Math Help Scale Drawing Up To Fit Poster

What order does width, length and height go in?

There is no inherent order for these values. Typically, volume is expressed as the product of length, width and height, in that order (V = lwh). However, this is, for the most part, arbitrary. Often width is replaced with the equivalent term depth and then placed after height; the expression is still the same.

A scale drawing shows a circular fountain with a diameter of 7 units. The actual fountain has a diameter of 70 feet.?

1 unit = 10 feet.

Do I have to draw diagrams with a pencil or a pen in upcoming CBSE boards 2016?

My teachers had advised me to avoid pencil altogether in the entire paper, since it is risky (via non-permanency). I drew almost all my diagrams in pens. I remember doing a few complicated ones in pencil first, and then redoing with pen. I also remember forgetting to redo at least one and leaving it in pencil.Hence, given that I didn't lose any huge chunk of marks, I conjecture that either pencil or pen (the same pen you are writing with, though) is okay for evaluation purposes. Pencils are best avoided, as I said, because they can get smudged easily. So I suggest you use the same (blue ball-point) pen that you used for the written portions, and ensure beforehand that its ink is waterproof. If you have enough practice, you should be able to do at least the NCERT diagrams at one go. Don't bother decorating and shading, just make an intelligible outline and label clearly.Another reason why I suggest the pen is because CBSE papers are best answered in an uninterrupted workflow. None of the students anywhere near the top from my school ever left space for diagrams (or anything else) to return to later, or ever put down their pen a lot, really. We just placed diagrams as we went, as a seamless and integral part of our answers. That is what you should do, and something you can do if you understand the subject.

How big/small a room is 15X13? I can't visualize it...?

Measure a den or the living room area, many of the "average" homes dens or living rooms are about that size. That will give you a "feel" of the scale. Alternately you can take a string and a measuring tape, lay out the dimensions on the ground and have an idea but not the feel The living room measuring idea will give you the best "feel" as anything to do with a home involves your emotions, and that really is what you are dealing with, the "feeling" of the area. Plus it will have furniture in it, giving you an idea of what the space looks and feels like furnished.

You can then draw out the area on a 11X17 paper or poster board and draw in your furniture to see how it may fit you needs. Remember to consider if there are to be windows and the length of the walls against the size of the furniture so you have sufficient room.