Mean To Say To Your Son

What did the Lord Jesus mean by a "son of peace" in this passage?

The Lord Jesus is sending out His disciples and He says to them...

Luke 10:3-6 Go your way; behold, I send you out as lambs among wolves. 4 Carry neither money bag, knapsack, nor sandals; and greet no one along the road. 5 But whatever house you enter, first say, 'Peace to this house.' 6 And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest on it; if not, it will return to you.

So what is a "son of peace" and what does it mean about " if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest on it; if not, it will return to you."?

What does it mean when a girl says 'I want to have a son like you'?

If she is too shy to say directly that she likes you,it might be a indirect hint that she LIKES you!A girl possibly says that she wants a son like a man when she likes the traits of the man himself and wants her son to inherit those traits too!And possibly from where her son will get the genes which will make them inherit same traits like YOU??Think that! ;)

What does a girl mean when she says "I want a son like you"?

Son-zoned level..  Mother of God.Just had a conversation with my loving friend(she is a girl), here are her views on this:It means you are kind, compassionate, loving and caring. And a bit childish with cuteness overloaded which she would love to pamper and take care of. So the comeback should be , lets make babies, because if they have my genes you can do all that.indirectly "bandi line de rai hai".

What is something fathers should never say to their son?

Dad: ItalicsSon: boldAt the toy shop“Daddy, can I have this toy?”“No, son, that’s a girl’s toy”“But I like this one!”“But that’s a girl’s toy, son. Why don’t you get this truck?”“But-”“SON! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU? YOU CAN’T HAVE A DOLL! YOU’LL HAVE THIS TRUCK OR NOTHING!”“But-”“No! Now let’s go, look at the scene you’ve caused!”Obviously, the scene is a bit overdramatic, but I think you get my point.If your son is wearing your wife’s high heels, it doesn’t mean he’s gay. It means he’s exploring something new.If he wants a doll instead of a truck, it doesn’t mean he won’t be manly. It means he finds something else interesting.If he wants to see Moana instead of Jurassic Park, it doesn’t mean he’s girly. It means he’s a perfectly normal kid.I think you get my point.

What does it mean when a girl calls you son?

So I was telling her I gonna have a trip and she told me "I hope you have a safe flight son!" with a lot of emojis, including a heart one. She uses emojis a lot with everything so I don't think they mean anything. But what does calling me son mean?? Kinda sounds like something you'd say to someone if you've friendzoned them or something

How much do your child mean to you?

everything, I am getting married soon and we have done a ton of prep stuff that adresses priorities, they say that your spouse should be above children and I have a problem with this. I love him like the air I breath but my son only has me, his father is worthless (not my fiance)I totaly understand how you feel, things that I would never consider doing even to help myself I would do for my son. children are such a gift I can see everyday the product of my time and love for him. everytime he does something I feel so happy, proud and filled with love. I always thought that no matter what I would make sure his father was a part of his life, I have changed my mind. If he wanted to then I would allow it but as he makes no effort to see or support him (fine with me) and I certainly won't push the man on my son. My boy means so much to me that I will do all I can to protect him and give him every opportunity. I guess a good thing to say would be , he means so much to me I work full time and everything I do and don't do is for him (I even drive safely now!). Congratulations on being a parent and kudos on appriciating the gift that it is.

New step-mom is mean to my ex won't stand up to her?

I was in this situation, after I called to talk to my dad and my stepmother hung up on me, then made the mistake of hanging up on her when she tried to remedy the problem, ( my mother doesn't take kindly to being hung up on) I was told to put on my shoes, we did about 90mph to get there, my mom storms right in, through the living room into the kitchen and bent my wicked stepmother backwards over the stove, with a very scary look in her eyes, and some very threatening words..... ahh, one of my fondest memories :D Anyway, you get arressted for that sort of thing these days. My stepmother was not only jealous of my mother, but of how close my father and I were, she actually requested that at least one weekend a month was me free.

All these years later, I realize she's just crazy, and there's no fixing that, normal healthy people don't get jealous like that. I found for myself, and my mom, since you can't change or fix other people, you can only make the best of it, which we did with psychological warfare, "kill em' with kindness" as they say. It won't nessasarily change anything, but it will ( if you can really master it ) make you feel better, and really, by being so nice aren't you being the better person?

Clearly she's doing things to drive you crazy, and she's winning because it's working, you're child may be too young yet to understand that wonderful weapon to beat mean people by being sugar sweet, but it's never too late to learn, I've raised my own son to counter bully behaivor with kindness, it's amazing how well it works. Mean people are used to acting that way, and used to getting a rise out of others, I can tell you, being nice, super nice, and patient, will throw her off her game, she's expecting you to get upset, be un-upsettable, not only will she not expect it, she won't know how to hanle it. Stick with it... and be prepared for her to try to change tatics, pulling everything that's ever worked out of her bag of tricks, and then coming up with some more.

The most important thing is don't let your son see that she's getting to you, express to your son that you feel pity for any human being that is so miserable with themselves that they have to project it outward, it's really a great emotional coping skill learning opportunity for you to teach your child how to deal with things he's going to wind up facing as an adult anyway.

My 11-year-old son has been saying “r/woooosh” to me. When I ask what he means he says it’s “over my head.” What does r/woooosh mean?

The form r/ is a refrence to the website reddit. Reddit is a website that functions like an old school bulitin board where users make posts and then up and down vote them to filter the highest up voted posts to the top where they are more visible. The site is seperated into thousands of ‘sub-reddits’ with different topics. The urls of these ‘sub-reddits’ take the form reddit . com/r/Thus r/wooosh is referencing the sub-reddit by that name. The topic of r/wooosh is posts where someone has entierly missed the point of something. Ie. If some one tells a joke and you don't get it the joke has ‘gone over your head’ thus the sound ‘woosh’.Your son is telling you that you have missed the point or the joke.

Where did the saying "A Daughter is a Daughter all her life, a Son is a Son til he takes a wife".?

I don't know who said it, but I can tell you what it means.

It means that a daughter will always have a relationship with their parents. Daughters always call, always go to family celebrations, etc... Most of the time (not always) traditions, time spent, etc will always favor the woman's family in the relationship.

The guy on the other hand gets married and all of a sudden has another woman to make happy. As they say a happy wife is a happy life. Sometimes this means doing things and making choices that aren't in line with the wishes of the mom of the husband. In other words, there's a new b**** in town:)

What did Tywin mean when he said "You're no son of mine" to Tyrion?

Tywin is petty and proud. Tyrion has inherited all of Tywin's skills, puts them to use, and arguably does better than Tywin ever did. All despite being a dwarf and Tywin's backhanded attempts to bring him down.Tywin doesn't formally recognize Tyrion as his son. He wants to see himself in Jaime, the gifted knight. But Jaime is a mashup of his relatives besides Tywin, whose "real" son is Tyrion. His aunt Genna points out.So Tywin's last words are his attempt to denounce his son once and for all. Take a look at Tyrion's response.“You . . . you are no . . . no son of mine.”“Now that’s where you’re wrong, Father. Why, I believe I’m you writ small.”Tyrion finally understands that he is Tywin's son, and why he will never have won his approval.