Meaning Of Seeing A Water Fountain In Dreams

Does anyone know what this dream means about drinking fish?

It is pretty much impossible to accurately interpret a dream from someone you have never spoken to and have no information about. It could signify some underlying feeling about betrayal, with the fish representing someone that trusts you and your eating them being your act of betrayal, followed by your guilt and desire to undo it but being unable to. It could also just be the result of you seeing some fish (do you own that type of fish?) the same day. With more info, maybe a better interpretation would be possible, but it is still unwise to rely on dreams to tell you about what is going on in your head. Some dreams can be psychologically important, others just bits of info left from the day. I hate to use psychobabble, but only you would really know if something is bothering you. Look into your own thoughts and feelings and go from there.

The way that you describe the fish seems to indicate that it evokes positive feelings for you. Bodies of water often represent the unconscious. They are “realms” that we can’t penetrate with our sight (at least only partially), but there are “creatures” down there—just as we have complexes and unseen aspect of self in our unconscious where we cannot see.In this dream, a beautiful creature emerges from the water into the air, the air being where you dwell in the waking world—or where consciousness resides. Animals usually indicate instinctive sides of ourselves. And so you have this beautiful, brilliant, instinctive aspect of you emerging into consciousness and the light of day. A connection is being formed. Seeing things is a form of connecting, of becoming aware.I think this is a positive dream that indicates you are connecting with a deeper, healthy, instinctive side of yourself, a part that is at home in the unconscious.It is also important to pay attention to the synchronicity the next day in connection to the dream. Carl Jung postulates that outer events can be “caused” by “meaning”, or synchronicities. Our psychological makeups and specific inner processes of meaning we are going through at any given time can somehow attract experiences in the outer, waking world that reflect, and even partake in, those inner processes. When this happens, outer events—people, actions, places—function much like dream symbols in the dreaming world as they are connected to us via their meanings.Physicists have also postulated similar theories based on experiments and mathematics that connect subjectivity (inner experience) with outer events…If you treat the fish like dream symbols, there is the death of the water creature (or instinctive part of yourself). Have you felt like a part of you has died? Or is there a threat to an instinctive, vital part of you? There is definitely a stark contrast between the vibrant fish in your dream and the dead ones. When I encounter striking contrasts in my dreams, that’s usually where meaning emerges.It is also common for dreams to use puns to communicate. For example “a fish out of water” refers to someone not fitting in. Given the context of this dream, I don’t think that’s what the message is here, but the use of puns a good thing to keep in mind when exploring dreams.

It means not much. Dont give much importance to them.Dream originate in subconscious mind. There minute thoughts are always moving in chains. In day time you are Aware but in night in sleep they precipoitate making deep sleep impossible resulting in tiredness. Ultimate result is increasing Fear.Human are too much afraid of snakes. snake is sign of knowledge.Similarly you must have seen rivers in flood or somebody drowning. such thoughts have gone deep in sub consc mind.Water is life giver. Very necessary for life. A pot filled with water is sign of life. KUMBHHow to get rid of them——-Go deep in meditation, very deep. slowly they start leaving youb but depth is a must.2 by increasing Awareness while talking, walking . eating in all fields. . when dreams disturb you Be wide Awake remember its only a dreamSome dreams come true but for them ESP is required. Extra sensory Perception. They come from above to usually Clairvoyant ppl. They are usually true;Hope it helps.

I keep having islamic dreams?

salaam and blessings to all muslims and non muslims i keep having dreams of angels and islamic images.Im writing this right after a dream i Just had i was in a mosque filled with people non Muslim's and muslims both there were people who were ignorant and loud and disrespectful the and ignored the quran was being recited with an powerful voice and seem to be a prayer in progress the mosque was filled of all races in the same place it was divided in sections but you couldn't enter the next section you could see others in different sections but everyone was oblivious to me only the ignorant was aware of each other there were rows of them fars as the eye could see dancing and singing but they were dressesed in regular colthing and left hands were black . the ceilings were white walls of gold and silver mirrors were hung on the walls red carpet and every section was like this there were what seemed to be muslim women dressed in white hijab and men in white dressings as well sitting at tables of silver as a walked saw more section but could not enter i came upon a fountain it was made of blue and white stone with white water as if it were meant for wudu a women in white in hijab was smiling at me she had brown skin and eyes that i have never seen before and a race i never seen before the ignorant was unaware we went to another section which the ceilings were gold and green and all colors the quran was still being recited but everyone was calm and listening there were people taking shahada some were in prayer there faces were bright like the sun was shinning but there was no sun above us but Intense blue and white light

I had a dream where tiny fish were coming out of my vagina. what could that mean?

