, will he gain weight, lose weight or stay the same?

Connie has a BMR of 1100 calories and a daily energy need of 1000 calories. If she eats 2100 calories a day, will she gain weight, lose weight or stay the same?

A question about losing weight while being sick?

I'm currently bed-ridden by a flu/cold combo. Yaaayy...
I feel bloaty, sniffly, nauseous, etc.
I've lost my first 10lbs by simply eating healthy and walking!
Only 18lbs to go! :)
I was wondering if it's possible to lose weight while being sick, even though I'm not vomiting. Does your body use up a lot of extra energy?
I just feel lazy for not having the energy to do anything.
Help! :)

What is the most annoying question regarding weight loss?

Annoying Questions About Weight Loss:1.     Medical Emergency Questions.  Holy shit, if you’re bleeding, get on the telephone and call medical emergency straight away!2.     Medically complicated persons asking exercise questions.  If you’re diabetic and want to become the one legged person training for the long jump with a personal and family history of heart disease and are all pharma’ed up with meds that affect your heart rate, you need to consult with your medical team and hire a professional to help you and CHANGE your training goals!  Asking for free advice on the internet is not for you! 3.     Minors/Children asking weight loss questions.  Bad bad bad.4.     People that weigh nothing and want to lose weight (clearly an eating disorder question and OUT OF SCOPE for an internet forum.  See a doctor!).  This is a tough one because some of these askers need help, but some of these askers are literally seeking eating disorders.5.     Super personal unique questions regarding weight loss where the person lists all their intake data.  “I’m 5’6 and weigh 100 pounds and ….”  That’s a session.  If you have questions like this then we are on the clock.6.     Robot food questions or testimonials which is bad enough, but where the end goal is to build their downline. Fad diet mania and all of the canned leading questions to suck everyone in from the person selling the fad diet crap. Question are also usually robot questions:  “Are you a personal trainer?” My inbox is full of this garbage.  They are basically asking “Can I have your client’s contact information?”  Haha, seriously?  Super duper NO to you.  I’ve written on robot food here: 5 Reasons Fad Diets Don’t Work7.     Holiday weight loss expert answers that are instant experts and want your time, i.e. “I’d like to share with you that I’ve been eating this new Tree Bark & Mud Square for all of my meals and have lost 800 pounds, and kept it off for 2 hours.  I’d love to show you all the information.”  My answer:  “No no no, no no, no no.”8.     So called “helping” others.  My needs to lose weight.  I’m sure the person asking is just perfect.  :)------Let me know if I can help. If you’re interested in my upcoming Weight Loss Tips book, you can sign up for information here: Sign Up to Stay in Touch

What are the questions people should ask before they decide to lose weight?

The first question you should ask your self is can you be passionate about loosing the weight. Many people around New Years expound they are going to loose weight as one of their resolutions. I would say 80–90% of those people are not serious enough to stick with what ever weight loss plan they pick.How much weight do I want to loose, set a Goal!What is your body type? Are you plump all over or just looking to shed belly fat?What your age as a factor? As we get older metabolism of food slows and health issues may exist as well.What type of diet plan works for others with similar goals, age, health and body type.What supplements might you take that can assist in the lose of weight without conflicting with heath or medications you take? (Always consult your health provider before dieting if health is an issue).With those questions in mind the one that is the toughest is #5, what plan do you select.I first got into researching diet plans when I reached age 35 ( I am 60 now). At that age it was not longer easy to knock of weight anytime I wanted, My body had changed! When I was young I pretty much could eat whatever I wanted and not gain weight, then it seemed no mater what I eat or how little I could not loose weight.The diet industry is a multi-billion dollar industry and many of the well researched and medically approved plans out there do work when matched up to your needs and physical condition.Many of the plans that I tried had a few things in common.Drink plenty of water dailyAdd dietary Fiber to cleanse you system.Add a supplement to boost metabolism and burn more calories.Limit calorie intake to a sensible level (I stay away fro plans that reduce calorie intake to extreme low levels).I hope some of this is helpful to you and others that read it. It took me years to find the things that worked best for me. I now am settled an doing well with the products offered by SBC (skinny Body Care). I like their products so much I became a distributor. Watch this 5 minute video and join the community for free Click Here

Is it worth answering weight loss related questions on Quora?

I'll choose Door Number Two, Bob.I think people who get so fed up with their inability to have the body they wish they had that they ask a question about how to do it on Quora simply do not want to hear it's going to be hard work, which may or may not succeed, and which will take a long time.Who wants to hear you have to give up foods you love in the quantities you love?  Who wants to hear you have to exercise to the point of sore muscles daily?  Who wants to hear there's no quick and easy fix??  No one, that's who.Door Number Three is always a viable option, but I truly hope if Door Number One turns out to be the right answer it isn't because the questioners got waylaid by yet another siren song of a high-calorie food.

How do I stop seeing useless questions/answers about how to lose weight or things like that?

The best way to use Quora is to look first for answers, and questions which have been asked already, before asking a new question.See Is there a way to mute / ignore / block a topic from appearing in my feed?