Masters In Aerospace Engineering After Mechanical Bachelors Question

Is there a CUNY that offers Mechanical or Aerospace engineering degrees?

Is there a CUNY that offers Mechanical or Aerospace engineering degrees? Also, how about non-CUNY's? Are there colleges in NYC that offers these degrees? I know of City College of New York (CUNY) and Polytechnic Institute of New York. CCNY is good and is within price range but I would like to see what other options I have since, if I can, I would like to go straight to Aerospace instead of starting off with Mechanical. Also, Polytechnic is a notable school for Mechanical as well, but it's rather too expensive. $41k per year is just too much for me. I know it may not be so realistic, but I'm looking for a school that has a tuition of around $5-10k/yr. Any info will be a great help!

Aerospace/mechanical engineer salary question?

Did you notice "3 years experience"? in your reference to a reliable online source. Knowing 1 friend-friend who claims getting 80k fresh out of college does not make it a likely claim - did you see a paycheck? And internships, if you can find them each year, do not constitute a full year of experience.
And "I know most of our money goes to taxes" isn't true at any pay level except in countries with highly socialized government medicine and where that does not exist, you have to pay for medical insurance/services yourself.

Is a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering equal of the Abitur in Germany?

Quote from the Anabin Website:

Berufliche Bachelorgrade (z.B. Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Pharmacy, Bachelor of Architecture, Bachelor of Science in Engineering ...)

[Professional bachelor's degrees (e.g. Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Pharmacy, Bachelor of Architecture, Bachelor of Science in Engineering ...)]

Abschluss eines mindestens vierjährigen Studiums, sofern es an einer anerkannten Hochschule der vorgegebenen Studiennorm entsprechend tatsächlich und in der Regel im Vollzeitstudium absolviert wurde. Der Studiengang muss die fachliche Akkreditierung nachweisen.

[Bachelor's degree with a duration of at least four years. Condition: the degree has to have really been obtained at a recognized college/university according to the prescribed study norms and generally through full-time study. The degree programme has to have been accredited.]

Direkter Zugang (für alle Fächer) zu allen Hochschulen

[Direct admission (for all subjects) to all colleges/universities]

In other words, the answer to your question is yes, it's (more than) equivalent - generally, you can be admitted to all colleges/universities in Germany. However, for individual degree programmes there might be additional requirements (certain grades; for a master's degree a bachelor's degree in the same field, etc.).