Lump On Forehead Tumor

What is this bump on my forehead?

A few months ago, I noticed I had a bump on my forehead, not just a normal bump, this was actually pretty big (a little larger than a quarter, went out about the width of my pinky finger) and it hurt a lot.
Then it disappeared
but it came back again, in the same place
It's not acne related, and it hurts
What can it be?

Lump on forehead? *20 characters*?

It sounds unusual, but not serious. A brain tumor would be inside your skull, not between your skull and your skin. You can't see evidence of a brain tumor on the outside of your head. A friend of mine had a huge lump that came up on her forehead like that, and it was a boil. Nasty, but the doctor took care of it and gave her anti-biotics. Sinus congestion is the number one condition that makes you dizzy, as it can effect your inner ear. Put a hot, moist cloth on your lump, or a heating pad, and lie more on your right side. Just relax. This is not a brain tumor. Let us know what the doctor says please!

How rare is it for cancer to show up in the forehead as a lump?

Skin cancer very common and more common as you age (cumulative lifetime exposure to sun; the older you are, the more you have had)Other cancers would be very rare in this location. The significant question is if the lump is in the skin (and moves with the skin) or is deep to the skin and does not move with the overlying skin.Ultimately, only a physician / surgeon will be able to tell you if any particular lump is likely to be cancer or not.

Could a big lump on the forehead be cancer? If yes, what type?

Common lumps in the forehead are:LipomaPyogenic granulomaSebaceous cystSchwannomaPilomatricomaBasal cell carcinomaSquamous cell carcinomaMelanomaThe last 3 are malignant are types of skin cancer and hence will grow on the skin and not underneath it.Have it excised. It’s most likely benign. You’ll sleep better, and look better too.

What are the types of cancer lumps that apear on the forehead?

Are you asking because you have some? If so, go to a dermatologist immediately and get checked! It could be nothing, BUT it could be a form of skin cancer too. There are different kinds of skin cancer, but you don't want to play around with wasting time either. I have had bumps checked out and they have been benign, but better safe than sorry! Go get checked out!

Lipoma On Forehead?

When our daughter was born, she had the slightest "stork bite" on her forehead. It looked more like capillaries that were irritated, actually. She also had tear ducts that were closed but opened up with medication. Within days the stork bite disappeared, however, it was replaced by a flesh colored knot right in the middle of her forehead.
She is almost 4 years old and has been seen by 4 pediatricinas, 1 pediatric dermatologist, 2 pediatric craniofacial plastic surgeons, and had a CT and MRI.
This lump seems to come and go but never goes away completely. It is the size of a quarter and does not seem to be painful.
It is visible with the human eye yet nothing abnormal shows on standard CT or MRI.
A pediatrician in our group saw her in passing and thinks this is possibly a Pott's Puffy Tumor but the local ENT does not think so.
We have an appointment with an ENT at UVA in several weeks.
Any suggestions on what this is or what kind of specialist we should see?

I have a strange oval bump on my forehead?

Its an oval lump, about half an inch by my hairline. It doesnt hurt or anything. It is hard. I have recently gotten some headaches on that side of my head. And my eyes are sore (Like when i move my eyes to the side they hurt). Any suggestions on what this bump might be? A tumor or a cyst or polyp or something?

What types of cancer include a lump on the forehead other than skin cancer?

I would take a step back and assume that you are self-diagnosing yourself here.Lumps on the forehead don’t necessarily mean cancer. It could be a number of things, but most likely it is an osteoma: piece of bone forming under the skin.Please see your doctor to confirm this.Skin cancer usually does not present itself as a lump, but more as a growth. If you are worried, perform the ABCDEs of skin cancer and go from there.S.

I have a hard spot/tiny lump on my forehead that hurts when i touch it?

You should put some ice on it for a while to get rid of some of the swelling from you trying to pop it. If it is in fact a spot (acne) and not a cyst, then you should drink more water than you normally would during the day and then at night put toothpaste on it (i know that sounds weird, but it works by drying it out).

If it is not actually acne. It might be a cyst. In this case, you should go to a doctor and get it checked out, because sometimes they need to be removed.