Lowering Body Fat Percentage

Lowering Body Fat Percentage for Teens?

Weight lifting 3 x week -- lift heavy + low reps. Increase calorie intake by 200-300 above maintenance. Consume at least 1g of protein per 1lb of body weight. Split the remainder of calories between carbs and fats. That athlete looks awesome but she probably doesn't have any less fat on her than you do, just a higher amount of mass muscle so her body fat percentage is lower. For example, being 100lb with 20lb of fat and 80lb of lean puts you at 20% body fat, but being 120lb with 20lb of fat and 100lb of lean mass would put you at just under 17% body fat! And trust me, when you are already on the lean side, the difference of 3% body fat REALLY shows in your physique.

Happy training!

Edit: Oh, sorry about that. Obviously someone on here didn't like my answer!

Edit: Sorry to hear about your eating disorder. I wish you well on the road to recovery. I'd really recommend joining the women's forum over at There are a lot of very knowledgeable ladies over there who can give you further advice on weight training and diet. I wish you all the best x

Why am I struggling to lose body fat percentage?

When it comes to losing body fat there is one critical factor you MUST apply and is above ALL the MOST important. If you don’t apply it, you’ll never lose fat.Looks like from your description you failed to mention what your diet is like.I’ve seen it time and time again, people who train hard but their diet sucks.You simply cannot out-train a bad diet.The other thing I would like to point out is that you may be exercising to much.To much exercise can have negative effects because of one hormone, cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone and anytime you workout you cortisol levels rise. The key is to keep cortisol under control and minimize the stress.The fact of the matter is, to much training can actually keep you fat.Nutrition:You got to keep your nutrition clean. Don’t do anything to severe (like caloric deficits) otherwise you create an environment for more stress to the body resulting in once again…cortisol.Here are a few tips:Calories: Let’s take his body-weight and multiply by 12. 200 x 12= 2,400 calories. This would be the amount of calories he’s allowed in order to lose weight. I want to be clear and say that this is a generalization based on no activity level. If this person worked out, the calories would be higher.Protein: Aim to eat one gram per pound of body-weight. So for our 200 pound male example he would need to eat 200 grams of protein per day.Carbohydrates: There are one of two formulas you can do for the consumption of carbs. If you workout and are a 200 pound male, would need to eat at least 1 gram of carbs per pound of body-weight. So that would be 200 grams of carbs. On non training day you only need 0.5 grams of carbs per pound of body-weight.Ditch the sugary drinks, these are loaded with sugarDrink plenty of water for proper hydrationGet at least 7–8 hours of sleepIf you are doing HIIT cardio on a treadmill of some sort, try doing barbell/dumbbell complexes<=(this is like doing cardio with just a barbell). If this doesn’t burn off your fat NOTHING WILL!That’s about it! Keep that diet clean and you’ll begin to see the fat melt off again.

How can I lower my body fat percentage when I'm skinny?

The only thing you can do is via proper nutrition and weight training along with HIIT cardio. Proper Nutrition: focus on eating at a slight calorie deficit (about 200 calories) but with proper cutting macros. 1 to 1.5 g of protein per pound of body weight, 20 to 40% calorie from fat, and remaining calorie from carbs. For step by step tutorials: Training: focus on weight training and HIIT cardio to focus on muscle building and maximal fat loss. To get started with weight training: Dumbbell & Barbell Workouts & TutorialsResistance Band Workouts For HIIT cardio: Tabata Workouts - YouTube Outdoor Workouts Body Weight Only Quick Fat Loss Workouts Best of luck :-)

What is the quickest way to lower body fat percentage? I'm at 34% and weigh 223lbs, but I need to be under 25% ASAP.

