Loss Of Appetite For No Reason

Reason for sudden loss of appetite?

Hunger is a natural and important drive for everyone. If you really
never get hungry then there may be a problem which needs attended to.
It might be something to do with your stomach – say, too much acid or
an infection or something.
It might be something else entirely – your hormonal system for
example. Or it might have become a psychological problem.
It is an important problem to understand and the best thing you can
do is get yourself checked by your GP to see if he or she can get to
the bottom of it for you.
It certainly isn't just a variation of normal to have it to this
extent for this period of time

Reasons for Extreme Loss of Appetite?

I've just recently started college (living in the dorm), and ever since I moved away from home, my appetite has gone virtually down to zero. I still drink enough, I'm fairly sure, but today, for example, all I've eaten is a few of those Hersheys Drops, and I'm not hungry for anything else- I actually had to force myself to eat them because I was getting really exhausted just walking around campus. Now, all that's been going on is welcome events- I haven't managed to make any friends and got stuck with a socialite roommate who thinks I'm anti-social just because I don't want to go out and do things by myself, and she isn't willing to do anything with me. I'm trying to make friends in classes, but it's only the second day of classes overall. My roommate has now made some very loud friends who like to hang around the dorm and give me weird looks, like just because I'm stuck here, I'm some kind of freak. The other two girls who live in the dorms are soccer players who don't bother talking to me at all, and I've caught them whispering to my roommate about something that I think might have to do with me. It's not like I'm not trying to make friends- it's just not going as quickly as it did for them. We revolve in different social circles, and that is in their opinion enough for me to be labled as a freak outcast. I'm overly-sensitive, which is a problem I need to work on, but right now I feel like crying at least once or twice a day, and I have to stop myself so they don't think even worse of me.
Anyway, that's all that's been going on, if that helps at all. I've lost ten pounds in about three days, and I need to lose a few, so right now it isn't a huge problem, but could anyone tell me why I'm suddenly not hungry at all anymore?
Also- I've been waking up with massive headaches, but that could just be due to not eating.

Why has my appetite decreased by a lot for no reason?

Hunger — gut hunger — is the difference between food ingested and energy exerted. So one of those two changed. Energy exerted can also be related to simple stress. Did a stressful situation disappear? Or did you become a couch potato? In any case, increasing exercise is one way to restore appetite.On the opposite side of the ledger, if the food you consume changed, you may be more effectively assuaging hunger. Increased carbohydrates would have that effect.Decreased appetite is also the result when hunger is allowed to come up. Overeating prevents real hunger from occurring, so if you have recently fasted (or even if you were sick) and you now actually get hungry (appetite?) before you eat, you'll detect that your body actually requires a lot less than you used to eat.All of that assumes no medical reason for the change.

Did you ever lose your appetite for a silly reason?

No, I don’t think I have. It’s difficult to kill my appetite given the fact that for the first 13 years of my life my mother was an ER nurse and we’d talk about the nastiest cases ever just to see who’d say “stop” first.(No one ever said stop!)

Sudden loss of appetite?

A sudden loss of appetite is quite a common thing and this happens to everyone now and then who experiences a temporary loss of appetite. Stress, worry, anxiety, fear, excitement, and emotional conflicts are among the many causes that can lead to a person's loss of appetite. Almost any illness, ranging from the common cold to some chronic illnesses and other potentially fatal diseases, can cause loss of appetite, as can smoking, alcohol, and many medications. The appetite usually returns when the illness abates, but persistent loss of appetite can be a warning sign of a serious underlying disease.
So do not panic as it is normal to be less hungry when a person is not feeling well. Do not try to force down foods. Instead, drink more water and plenty of fluids, especially fruit juices. However, if this persists, please seek further medical advice.

Health: I've had no appetite lately. What could be the reason?

You should go to a medical doctor and have a complete physical. There are many reasons for loss appetite so we cannot say on here what your problem could be. If it is not physical then it could be mental. You need to talk to a medical doctor and tell him/her how you feel before anything can be done to help you. But it could be mental if it is not physical. Depression, for example, can cause loss of appetite. Anxiety can also cause it. There are just too many things it could be.

What are the causes for  loss of appetite?

