Math Help. Solve By Factoring

Solve x^2-12=-4x by factoring math help!!?

1. ) x^2-12= -4x
x^2 + 4x - 12 = 0
(x-2) (x + 6) = 0

2. ) x^2 - 7x -8 = 0
(x-8) (x + 1) = 0

3. ) Use your graphing calculator for the axis of symmetry. I forgot how to solve it algebraically.

Math help factoring and solving to 0?

18y² - 48y + 32 = 0
y² - 4/3y = - 16/9 + (- 4/3)²
y² - 4/3y = (- 16 + 16)/9
(y - 4/3)² = 0

Answer: y = 4/3; factors: 2(3y - 4)²
7r² = 70r - 175
r² - 5r = - 25 + (- 5)²
r² - 5r = - 25 + 25
(r - 5)² = 0

Answer: r = 5; factors: 7(r - 5)²
18y² + 24y + 8 = 0
y² + 2/3y = - 4/9 + (2/3)²
y² + 2/3y = (- 4 + 4)/9
(y + 2/3)² = 0

Answer: y = - 2/3; factors: 2(3y + 2)²
a² + 2/5a + 4/25 = 0
a² + 1/5a = - 4/25 + (1/5)²
a² + 1/5a = (- 4 + 1)/25
(a + 1/5a)² = - 3/25
a + 1/5 = ± 3i/5

Answer: a = (- 1 ± 3i)/5
(w + 3)² = 2
w + 3 = ± √2

Answer: w = - 3 ± √2
x² + 12x + 36 = 0
x² + 6x = - 36 + 6²
x² + 6x = - 36 + 36
(x + 6)² = 0

Answer: x = - 6; factors: (x + 6)²

Math Help - Solve the equation by factoring!?

8x - 55 = 7/x
8x^2 - 55x - 7 = 0
8x^2 - 56x + x - 7 = 0
8x(x - 7) + (x - 7) = 0
(x - 7)(8x + 1) = 0
x = -1/8
x = 7

How do you solve a quadratic by factoring?

Notation: you try to factor [math]f(x)=a x^2+b x+c[/math]. And recall that [math](x-A)[/math] divides [math]f(x)[/math] if and only if [math]f(A) = 0[/math].So first of all, compute [math]f(0)[/math], [math]f(1)[/math], [math]f(–1)[/math], [math]f(2)[/math],… and all what is easily computed mentally. If by any chance [math]f(a)=0[/math] for one of them, [math](x-a)[/math] divides [math]f(x)[/math].Do not go too far in blind trials, because you can limit the search to integer divisors of [math]c[/math]. In facts, [math](x-A)(x-B)=x^2-(A+B)x+AB[/math], so that if [math](x-A)[/math] divides [math]f(x)[/math], then [math]f(x) = a(x-A)(x-B)[/math] for some [math]B[/math], and [math]c=aAB[/math] and [math]A[/math] must divide [math]c[/math]. So compute [math]f(x)[/math] for the integer divisors of [math]c[/math], with ± signs. If there is an integer root, it will show up there.Then look for the rational solutions, which relies on a similar principle, called the rational root theorem. The same above reasoning shows that if [math]f(\frac p q)=0[/math], then [math]p[/math] is an integral divider of [math]c[/math] and [math]q[/math] is an integral divider of [math]a[/math]. So factoring out [math]a[/math] and [math]c[/math], will give a finite number of possible factor of the form of math](qx-p)= q(x-\frac p q )[/math] with integer coefficients [math]p[/math], [math]q[/math].This will exhaust most of the text book exercises. If you did not find a factor at this point, ask the question of whether the quadratic is not irreducible (i.e., whether a factor exists). For this compute the discriminant [math]\Delta = b^2–4ac[/math]. If [math]\Delta < 0[/math], then the quadratic is irreducible and no factor exists.When [math]\Delta \ge 0[/math], then the two roots are [math]x_±=\frac {-b±\sqrt(\Delta)}{2 a}[/math]. which are easily computed as you already did half of the job. Then [math]f(x)[/math] and [math](x-x_+)(x-x_-)[/math] have the same roots. This means they are multiple one of each other, and the multiplicity which by looking at the coefficient factor is nothing else than the highest order coefficient [math]a[/math]: [math]f(x) = (x-x_+)(x-x_-)[/math].


18) x^2- 12x = -35

19) 4x^2 + 11x - 3 = 0

20) 16x^2 - 9 = 0

21) 16x^2 - 9x = 0

22) (2x + 1)(x - 2) = -3

23) 6x= -7 + 3

Simplify each given rational expression.

2x^2 - 5x - 12
6x^2 + 23x + 21

2x^3 + 12x^2 + 16x
6x + 24

Thank u so much to whom ever out there that helps me! ill be so greatful if u can just help me with these last problems ive been struggling with for the past hr! Please and thank u again....

Math Help! Solving quadratic equations by factoring.?

Let the smaller odd integer be n.
So the next larger odd integer is n + 2.
Their product is
n (n + 2) = 323
n² + 2n - 323 = 0
(n - 17) (n + 19) = 0
n = 17 or -19
since the problem states that only positive integers are allowed, -19 is discarded.
n + 2 = 19
so the integers to be found are 17 and 19.

(This is an peculiar problem, since you need to know what is essentially the answer before you can do the factoring.)