Body fat is meant as an energy supply for slow, steady and continuous activity rather than carbohydrates (especially sugars) which are meant to provide energy for shorter-term and higher-intensity activity. Fat is best burned from Lower-intensity activity performed non-stop for long periods of time. In order to turn your body into a fat-burning machine you need to severely limit your daily intake of carbohydrates and reduce your overall caloric intake to force your body to turn to your already-stored supply of fuel (your body fat). To ensure you are attaining a daily calorie deficit and to burn as much body fat as possible you should try to limit your daily consumption to as few calories as possible and certainly no more than 1000 per day. Since you should cut out as much sugar and carbs as possible you should perform low-intensity exercise that doesn’t require carbs to perform. I’m a big fan of walking for weight reduction. The only major downside is that you need to spend a lot of time doing it. Luckily there is a linear and direct relationship: the more time you spend walking the more fat you will burn.

What was the body fat percentage of Brock Lesnar in 2003/2004?

I'd say about, 12%.... Fat

Is it possible to maintain low body fat percentage for YEARS?

I've lost some weight over the last 5 years, and I am now getting down to where I'm trying to be more lean, say in the < 10% body fat range (ideally 8%). I prefer a more lean body rather than bulky. Something like Fight Club Brad Pitt:

So my question:

Is it possible to maintain this lean look for your whole life without completely obsessing over fitness and diet constantly? Into your late 30s, 40s and even 50s? Or would you have to be constantly maintaining it (I'm not in the fitness industry and I have a real life - family, job, etc).

I ask because I know it's gonna be a lot of work to lose the last 10 pounds, and I'm wondering if it's worth it or if it's gonna be hard to maintain.

Please no answers from kids or anyone who doesn't have ACTUAL lifetime experience.

Should teenagers who weight lift cut to a lower body fat percentage, like 10%, or clean bulk and cut later?

Unless you’re overweight, where there are health concerns, or your primary concern (long term) is being lean, then maybe it’d be good to cut down.However, if you’re asking to cut down to 10%, my guess is that you probably don’t fall into the unhealthy, high range of body fat (though I could be wrong, but this is the perspective I'm coming from). If you’re in at least decent shape, I would HIGHLY suggest that you use these younger years, where you’re muscles are most primed to adapt and grow, to go on a long steady lean bulk. I promise, if you’re looking to gain size, you will thank yourself in the long run for being patient.I would stay in a lean bulk pretty much year-round, but maybe cut back a little bit for short periods of time if you think you’re gaining too much fat, or maybe have a vacation you want to look better for. But that definitely doesn't require a heavy, 16 week cut.Think about it this way..Say, from 16–20, you bulk for 7 months, and cut for 5 month each year.So, in 4 years, you’ve been in a muscle gaining state for 28 months, and 20 months not gaining muscle.VSSay, 11 months bulking (cleannn) and 1 month cutting back a littleThat makes it 44 months gaining, and only 4 months where you didn't gain..That could make a huge difference in overall progress.Take it from me, and basically every other weight lifter that started in their teens.. We all bulked (mostly dirty bulk) in the fall and winter, and then tried to get ‘shredded’ for the warm seasons.. I’d be confident in saying we’d all do it differently is we had the chance to go back lol

Skinny upper body, fat lower body?


haha no but seriously i have a similar problem. I doubt they're fat. If you can see your ribs, it seems proportionally impossible that you have a skinny body then fat thighs and skinny legs. Your problem is probably you just want to tone those two areas, and everything else is good. I'm exactly the same there.

Do sit-ups before bed to shrink your stomach :) Kim Kardashian does 250 each night. Start with 50 and work your way up. It took me a month and i'm on 500 a night

Check out this girl on Youtube:

^ Thats an inner-thigh toning video. It's not that hard after the first few goes. She has a whole channel of fun work outs. I hate working out, but it's funny because the girl is so happy all the time, even though she's in so much pain! :P

Hope those videos help you! :) Goodluck!

What is the difference between; body fat percentage, lean body mass and body fat mass?

i just join , and i gotta keep track of these selections:

Measure Body Fat % (monthly)
Measure Lean Body Mass (weekly)
Measure Body Fat Mass (weekly)

what is the difference between 'em? i'm a novice