Me Find A Picture Of How Hijab Girls In Lebanon Should Dress

How did the lebanese culture change?

i'd have to say that Lebanese culture didnt change! its been this way for years...just the times have changed.
because my father has photos from like the 60's of him at clubs/ at the beaches(women wearing reveling suits)/ family parties....anyways in these old photos, women are dressed pretty modern for their days.

Do Muslims females wear the hijab because they think it stops pervert men from catcalling them?

In the West, Muslim women wear the hijab as an “in-your-face” political statement, under the guise that it is a religious requirement for modesty. It only succeeds at separating such women from the rest of society and sets them up for prejudice and often ridicule.In Muslim majority countries, under the recent wave of Islamist influence, women are shamed by their society into wearing the hijab. Look up pictures of women in Persia, Egypt, Lebanon, Algeria etc in the 1950, 60 and 70s - and compare with today.EGYPT: - Upper image is taken in 1965 at a concert (not a hijab in sight). Lower picture is taken in 2017.The hijab wearing trend was the result of a well-planned and executed campaign by the Islamist fundamentalists in the past few decades. In Muslim countries they initially pushed the hijab within schools and universities under the guise of “cooperation not competition”- to give girls the freedom to choose, while heavily promoting religious education. When enough students wore the hijab, they began to pressure others to do the same, until today everyone wears the hijab, in order not to be ostracized.In the West, a well publicized campaign of “Hijab means empowerment” was launched. It was heavily financed by the Gulf states. Toy maker, Mattel was influenced to produce a “Hijabi Barbie”, and Apple a Hijabi Avatar Bitmoji. This is intended to influence young girls about wearing the hijab - get them when they are young! Much easier to influence.Barbie (Mattel) with hijab.Bitmoji Avatar with hijab (Apple)While there are many successful Muslim female athletes in the USA, President Obama chose to honor only hijab-wearing Ms. Mohammad (fencer), thus giving more credence to the head dress.The majority of Americans have absolutely no idea about this subterfuge, while they agitate for freedom, empowerment of women and equality of the sexes.Wearing the hijab does NOT stop perverts from catcalling women. These rude morons that are found in all societies.

Do non-Muslims feel a hijab makes a woman beautiful?

The purpose of hijab is not making a girl or a woman more beautiful or attractive; its purpose is to cover her beauty in front of the ones who do not deserve to see her beauty. It is due to the fact that every girl and woman's prettiness is devoted to her family members. She is a sacred being. Everyone who seeks to make a relationship with her should know that she is a human being like all other people and should be treated according to respect for the intellectual aspect of her entity but not based on her beauty.In the west, the model of wearing and dressing styles were more acceptable before. Look at the pictures of women about 100 years ago in the US or UK. You'll find that women would cover the whole body including their arms. You could distinguish between their covering and of today Muslims just in adding a veil on the head. This shows that even westerners knew that they should respect the beauty of women. But after some cultural revolutions, men decided women to be more delightful to them. So they propound the notion of nakedness among women. This happened in order to satisfy the passion and lust of men and not to respect women. The wealthy capitalists are doing their best to show the beauty of women and exploit them as cultural-industrial goods for their evil pleasure. Haven't you thought that why in a sexual relationship between a man and a female prostitute it is the man who should pay money? Is he buying anything? Is he respecting her?Therefore, I admit that wearing hijab perhaps makes a woman more attractive in some way, but its main purpose is not doing so. It is due to the fact that if we wanted to have more beautiful women by the means of hijab, we would tell them to uncover to show their beauty to men. So there would be contradictory.Imam Ali (peace be upon him) said,‘Covering the woman is more prosperous to her state and more enduring for her beauty.’[Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 5820]Read more about hijab:The Islamic HijabBeauty of Concealment and Concealment of BeautyThe Leader's View of Hijab

Is it necessary for Muslim women to wear the hijab? If so, why? What if they don't wear it?

