Making A Page On Facebook For Baking And Cooking Photos

Using spoiled soy milk in baking?

Ana...we have tried hemp milk. It's pricer than the (almond/rice/soy/coconut) has a grassy flavor, but creamy, and more earthy than grassy - not like you're chewing on grass -seedy maybe?...I think it's nice, DH isn't convinced...our boys will drink it, but the girls won't. We don't drink it regularly (we don't really drink any one sort regularly), but we do get it once in a while. The health benefits are definitely appealing and if we went off of cow's milk completely, hemp would be what the boys and I drank.

Girl scout gold award ideas for fashion or photography and hospitals?

I would like my project to do something with helping people in hospitals, or maybe animals in shelters, but I did that for my Silver Award so I want to try something else. I might want to do something with fashion, such as collecting baby clothes to give to teen moms at hospitals so they can care for their babies when they leave the hospital.
Also with fashion, I was thinking getting a bulk order of TOMS shoes (look them up if you don't know about them) and donating them to a children's hospital in need (like for children who have long-term stays at the hospital and need shoes) and let them decorate the shoes like the Style Your Sole idea on .
For photography, I don't really know what I could do with that at a hospital, but I am really creative when it comes to photography. This is where I could do something with animal shelters - I could visit the shelter and take photos of the animals to create fliers to help them get adopted.
Or another idea is to go to a pet shop and research the conditions the animals are under and take photos and also maybe go to a puppy mill and take photos. Then I could make a video raising awareness for dogs being mistreated in puppy mills and pet shops and get that put on the morning announcements at my school. And I could have a day to teach people about that or something.

I keep coming up with ideas, but I don't know how to add to them to make them ready for the Gold Award. I also need a long-lasting component of the project, which keeps throwing me off for each idea since it's so hard to think of! Please tell me how to improve any of these ideas, or which one you like best

Can I use box white cake mix and add coconut extract?

Absolutely! You can add just about anything to boxed cake mix and it'll be fine. Boxed cake mix is very versatile and made so that you can do things with it. So, if you can't find a boxed coconut cake mix, feel free to add extract and even flaked cocount to it.