Math Problem Me Solve It

Can you help me solve this math problem?

Okay here goes:
Two buses leave Houston at the same time and travel in opposite directions. One bus averages 55 mi/h and the other bus averages 45 mi/h. When will they be 400 mi apart?
I have to write an equation to solve it first.

Can you show me how I would solve this math problem step by step?

As the movement is with uniform acceleration, the movement is described by the next equations[math] H(t) = V_0\, t - \frac{1}{2} g \, t^2 [/math][math] V(t) = V_0 -g\, t [/math]where [math] g [/math] is the acceleration of gravity (about [math] 32.174 \,\text{ft}/\text{s}^2 [/math] ), [math] H(t) [/math] is the height in function of time, and [math] V_0 [/math] is the initial velocity. The maximium height is reached when speed is zero, that is [math] V(t_{\text{max}}) = 0 [/math], because if [math] V [/math] is positive it can go higher in the next fraction of second, and if is negative it was higher the fraction of second before. Then the time when it reach the maximium height is[math] 0 = V_0 -g\, t_{\text{max}} \implies t_{\text{max}} = \frac{V_0}{g} [/math]So the maximium height it can reach is[math] H_{\text{max}}= H(t_{\text{max}}) = \frac{V_0^2}{g} - \frac{V_0^2}{2g} = [/math][math] = \frac{V_0^2}{2g} [/math]And the maximium height increases as the initial velocity increases, then, what's the minimium speed so it can reach the top of the building?Clearly for this to happen we need[math] H_{\text{building}} \leq H_{\text{max}} [/math] And since we need [math] V_0 [/math] as little as possible, we need [math] H_{\text{max}} [/math] as little as possible, so the minimium value we can set is[math] H_{\text{building}} = H_{\text{max}} [/math]Therefore [math]H_{\text{building}} = H_{\text{max}} = \frac{V_0^2}{2g} \implies [/math][math]V_0^{\text{min}} = \sqrt{2\,g\,H_{\text{building}}} [/math]Putting numbers i get (if we make [math] g \approx 32 \,\text{ft}/\text{s}^2 [/math])[math]  V_0^{\text{min}} =\sqrt{2\times 32\times 50 }\; \text{ft}/\text{s} = \sqrt{3200}\; \text{ft}/\text{s} = [/math][math] = 40 \sqrt{2}  \; \text{ft}/\text{s}  [/math]

Can anyone help me solve this math problem?

(29/8)(5/4) = 145/32 = 4 17/32

Please help me solve this math problem?

Se trata de las funciones exponencial, crecimiento y decadencia.

El problema dice

Una cierta depreciación de automóviles alrededor del 15% cada año.

Escribir una función modelo a la depreciación del valor de un automóvil valorado en $ 20000.

Sección B.

Supongamos que el coche tuvo un valor de 20.000 en 2005.

¿Cuál es el primer año en que el valor de este vehículo tendrá un valor de menos de la mitad de ese valor?

Tanque por su ayuda. I aprecio muchísimo.

HeLP! please help me solve this math problem...?

ok. my math teacher says that whoever can solve this problem get like 100 xtrra credit points..and i need it like reall bad..i asked my dad ..i tried it myself and i couldnt even get a REASONABLE HELP! please... =/

QUESTION: approx. how many corks are in this barrel?

about the barrel..

width (at top and bottom):14 7/8"
bilge(width at widest point): 18 1/2"
capacity: 16 gallons
stave thickness: 3/4"
bottom thickness:1"

they vary from 1 1/2" to 2" in size
estimated average cork lenght: 1 11/16
diameter of corks: 13/16
(corks may swell after being pulled out:)

good luck on this like so hard.

please help on this one..and dont give me random numbers.
the answer may not be exact but its should be about the estimate!!! thnxs.... =)

whoever has the closest number gets to be BEST answer.. thnxs. again..!


Please help me solve this math problem.?

The intersection will be where both equations are true at the same time, so you can solve them simultaneously

3x - 4y = 55
x + 3y = 170

you can solve this system using elimination:

multiply the second equation by -3
-3x - 9y = -510
3x - 4y = 55 (add to first equation)
-13y = -455
y = 455 / 13 = 35

if y = 35, then x + 3(35) = 170 ==> x = 65

solution: (65 , 35) (or x = 65, y = 35)

check in first equation:
3(65) - 4(35) = 195 - 140 = 55 check


you could also solve by substitution:
rearrange the second equation to give x = 170 - 3y
sub into the first equation:
3(170 - 3y) - 4y = 55
510 - 9y - 4y = 55
510 - 13y = 55
455 = 13 y (hmm, looks familiar)
y = 455 / 13 = 35
if y = 35, then x = 170 - 3(35) = 170 - 105 = 65
solution: (65 , 35)

Can someone help me solve this math problem?

I'm assuming you meant 499th window (not 9999th window) because there are only 500 windows.

Think about any particular numbered window, say #10.

It will be opened on step 1.
It will be closed on step 2.
It will be opened on step 5.
It will be closed on step 10.
The factors of 10 are {1, 2, 5, 10}

The state of the window is always changed for a step that is a factor of the number.

Here's another example with window #17:
It will be opened on step 1.
It will be closed on step 17.
The factors of 17 are {1, 17}

Now in general, the factors of a number can be paired up taking the highest and lowest factors each time.
1 x 10 = 10
2 x 5 = 10

1 x 17 = 17

And if there are an even number of factors, the window will be changed an even number of times and end up closed.

So does that mean all windows will end up closed? The answer is "no" because there are a few special numbers that have an *odd* number of factors.

Think of a number that is a perfect square, like 36.
1 x 36 = 36
2 x 18 = 36
3 x 12 = 36
4 x 9 = 36
6 x 6 = 36 <-- Notice how 6 "pairs up" with itself.

A perfect square always has an *odd* number of factors.
36 --> {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 36}

So the windows that are perfect squares will be open.

1² = 1
2² = 4
3² = 9
20² = 400
21² = 441
22² = 484

That's 22 windows that will be open {1, 4, 9, ..., 400, 441 and 484}

In general, if you do this process for N windows, there will be ⌊√N⌋ windows open. In other words, take the square root of N and round down to the nearest integer.
√500 ≈ 22.36068
--> round down to 22 windows

22 windows will be open

P.S. If the question were 10,000 windows, that would be 100 that are open.

Help me solve this math problem.Please!!!!!?

you subtract 2/3 and 1/5
find a "lcd" (least common denominator) which is 15
this makes 2/3 equal 10/15
and 1/5 equal 2/10
subtract and get 8/15
which is choice "c"

Please help me solve these math problems..?

1)1972/672 = 2.9345238 = 2.93

2) 74 x .32 = 23.68 = 23.7

3) 20/80 reduce 2/8 factor by 2, 1/4 = 25%

4) Put 84 over 100 and factor 84/100 = 21/25

5) Make fractions of each: 576/1 x 1/4 = 576/4
576/4 = 144

Hope this helps!

Can you help me solve some mathematics problems?
