Math Problem. Expand And Simplify

Expand and Simplify 2(3x+4) -3 (4x - 5 )?

2(3x+4) -3 (4x - 5 )

6x +8 - 12x +15

(6x-12x) +15+8

-6x +23

Expand and simplify, grade 10/11 math. help please?

=> (2m+1)(3m-1)+(5m-3)(m+1)
=> (6m^2-2m+3m-1) + (5m^2+5m-3m-3)
=> 6m^2+m-1+5m^2+2m-3
=> 11m^2+3m-4

How can I simplify [math]-(2b-3c)[/math]?

+3 c - 2 b

How can I expand this expression and simplify 4(2b-3c) +2 (b+6c)?

There is a real problem here, in that the one answer so far is to an arithmetically different question. At time of writing, the question is asking for a simplification of: (2b-3c) +2 (b+6c)= 2b - 3c +2b + 12c= 4b + 9cPreviously, it was asking for a simplification of 4 (2b-3c) +2 (b+6c)= 8b - 12c +2b + 12c= 10bThe OP needs to decide which question s/he really wants answering, though hopefully by now s/he would abe able to understand the process well enough to forge ahead on her/his own.In words, simply multiply each term inside a bracket by the number preceding the bracket, then group and sum terms with the same unknown (b or c in this example).

How do I go about simplifying [math]3(3^x)[/math]?

3(3^x)= 3^1 * 3^x= 3^(x+1)(Adding the powers to which the same number is raised by)

Expand, simplify and factorise.....?

Factorise x^ - 2x - 15:

If you have an equation with x squared, x and a normal number you must put all the numbers in brakets, next to eachother.
1. (x )(x ) <-- so that x will be multiplied by x to give x squared.

2. Find two numbers which add to give -2 (2x) and which multiply to give -15) In this case, 3 and -5 would be good.
(x + 3) (x - 5)

3. The reason that this gives x^ - 2x - 15 is that everything in the one braket is multiplied by everything in the other braket...
X x X = X squared
X x -5 = -5X
X x 3 = 3X
3 x -5 = 15

= x^ - 5x + 3x - 15
= x^ - 2x - 15


This is the opposite to factorising:
we have to multiply everything in the first bracket by everything in the second braket (like we did to check the answer to the factorisation).

2X x 3X = 6Xsquared
1 x 3X = 3X
2X x -2 = -4X
1 x -2 = -2

= 6x^ +3x - 4x - 2
= 6x^ -x - 2

I really hope you understood this, it actually helped me in my GCSE maths revision to write this down!!


How do I expand [math]-3x^2+4x[/math]?

The common request for a problem like this is to simplify this equation. If that is what you are trying to say, you can simplify this by first taking out common multiples, being x:−3x^2 +4xx(-3x+4)And this would be the answer. But if you are trying to expand the equation like you mentioned, that would be to make it larger and more obvious than it already it is:(-3)(x)(x) + 4(x)

How do I expand, factor and simplify in algebra?

I'm going to talk a bit about some abstract algebra that may be beyond what you have learned, but it may help you understand what tools are at your disposal and may clarify the process a bit.Factorization can be talked about in any system with a binary operator (a rule for assigning a pair of things a new thing of the same type), because it always makes sense in this sort of situation to ask if a=b*c. But fortunately, basic algebra mostly takes place over the real numbers, which among other things constitutes a commutative ring.A ring is a system where we can add, subtract, and multiply. Addition is a priori commutative, but multiplication is, too, in a commutative ring: a*b=b*a for any choice of a and b. In a commutative ring, all of the following equations hold:a+b=b+aa*b=b*aa+(b+c)=(a+b)+ca*(b*c)=(a*b)*ca*(b+c)=(a*b)+(a*c)1*a=a0+a=aHere, the variables are all free, 1 is the multiplicative identity, and 0 is the additive identity. Now, why am I going on about this whole ring thing? Well, as it turns out, polynomials with coefficients in some ring are also a ring! Furthermore, polynomials in a commutative ring form a commutative ring as well.Often the problem of factorizing and simplifying is in the context of polynomials, so we are trying to write a polynomial expression as a product of simpler ones. Factorization is not always algorithmically possible, but you can try to toy around with polynomial expressions using the rules​ above to give them new forms.If you need more specific advice, you'll need to specify what sorts of things you are trying to factor. Good luck!

What is the purpose of simplifying or expanding equations in math?

Okay. Say that you are working with something along the lines of [math]x^2(x^3-7)-(x+1)(x^4+x+13)=0[/math]It is close to impossible to solve this equation just by looking at it and not expanding.If we have a difficult equation on our hands, simplifying/expanding doesn't make it suddenly solvable, but it makes it much easier to solve.