Matrices Maths Question

Maths Matrices Question?

It is a matrices question with matrices A and B where the third part asks you to calculate AB, AB^2 and AB^3 as multiples of A, and to make a conjecture about AB^n. I calculated AB=-A, AB^2 = A and AB^3 = -A. I cannot work out how to put this into AB^n = something. With what seems to be odd powers creating -A and even powers being +A.

Matrices Question: Math?

A system is said to be inconsistent if it has no solution.
Now, I assume you have studied the Gaussian Elimination method.When using Gaussian elimination on a system, if you have zeros in an entire row to the left of the bar and do not have a zero to the right of the bar on that row, you know that you have an inconsistent system.

Note: A system is inconsistent if ANY row of the matrix has zeros left of the bar and a non-zero number right of the bar.

Math question - matrices?

Let's take care of the first part first:

The first equality can be neatly rewritten using the "coefficient matrix" and matrix multiplication.

2x - 6y= -6
3x + 2y = 13

finding the coefficient matrix is simple: just take the "numbers" in the left-hand side of each equation to get your coefficient matrix A:
A =
[2, -6]
[3, 2]

The reason this is useful is that we can now write the equality using matrix multiplication, which means that we can solve it using matrix inversion. Our equality is now:

[2, -6] * [x] = [-6]
[3, 2] [y] = [13]

By naming each of these matrices (for convenience) we can just rewrite that as

A*X = B

By solving for the matrix X, we can now find x and y. In order to solve, we need to calculate the inverse of A, and multiply it with both sides, so that

X = inv(A)*B

so now what is the inverse of A? There are several methods of finding it, but the answer you get should be

[2/22, 6/22]
[-3/22, 2/22]

After multiplying inv(A) and B, you should get X =

That is, x=3 and y=2

Part 2: So this is essentially the matrix version of "multiplication addition." You start with an "augmented matrix" like this (taking all the coefficients):
[1, -1, 1, ... 1]
[1, 1, 1, .... 5]
1, 1, -1, .... -5]

If you enter the matrix above at this website

it'll show the steps taken to reduce the matrix to "reduced row-echelon form" (choose m=3, n=4).

you'll end up with this matrix:
[1, 0, 0, ... -2]
[0, 1, 0, ... 2]
[0, 0, 1, .... 5]

which means, translating it back into an equation by using the coefficients,
x=-2, y=2, z=5

Hope that's all you needed. Good luck!


Ok, so in order for the answer to have an infinite amount of solutions, there must be a free variable in the matrix. This means that the last row of the matrix, after row reductions, must be filled with zeroes. The overall system has to be consistent, thus there must also be a zero in the third row of the augmented column. Assuming I did the row reduction correctly, k=5.

2 -1 -9 7
1 2 3 1 -R3+R1
2 1 -3 k

2 -1 -9 7
1 2 3 1 -1/2R3
0 -2 -6 -k+7

2 -1 -9 7
1 2 3 1 -2R2+R1
0 1 3 (-k+7)/2

2 -1 -9 7
0 -5 -15 5 -1/5R2
0 1 3 (-k+7)/2

2 -1 -9 7
0 1 3 -1 -R3+R2
0 1 3 (-k+7)/2

2 -1 -9 7
0 1 3 -1
0 0 0 (-(-k+7)/2)+1

In other words, (-(-k+7)/2)+1=0

Maths help! Matrices! Tough question!?

Set up a matrice.
I can't do the bars so I'll just roughly explain it
So for example, the first row would be
1 2 1 0.
That's the same as x+2y+z=0. You'll have to put the answers in a separate matrix, though.
Do the same for the other equations
2 3 1 2
2 2 1 3

Hopefully that helped a little.

Math Help!!? Matrices question? SOS?

Okay, let's represent this in matrix form by AX=b, where A=[1, m; m-1, 2], X=[x;y], and b=[2;m]. (This notation is adapated MATLAB notation; I hope it's clear. It should be obvious from the original problem, anyway.)

Then the only time the system can have no solutions OR infinite solutions is when A is singular (has zero determinant). Thus, the system has a unique solution UNLESS

1·2 - m(m-1) = 0, or in other words,
m² -m -2 = 0. This gives
(m-2)(m+1) = 0, so
m = 2 or m = -1.

Now, we just check both values of m.
When m=2, you have the system
x + 2y = 2
x + 2y = 2.
Obviously this has infinitely many solutions.

