Marijuana And Mechanical Engineers

Can and do mechanical engineers smoke marijuana?

"I'm an idiot and make poor choices that are entirely unrelated to weed such as playing NBA 2K instead of doing Numerical Methods homework."
Does anyone else see the problem with that testimonial??? LOL I can't believe he wrote that.

Look, THC is detected up to 90 days in hair samples.
That's why intake testing isn't urine.

If you're really a pothead, then know that you won't be fooling anyone. Just like people with drinking problems aren't transparent, neither are potheads. They THINK everyone else doesn't know, but the reality is very different. (I refer back to previous testimonial)

There is a very competitive market out there and you really shouldn't risk your position for a habit.

Also, if you think it's not affecting you long-term or affecting your current efforts, you're in denial.
The long-term effect of cannabinoids on mental functions are well established.
How do we all pick out the stoners? Because it does affect you. If it doesn't... then you have a very expensive it-does-nothing-to-me habit. ALL of the people I've known who didn't quit their adolescent ways have ended up 20 years older and not much more to show for it.

And don't kid yourself. The reason they call it "random" testing is so they can pop you... and they will. If you're lucky, it will be before you get comfortable and just bought a home.
Someone will actually enjoy doing it... so don't kid yourself.

I work for a multi-billion dollar company and I've seen plenty of people get sent packing.

Would a history of marijuana use prevent you from getting a job a NASA or SpaceX?

For quite a while involvement with marijuana during high school and college years has been very dependent on circumstances, at least for employment. Simple use or possession of small amounts, even if there was some criminal findings, is not an automatic problem. If you were involved in sales and distribution, or if you lie about using, and its later found out….. not good, particularly if any kind of security clearance is involved. With many work areas at both NASA and SpaceX , even some areas that might seem uninvolved with classified operations, still require clearances.I know of people who have had some involvement with illegal drugs, particularly marijuana, in their youth who were granted even high level clearances, but NONE have had any involvement of any kind since college, and NONE had any connection to distribution and sales.

Do engineers smoke marijuana?

No. Actually maybe in highschool classes.

Can i smoke weed and have engineering as a career?

As an engineer who has worked for various companies in industry, pretty much every company has drug testing. Especially if your engineering job is related to the safety of the public or others. I worked at a Nuclear Power plant that had strict alcohol and drug testing. Its possible but you have to find a company that does not do drug testing which is rare. So just lay off the pot.

What is a good thesis statement for legalization of medical marijuana?

I'm having a little writer's block today. Paper is due tomorrow, but I cannot think of a good thesis statement! Can anyone help me?

By the way, I am for legalization of medical marijuana due to relief of symptoms in patients suffering from terminal illnesses as well as some psychological disorders. But I need one more reason and I need the thesis to flow smoothly!


In states where recreational marijuana is now legal, can employers still test for it and fire employees for using it?

There actually was a test case for that in Colorado, since Colorado prohibits employers from firing employees for use of any legal substance while off work, provided that the employee is not intoxicated during work hours. So while the employer can, of course, fire someone for being drunk on the job and prohibit smoking on company property, they can't fire someone just because they smoke, or because there's a photo of them a bit tipsy last Friday night.The case was Coats v. Dish Network. The employee in question had a valid prescription for medical marijuana (recreational use had not at that time yet been legalized), so it was legal for him under state law to be using marijuana. He argued that, therefore, it was a lawful substance under Colorado law and he was therefore protected against being fired for using it.The court, unfortunately, did not agree. They ruled that since marijuana was still illegal under federal law, it did not qualify for “legal substance” protection.Now, if the federal government either legalized marijuana or formally allowed states to do so, that would, at least in Colorado, change. At that point, that “legal substance” protection would kick in, and employers could only take action against someone who's stoned at work.Since most drug tests pick up usage well after the intoxicating effects are gone, they would have to develop a test that can determine if you're stoned right now vs. whether you smoked a joint last night. And they could not take any action against you for the joint last night.Other states may not have such a protection, so even if marijuana is fully legalized, it may remain permissible to fire employees for use of it in such states.

Are there any engineering-related jobs in the cannabis industry?

Yes, allot, indoor growing ops, extraction production, food manufacturing all require engineers and they are just a few of the list that needs engineers in the cannabis industry

Can i become a petroleum engineer with a felony?

Hello. I am wanting to start college this august. Im curious if i have a felony conviction for "Harassment of a public servant". Back in 2002. So when i finish college it will be about 7-8 years old. I also have a misdemeanor conviction for drug paraphernalia and possession marijuana misdemeanor charge. Those last 2 charges would be 10+ years old when i apply. Im from Houston, Texas and will be going to UH or UT. Im just wondering if anyone would really know whats up with this. Im white guy, no tattoos, clean cut, and never had problems with communicating on interviews.

Research on marijuana and the subconscious?

This is not to glamorize or demean bud smoking, its for research only. Does anybody else notice that when you get high, with certain strains of weed, you can control your subconscious. You notice what other people sub consciously do. It makes you understand the way things work. For some people, you just get high and dull out, but im talking to the ones who get these effects.Do you think this is true. I think everybody agrees that it should be completely legal for people to do research on marijuana. I think researching psychedelics will help us figure out more how it is that the brain works, and why people get disorders like schizophrenia. It will help us find cures. I am not some pot head who is just trying to get high. I dont like marijuana anymore, it gives me anxiety. I just think there is so much to be learned from this plant and other hallucinogens.