Management Issues Need Advice Bad

Roach problem in new apartment-Need Advice?

I have been in your situation before. If management refuses to spray every tenants apartment, you will keep having this problem. You cannot control how dirty or how clean your neighbors keep their apartments. With that said, when your apartment is fumigated, the roaches just go to the next apartment until the toxins are no longer in the air at your apartment. In cases like this, the roaches have nests in the walls. It is imparative to do a monthly extermination service for all tenants to keep the issue to a minimum. Once a place is invaded with roaches, getting rid of them is almost impossible. However, you can control them.

Some suggestions for you would to be: 1) Put those roach motels behind your stove, fridge, bathroom corners and every other nook and cranney you can think of. 2) Clean your stove, table tops and counter tops daily, also mopping and sweeping whenever you can. Do not let crumbs hang around giving the roaches a reason to seek habitat in your apartment. It seems you are already doing that. You would be surprised what brings those nasty critters out. 3) Get some culk. Seal all gaps and cracks between the floor and the wall. Look in the corners, to see if there are significant gaps that will allow the roaches to get in. If the gap is really big, call maintainance and have them seal it. Once you eliminate some of the entry ways for the critters, you will not have as big an issue. I am really sorry your apartment complex refuses to perform monthly pest services during the summer months. Many apartments offer this during the summer months due to all the critters that come out.

Also, you could ask other tenants if they have the problem. Make conversation with them and encourage them to call and ask for a pest service as well.

You could take this issue to court, but it can get really sticky. Depending on what kind of judge you get, they might side with the landlord no matter how bad the problem is. In your case, the landlord has sprayed, so he attempted to help resolve the problem. This is where it could get sticky and the judge would side with your landlord. Document everything. All phone calls and requests. Pictures are worth a lot, so be sure to take pictures whenever you can. I have known of friends who lost this battle in court, so pick your battles wisely.

What are some good anger management tips?

Take a deep breath and count to ten before you give your reaction.
Realize that there's always the other side to the coin.

Impulsive reaction more than often results in deep feelings of regret for both sides.

Also exercising or creating any kind of art work will give a positive outlet to your pent up energy, hence you'll be calmer when interacting with seemingly annoying people.

Hope this helps and wish you luck.

I'm very bad at managing my time. Biggest issue: getting places on time. Any suggestions besides "set an alarm" and "hurry up?"

You have to set your priorities.  You are the only person who can solve this issue.  You have to start seeing things through a new set of eyes, if you seriously want to be more punctual.   If you don't care--and you say you don't--why even ask?

Can you help me with time management in college?

Time management is a common issue to individuals who are completely unorganized. They were looking for solution to ease their problem regarding with managing their time better. The easiest way to do that is to have a simple system that you can follow and stick to.

Plan your activities ahead of time. You may do it daily, weekly or monthly as long you work on that plan. Create a list of everything that you need to get done and put it on a calendar. Set your goal and tasks clearly by order of priority.

Limit the distractions and interruptions in your day by turning off email notifications, TV, FB, YouTube and avoid spending your time to your less valuable activities. Work on your most valuable activities.

Use a calendar and put everything into that calendar and stick to whatever schedule that is in it. Lastly, do not procrastinate.

My boyfriend and Anger issues.?

My boyfriend has really bad anger problems.
He gets so upset over the smallest things & it's ruining our relationship.
I've suggested an anger management therapist, but he says it doesn't help him.
His best friend has tried helping him & talking to him. But, My boyfriend just doesn't listen.
We both don't know what to do and what will help him.
All i know is that it's hard to have a healthy relationship with his anger issues.
Does anyone have any advice for me on what to do?
I love him so much, and I really want to help him...
thank you.

My mom has anger issues?

Ive been there. My mother and I never ever got along...and my sisters didnt get alot with her either because of her anger issues...I was good in school, and i was just a quiet kid who kept to myself and still for some reason i was the reason for everything bad. Its almost as if she would look for reasons to let her anger out on me. Eventually in my life, i stood up to her and told her i didnt deserve to constantly be put down by her because of what ever issue she had of her own, i told her i wouldnt take it anymore. She of course got mad about that, but after i stood up to her i chose to ignore her, if she wanted to yell she would watch me walk away because i didnt need to stress, she started to realize that i wasnt going to care what she said and that i would just shut her out when she yelled at me and she didnt do it as much. There were still times when she would get angry and yell, so i would tell her i wasnt doing this and go in my room and do my own thing...

How can I overcome my anger issue?

Hi, I'm 21 and started piano lessons when I was 18. I love music, and I love my teacher. She gives me so much work to do and I barely have time to practice all of her pieces. I struggle but I see it as a challenge.
My problem is that when I can't play something, or forget to play a piece that I could fluently play some months ago, I get soooo pissed off. My breath is getting faster, I feel so much energy all over my body, like I'm about to literally explode. I have a super powerful urge to hit and throw objects on the walls, usually I hit my keyboard but a moment later I feel so bad for what I did. And when I control my body so that I won't smash my piano keys, I start hitting my own body or head or walk around till my body hits itself on a wall. Most of the times I end up crying on the floor with my hands under my armpits, trying to manage all the anger and not explode. Like an anger attack. It usually lasts 5-30 minutes.
I have never left any severe injure to myself, but I feel so bad for a while... How can I manage it? It only happens when I practice! I really wanna become a better pianist, but this is going too far, and I struggle to control it. It started this year, because I changed my teacher. The first two years I had a calmer teacher and I would still get angry if I couldn't play something, but not as much. It got worse this year. What should I do? I don't want to tell my teacher anything. I wanna get through it and find joy in practicing classical music again.