Hijab is a universal idea of standardizing the criteria for Modesty of Women and men alike. It’s a wide concept to standardize a women appearances applicable to all phase of life mother,sister, fiancee, wife,daughter etc.A hijab is a veil worn by some Muslim women in the presence of any male outside of their immediate family, which usually covers the head and chest. The word ḥijāb in the Quran refers not to women's clothing, but rather a spatial partition or curtain.When used in the context of women,hijab in Quran means modest dressing to protect women’s dignity and assurance of protection.The term can refer to any head, face(optional), or body covering worn by women that conforms to a certain standard of modesty.Terminology wise, Hijab can also be used to refer to the respectful seclusion of women from men in the public sphere, or it may denote a metaphysical dimension, for example referring to "the veil which separates man or the world from God".Most often, it is worn by Muslim women as a symbol of modesty and privacy. According to the Encyclopedia of Islam and Muslim World, modesty in the Quran concerns both men's and women's "gaze, gait, garments, and genitalia."The Qur'an instructs Muslim women to dress modestly.However, questions like, The type of veil? Amount of covering?, Face to be covered or left open ? etc. depends on wide variety of cultural, social and personal aspects and there should not be any concrete rule governing them.Below picture depicts the cultural variations in hijab worn by muslim women in various parts of the world.Hope the above explanation clarifies your query upto satisfactory extent.

How do you know a muslim girl likes you?

@yes, I'm willing to accept her for who she is or what she believes in because that's why i like her...I don't wanna change her or anything I think she is suppresing her feelings because of what you say of religion or family, I know my family is christian and yet they support me at everything I do, even if I tend to like someone from another religion, they don't believe a woman of Islam is what's best for me but they will accept it because they want my happiness. She just confuses me because she is hot and cold at the same time, its like she rejects her feelings. I just don't know whether its better to let her go or go after her because I'm sure she will have it tougher than I do if she really does like me....I've been thinking of what's it like to be her and its way more difficult since she has to deal with her religion, family, and love while I just have to deal with the love aspect of the issue....I don't know if I'm being selfish and shou

What should I do if my boyfriend is trying to force me to wear a hijab? I am willing to convert, but I don’t want to be forced to wear a hijab. I am a Westerner who would not personally wear a hijab, but I respect the decision to.

LEAVE HIM NOW!This is the biggest red flag you could possibly get, on many counts that could ruin your life. He believes that men have the right to tell women how to dress. He believes that if you convert you must satisfy *his* concept of what the religion is. He wants you to commit to a conservative view of his faith, not just “yeah, I’m Muslim in name because I love him.”You’re not dealing with one small argument here. You’re dealing with the role he expects you to play in his life, in which he, NOT you, determines what is “right” or “wrong” in your behavior. Today it’s the hijab. Tomorrow it’s talking to male friends. Maybe a few years down the line it’ll be attending movies he disapproves of (for no reason other than the women in it being immodest), having a job where you work with men, having gay friends, or leaving the house for “trivial” purposes. He’s telling you how to dress now, when you’ve made no lasting commitment to him. Imagine how much more he might demand when it’s no longer possible for you to just walk away? At what point will you say ��this is enough, he has no right to tell me what to do”? HOW will you say that to him, when you have already let him dictate your dress code?Never mind the Muslim aspect here. HE BELIEVES HE HAS THE RIGHT TO TELL YOU HOW YOU MUST DRESS. That is a classic warning sign of a future abuser. Every case I know where a woman wound up being physically abused, the man started out by dictating to her how she must dress. Control over a woman’s appearance is the first sign of an abusive relationship in the making.The world is full of non-Muslim women who marry Muslim men and find themselves trapped in a nightmare situation as the men become more and more conservative, demanding, and ultimately abusive. Give thanks to God you’ve been given such a clear warning sign, and go find someone who respects you as a human being enough to let you dress like like you want to. Maybe that will involve a hijab. Maybe not. It’s your body, your clothing, your religion. Find a man who respects that. Find a man who respects YOU, enough to let you make your own choices.

I wanna know about islamic marriage ceremonie?

there doesnt have to be seperation of the sexes, and she doesnt have to wear hijab, because "nothing silly will happen"? u cant have a celebration without music?? astaghfirAllah.

a wedding is supposed to be a happy occasion, BUT it is still under all of the other rules that apply!! thats like saying its ok to drink on Eid because its a happy time and rules dont apply.


alhamdulillah, i had a very, very small wedding in my husband's parents house. there was no music there was no dancing, and i had no problem with that at all. . as far as people who wish to have something bigger, a dinner , its all ok.. but stilll .. rules apply. as sis hanabee said, music is ok (drums are halal, esp at a wedding as per Hadith) as long as there is no dancing or female singing. but saying everyone should get up together and be mixed, or that the bride should be uncovered for that day is just flat out wrong