Here are some reasons due to which a person can lose his/her apetiteLack of Exercise: Regular activity can boost a person’s appetite.Dehydration: This can be brought on by age related changes, medications or lack of interest, but dehydration can lead to dangerous conditions impeding a person’s ability to function appropriately.Lack of Routine: Eating around the same time each day helps the body feel ready to eat at meal times.Inability to prepare meals: When living alone, preparation of a meal may become too difficult or tiring.Loss of taste: With age, taste buds become less able to detect flavors. Favorite foods may become bland and unappetizingDifficulty Chewing, swallowing or eating independently: Issues such as dental problems, some medications, and medical conditions such as stroke, dementia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease all can cause difficulties with eating and swallowing, making mealtime frustrating and sometimes frightening.Sensitivity to smells: Certain smells that previously went unnoticed may invoke feelings of nausea and decrease appetiteDepression or loneliness: Studies have indicated 1 in 10 people express feelings of loneliness. Not having anyone to share a meal with may intensify those feelings.Loss of Control: If you have a change in your living situation, you may not have access to your favorite foods. Being unable to choose what to eat may makes you not want to eat at all.Mealtimes are unpleasant: An arguments or negative atmosphere during mealtime can lead to increased stress and frustrations and create an unpleasant association with food.HOPE THIS HELPS

What is the relationship between grief and appetite loss?

Yes.There is definitely a connection between grief and appetite.Some people often think of grief as a primarily an emotional process, but the condition frequently involves a myriad of physical problems.Those problems include, but aren’t limited to nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss and/or weight gain, aches, pains, insomnia, lowered immunity, fatigue and unexpected hair loss.Image Of Sushi - Food - Courtesy of - All Rights ReservedWhen my husband, soul mate and true love of almost 25 years died very suddenly, the physical reactions I experienced were just as much a shock to my body as was his death.Broken Heart SyndromeI experienced heart palpitations and trouble breathing, which is a well-known reaction described as broken heart syndrome.I also suffered from a wide range of physical ailments including extreme nausea.The nausea, along with my extreme grief, completely destroyed my appetite.I couldn't even think about food or eating without feeling extremely sick to my stomach.When I was able to force toast or something easy down my throat, it didn't remain in my body for any reasonable amount of time.The inability to retain any solid food, didn't encourage me to want to eat. If anything, it made me dread dealing with food of any kind.Food & Restaurants Would Trigger MemoriesAdditionally, any foods or dining establishments I’d enjoyed with my husband would instantly trigger memories setting off a range of uncomfortable grief and deep emotions.Trying to show support, a long time friend decided to surprise me and take me to the restaurant my husband and I loved best.Once we were inside the restaurant I burst into tears and was unable to compose myself in order to remain at the table long enough to eat.We eventually left, taking all the food we ordered wrapped up, although I don’t remember eating any of it.Weight Loss Goes Along With Loss Of AppetiteAny foods or dishes which reminded me of my late husband and our life together became off limits. It was too difficult to enjoy foods which triggered painful feelings.During the first three months after my husband's untimely death I lost 25 pounds.Approximately one month after his death, my hair started falling out in clumps and continued to fall for close to 60 days.Although not everyone experiences weight loss with grief, it’s a common physical reaction to a sudden and devastating loss.It also goes hand in hand with loss of appetite.Best wishes to all.

Sudden loss of appetite and nausea.?

Relax! I wouldn't get stressed over worrying whether your pregnant because firstly if you were pregnant, your not actually pregnant yet because you only had sex a week ago and because your not, you wouldn't have these symptoms. You said you we're dehydrated well that is most probably the reason why you've lost your appetite because your not drinking enough water which can result in loss of appetite and because your not drinking it results in your throwing up as you can feel sicky or unwell when you havent got enough water.
Also it can be due to not getting enough vitamins and minerals and not getting enough nutritional food which can also result in loss of appetite and making you feel sickly
I've had loss of appetite before and i don't even know why, i think it's because i was quite stressed out and also i had lost a child and because of that i bled a lot and i hardly drunk anything making me pass out. Im not saying you have miscarried!

I would try and eat some healthy food or if you are depressed and worried i would try not to be, afterall during sex you were protected so there is nothing to worry about!