On the other hand, when m = -1, you have
x - y = 2
-2x +2y = -1.
Multiplying the first equation by -2, you get the system
-2x + 2y = -4
-2x + 2y = -1.
Clearly this system has no solutions.

Again, whenever m is not -1 or 2, you have exactly one solution.

I'll leave the geometric interpretation up to you. :-)

Maths - Matrices?

Matrices-calc project please please help?
any form of help is appreciated!
note: i dont know how to make matrices on computer so each of these is a 2 by 2 matrix...just in one set of brackets. numbers before comma are top row, after comma are bottom row

1. Consider matrix M= [2 0 , 0 2] calculate M^n for n= 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 50. Describe in workds any pattern observed. use pattern to find general expression for matrix M^n in terms of n

2. Consider matrices P=[3 1, 1 3] and S= [4 2, 2 4]
P^2=[3 1, 1 3]^2 =[10 6, 6 10] = 2[5 3, 3 5] ; S^2= same type of thing as P
Calculate P^n and S^n for other values of n and describe any observed patterns

3. Consider [k+1 k-1, k-1 k+1]
steps 1 and 2 contain examples of these matrices for k=1, 2, and 3. consider other values of k and describe any patterns you observe. generalize these results in terms of k and n

4. use technology to investigate what happens when further values of k & n. state scope of limitations of k and n

Math matrix question ?

a) for which "a"-values can the matrix have an inverse?

For A to have an inverse, its determinant must be > 0.

A =
[ a... 3]

Determinant of A = |A| = a(a+2) - (1)(3) = a^2 + 2a - 3 > 0
or a^2 + 2a > 3

i.e. a ≠ 1 or a ≠ 3 <-- which are the roots of the characteristic equation.

if we pick a = 2; |A| = 4 + 4 - 3 = 5

b) determine the inverse of matrix A for the a-values for which it exists?

A =
[2 ... 3]
[1 ... 4]

|A| = 8 - 3 = 5

A^-1 =
[4 ...-1]T
[-3... 2]

A^-1 =
[4 ...-3]
[-1... 2]

A^-1 =
[0.8 ...-0.6]
[-0.2... 0.4]

c) If a = 2 , solve for
(0, -7,1)
( -2,7,2)

I'm not sure where this is going - if X is a vector, then multiplying A by X should give a vector (2 x 1 matrix ) of R2. Why is the RHS a 2 x 3 matrix?

A permutation matrix is an orthogonal matrix. So the transpose is the inverse.

Applications of Matrix MathematicsMatrix mathematics applies to several branches of science, as well as different mathematical disciplines. Let’s start with computer graphics, then touch on science, and return to mathematics.We see the results of matrix mathematics in every computer-generated image that has a reflection, or distortion effects such as light passing through rippling water.Before computer graphics, the science of optics used matrix mathematics to account for reflection and for refraction.Matrix arithmetic helps us calculate the electrical properties of a circuit, with voltage, amperage, resistance, etc.In mathematics, one application of matrix notation supports graph theory. In an adjacency matrix, the integer values of each element indicates how many connections a particular node has.The field of probability and statistics may use matrix representations. A probability vector lists the probabilities of different outcomes of one trial. A stochastic matrix is a square matrix whose rows are probability vectors. Computers run Markov simulations based on stochastic matrices in order to model events ranging from gambling through weather forecasting to quantum mechanics.Matrix mathematics simplifies linear algebra, at least in providing a more compact way to deal with groups of equations in linear algebra.Graphic Uses of Matrix MathematicsGraphic software uses matrix mathematics to process linear transformations to render images. A square matrix, one with exactly as many rows as columns, can represent a linear transformation of a geometric object. For example, in the Cartesian X-Y plane, the matrixreflects an object in the vertical Y axis. In a video game, this would render the upside-down mirror image of a castle reflected in a lake.If the video game has curved reflecting surfaces, such as a shiny silver goblet, the linear transformation matrix would be more complicated, to stretch or shrink the reflection.Daily Matrix ApplicationsMatrix mathematics has many applications. Mathematicians, scientists and engineers represent groups of equations as matrices; then they have a systematic way of doing the math. Computers have embedded matrix arithmetic in graphic processing algorithms, especially to render reflection and refraction. Some properties of matrix mathematics are important in math theory.However, few of us are likely to consciously apply matrix mathematics in our day to day lives.