Maths Questions Answer

How do you answer maths questions?

If you're a math student, there's no substitute for learning and understanding the material. If you're required to take a math course, presumably it's because you'll need to know and use the material in future.If you're a Quoran contemplating answering a math question which is likely to be someone's homework, please don't. Suppose they later design a bridge you drive over or a plane you fly in?

How do I answer this maths question?

You are pretty close. The best way to solve such problems is to assume the sides of the triangle to be vectors. Because then we will not have to worry about finding the angles via geometry. We could use all the properties of vectors which will make the solving easier.So, what I have done is, defined a coordinate system, and found out the vectors whose data was given (with respect to my coordinate system) and then used vector algebra to solve the problem.I used the triangle law of vector addition for finding Y. And I used the dot product to find the angle N°.Please see the working in the images. Sorry for bad handwriting :)Answer: Y=58.35584 km and N°=272.4578°

What math question has no answer?

The infamous thought experiment Schrodinger's Cat was never intended to be answered.Schrodinger crafted the problem to point out what he saw as a flaw in the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics if it were hypothetically applied to larger scaled objects. The Copenhagen model states that objects on the quantum level do not settle into a definite state until observed. This means that before it is observed, the object can be treated as existing in a state of superposition, or all possible positions simultaneously.The problem of the cat locked in a box, whose life depended on whether an atom admitted radiation, was intended to be absurd. It is absurd to say that until the box is opened, the cat is both alive and dead. This is one of the most misunderstood problems in pop culture as relates to physics, if not the most misunderstood.Schrodinger was not using metaphor. He quite literally meant that it was impossible for a cat to be alive and dead simultaneously. He was not speaking to the quantum truth of superpositions, but he had engaged with Einstein in a series of letters about creating large scale structures which could hypothetically have these same properties. Einstein believed they could be created. Schrodinger did not.So, please, stop saying that the whole point is that the cat is alive AND dead. It is not the point. The point is that the cat’s fate is determined even if no one ever opens the box because on the non-quantum level, observing an object does not determine its state. The cat is not a quantum particle. It can not be both alive and dead.

Can anyone answer this maths question?

1 nm = 10^(-9) m

Multiplying both sides by 0.15 gives :
0.15 nm = 0.15 * 10^(-9) m

To put into standard form, multiply 0.15 by 10 and divide 10^(-9) by 10 :
= 1.5 * 10^(-10) m

Answer this Math Question. PLEASE!!!!!!!!?

Ok here goes:
Charlotte has 3 times as many pencils in her schoolbox as Rebecca. Together, they have a total of 24 pencils. How many pencils does Rebbeca have?

Please answer this question if you can. THANX!!!!!!!

Why are you answering only maths questions?

Because I have a degree in maths.

Need an answer for this basic maths question?

total value of the stock traded is 2,500*$12.50 = $31,250

earns 0.5% commission of the total value of the stock traded
So 0.5% x $31,250

To convert 0.5% to a decimal, multiply it by (1) to convert it.
0.5% (1/100%) the % top and bottom cancel, leaving a decimal
So 0.005

Then you have
0.005 x $31,250 = $156.25

Here's some other samples to see how units help you with conversions:

Maths Question?

if the boy can mow it in x minutes his work rate is 1/x
the sisters work rate is 1/(x-15)
the joint work rate is 1/x + 1/(x-15) = (2x-150)/ (x(x-15))
so together they mow it in x(x-15)/(2x-15) = 56 minutes
x^2 - 15x = 112x - 840
x^2 - 127x + 840 = 0
(x-120)(x-7) =0
so the boy takes 120 minutes

alone boy takes 120, girl takes 105
so in 56 minutes they cover
56/120 + 56/105 = 56 * 225 / ( 120*105) = 1 lawn