Maybe Someone Knows How To Write

Can someone helpme write 'TaeNy, YulSic, and YoonHyun' in korean?

Can someone please tell me how to write 'YulSic' and 'TaeNy' and 'YoonHyun' in hangul?

I'm a diehard Soshi fan and I just wanted to know how to write it! :D

maybe also can you teach me how to write 'TaeNy is love' and YulSic is real' and 'YoonHyun' is adorable!

lol I would so appreciate it!

In hopes that she or someone who knows her might see it, where would you write/blog about someone you once met and haven't forgotten?

I presume you are far from Lima Linda UMH… otherwise, you might have already tried to visit her and see her in person. But none the less.. you know Internet is a powerful resource. Dont stalk her… there is a thin line between finding someone and stalking someone. While Finding someone would be pleasant for both, stalking is scary and reflect bad on you.Find her on the Linda Lima website, if she is listed there… or if there is a column where you can put some note for her to see. I hope you remember her name…!!! Then, search the Social media, start with Facebook and LinkedIn. If you are able to find her contact, talk to her right away… do not start following her trying to figure out if she is married or in a relationship..!!! Talk to her, refer to your first meeting and ask her out for a coffee where you can talk more. You will know if she is available or not.I hope its not an old story… so, visit the hospital again… ask about her and if you get to meet her, tell her that you have come there to meet her instead of beating around the bush.If all the above fails, then know that she is in Medical profession… try n see how you can find her out in this circle. She is a young medic, you know the region and you know her name… it should be easy to find her out. Look out for Medical blogs/posts/forums and if you find her there.

Why doesn't Chuck Berry and maybe Brian Wilson share a writing credit on the Beatles "Back in the USSR"?

Well, maybe because neither one of them has ever sued to get a credit. If either one of them had done so, would such a suit have been successful? Maybe, but doubtful. Lennon & McCartney, like all songwriters, have tons of influences. They cannot be expected to give writing credit to everyone who influenced them in the creation of a particular song. Sure, “Back in the USSR” is in part a deliberate homage to Berry’s “Back in the U.S.A.” Does that mean he should get a writing credit? Not even close. And I’m pretty sure it was actually Mike Love, not Wilson, who was actually with Paul McCartney in India when he started writing “Back in the USSR.” As far as I know he willingly and enthusiastically helped Paul get the Beach Boys feel of songs about girls from different places. I’ve never heard that he expected a writing credit in return. I know of no instances in which a Lennon-McCartney song became obligated to share a writing credit with someone else because of the similarity of their output. All songwriters build on songs that came before. The bar for actual plagiarism is much higher. George Harrison did have to share writing credit eventually with Ronnie Mack for “My Sweet Lord,” which was pretty much a note-for-note and chord-for-chord copy of “He’s So Fine.” But that’s the level of similarity it takes, plus a successful suit, for someone to be forced to share writing credit for a song.

How do you get your boss to write a recommendation letter?

In our experience, asking your boss is usually scarier in theory than it needs to be. Most employers recognize MBA material when they see it, and they will be supportive of your aspirations. Yes, you might be taken off the short-list for promotions that require a longer-term commitment to the organization, but that’s as it should be: you wouldn’t want to be promoted and then leave your employer in the lurch.I also think you can be quite straightforward about your request: if you ask for a formal meeting, your boss will know you have something on your mind, so whether it’s over lunch or in the office, come to the point quickly. Your boss will appreciate your candor and respect — “I would be honored if you would be one of my recommenders” is a pretty good way of wording your request.

I have a great idea for a book but do not know how to write it. How can I find an author to write it for me?

With respect, ideas are the smallest seed of writing. No good author will agree to write a book based on your idea and then turn around and pay you for the privilege. This question represents a fundamental misunderstanding about how writing works. The business of writing involves the writer(s) delivering a finished product: articles, short stories, books, etc. Just as in any business, having a good idea about how to make something is worth very little: the key is having a tested and proven method, and a finished product to sell. If a plumber came to your house to fix your pipes, but instead asked if you would pay for some ideas on how the pipes could be fixed, without the plumber doing any actual work, would you pay? If a mechanic told you they had an idea for fixing your car, and wanted to be paid solely on this idea, without them doing any actual work, would you pay? The same holds true for writing. Ideas are not worth anything: it is the finished product that is worth something. Anyone can daydream about how something might work-the real test is in making it work. If you want to be paid, you need to do the actual work.

Which one is correct: “anyone know” or “anyone knows”?

‘Anyone knows the answer?’If it is accompanied with a question mark, it is a valid line, in spoken English. It means, Does anyone know?As in, ‘any answers’; ‘any questions?’ ; any takers?’; anyone in here?But, we do not use that phrase in formal writing.That said, if anyone know/knows is part of a sentence or statement or question, it will go like this;If anyone knows the answer ……..Does anyone know the answer ?I don't think anyone knows.