The Greek word 'delphos' means both 'fish' and 'womb'. A world wide symbol for the Great Mother was the vesica piscis, or the fish vessel, an oval design standing for the vagina. It is called that because it is said that women's genitals smell fishy.

I have another reason: When we are a foetus in the womb we are like fish. We swim in the amniotic fluid and live under water like fish.

A medieval hymn called Jesus "the Little Fish which the Virgin caught in the Fountain". In short this is a song about Mary becoming pregnant with Jesus.

I have seen several postings on this site that quote an old belief that dreaming of fish means being pregnant. I have never heard of several fish coming out of the vagina, but I suspect that it means the same: that you are pregnant.

It is difficult to make a more specific assessment without knowing your personal circumstances. But I am sure you will be able to fill in the gaps and determine exactly what the more detailed circumstances will be.

There is another factor that should be considered: often the penis is portrayed as a fish in our dreams. By association lots of little fish could portray sperm. In the dream plot that would mean getting rid of the sperm or in extension of the pregnancy. But what seems to be the most certain part of your dream is that you might be pregnant.

Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths - Imagine you are walking along and then notice some trees ahead?

yay ^-^ an excuse to be creative + weird lol

1) The trees are fairy-tale trees; different colors like deep blue, silver, green etc. They're draped in twinkling lights, like the kind you find on a Christmas tree. Some of them have wish ribbons tied to the branches, and others have wind chimes hanging from them. They sound eerie when the breeze catches them because they're out of tune. The trees adorn the start of a winding path, which goes deep into the forest. The further I walk, the darker it is; because the trees inside don't have lights. I think I can hear somebody whispering my name but the logical side of my mind says its an illusion. Sometimes the wind whips up super fast and blows my hair around for a few seconds. It's a balmy night but the breeze is making it feel colder. I wish I didn't leave my red hooded cape at home ;)

2) The water is a small brook. At first it looks clear and sparkling, and almost blue toned...but as I think about reaching down to put my hand in it, it suddenly takes on a red tint; which runs scarlet. I skim a finger across the surface and then tentatively raise it to my lips. It tastes like candy at first but then becomes metallic.

3) The receptacle is a hollow heart shaped piece of glass, Inside there is a glittering gemstone with a lock in the middle. The outside is engraved with a message: do not take. I decide to keep it because I love gemstones, and I'm a bad-a$$ who likes taking things that don't belong to her; including hearts.

4) The bear is sweepy and so doesn't bother me. I don't really like bears all that much anyways, so I don't plan on pausing for a conversation. I wonder what it's dreaming about as I walk by.

5) I find the key on the ground, nestled between leaves left over from a thousand long lost Autumns. Its silver and gothic looking. I twirl it around in my fingers for a while, stroking it and looking at it, until I suddenly realize that it will fit the locket inside the glass heart. But....I have to smash the heart in order to get the locket. I set it on the ground in front of me and sit down, wondering how to break it. I reach out to touch it and it smashes by itself. I hear my name whispered once more as the glass breaks into a million broken shards. I put the key into the locket on the gemstone and turn it. As I do, a shadow falls across my face and the space surrounding me. I glance up to see who it is...

It depends on the answer to two things: how did it die?; and what did you make of it’s death? The heart of spiritual meaning comes understanding the reality of the world and the role of each thing in that world. The bird could have been hit by a car, run into a glass window, been attacked by a cat, could have been a fledgling who didn’t make it safely out of the nest, or been overcome by some disease. In each case, in the interaction that caused the death, each was being true to their own spirit.So the answer to the first question gives you some insight into the interaction of the spirits (or fundamental nature) of the participants that lead to the bird’s death. Keep in mind that the bird is still very much part of the spiritual make-up of the world, even in death. The nature of its spirit has changed which will cause it to interact differently with the world (other birds, insects, gravity, predators, etc.)As to the second question, it appears by your question that you are searching to find meaning for yourself in the bird’s death. That is up to you. There is no inherent meaning in the death of things. There is only the change in the spiritual nature of the thing that has died. But looking for meaning where there is none reflects something wanting in your own spirit. So look deep into yourself and however it is you want to hold the bird in your mind is a reflection of an unfulfilled spiritual need within your life. From that perspective you may find meaning for yourself.

How is Wang Lung a dynamic character in the Good Earth?

he was born a lowly farmer, and died a rich man with concubines