Me Need Smartphone Help

Do I need wifi at home for a smartphone?

If I have a smartphone with internet access, do I have to have wifi at home to use it?

Sorry, I have never had a wifi network at home and I've never had a phone with internet access, either, so this is all new to me. I'm technologically impaired, but I'm potentially getting a smartphone soon. I don't have wifi at home, but I should be setting that up later in the year (possibly - then again, maybe not).


Is it weird that i don't have a smartphone?

I still don't have a smartphone. My phone is an old Nokia which i bought maybe 10 years ago, it's a very primitive phone, and i feel like literally everyone around me have a new smartphone, even the kids now have smartphones. Is it weird to people that i dont have a smartphone?

How does it feel to not have a smartphone when everyone around you has one? I feel it's a distraction and I spend way too much time online. But, if I get rid of my smartphone that would mean that I have less in common with my peers as well.

Never had a smartphone in my life (I'm 40), but I've plenty of computers and tablets around, both in the house and at work: I feel very much online *all the time*.I don't have the urge to check email or FB or anything when I'm out with somebody - that is, when I'm not on a connected device myself (and I admit I'm quite pissed when I talk to somebody and he/she pulls out a phone and starts playing with it).If I'm in need, there's the iPad to help me find a street or something.Somehow, I've plenty of smart devices and it's ok to have a phone that can "just" be a phone.100% of my friends and business colleagues own smartphones (not on the cheap side, so to speak); possibly they see me as snobbish, yet I couldn't care less (which means they're right :-) Digital devices are a status symbols like any other (expensive) gadget: owning an iPhone dispatches the message you can afford such a gizmo. Yet ranking among your peers is defined not only with what you can afford to have, but also with what you're able to do.Say you're a bowling player: either you have a very expensive ball, or you strike all the time with regular balls. I would personally focus on your skill set (in general terms) rather that on your collection of message-dispatching objects.Google "Company hilariously thinks Bill Murray is a homeless man loitering near workplace", it's the same idea :-)

Why do all of my friends have smartphones..?

All of the kids in my class expect for me and maybe 2 other people have some kind of smartphone. most have iphones and others still have some kind of droid. they always complain when a new version of their smartphone comes out when they cant get the new version. it bothers me because i don't even have one. i get good grades. and i think it would be useful. theres I cal on the iphone and it could help me remember to study for a test, theres also trackers. my parents could track me and call or text me with great connection. All of my friends talk about facetime and all this cool stuff i can't even do. all my friends use them to study and take notes in class too! i would love to do that, but i can't even get a phone until the end of 10th grade!!

My friends make fun of me because I don't have a smartphone?

if you're fine with your current phone, you shouldn't get a new one just because they have newer ones. as long as you're content then thats all that matters

Is a smartphone necessary for an 11th grader?

No buddy!Not at all. Smart phone ease our life, but the fact is it makes us dependend on everything towards it. Since you were only 11th std, it definitely distracts you from your studies also usage of smart phones continously results in loss of concentration and memory power. Since being a budding student, concentrate in studies and dont become a victim to a damn smart phone.However you need a smart device/phone for information purpose too,but the fact is 70% time is wasted in non useful things when we take our smartphone to search for useful Information. so the kind advice is dont buy a smart phone for this two hard years and concentrate in your studies ! Best wishes for your studies and career

How do I convince my father to buy me a smartphone when all my friends and cousins have one?

Hi there.I am not a guy who can answer this question as i don’t posses any convincing skills as such. But i can give it a shot. You can tell your father some the things listed below to convince him. Although i don’t guarantee that you will be successful.a) Tell your father that a smartphone would be great help to you for studies as you can browse the internet and install some good learning apps like Flinnt, Byju’s etc which will help you for studies.b) You can tell him that you won’t use it for wrong purposes.Don’t force your father to buy the device just because your cousins or your friends have it. You should tell him that you are a responsible guy now and owning a smartphone is not a luxury anymore but it is a necessary commodity.Good luck your journey ahead.i Hope this helps you.