Men If You Were Single What Would Do If You Brought A Woman With A Seemingly Large Bosom Back To

Why do most men avoid dating single mothers?

Look at this from the man's perspective when it comes to single mothers.

-Single mothers are often busy and will have little to no time for you so they really can't be a girlfriend/lover.
-Single mothers have baggage/drama with them which is not really needed especially if this a man's first girlfriend as single mothers are getting as young as 13 years old. This also covers using the failings of her baby's daddy as a constant barrage of ultimatums for leaving you.
-Single mothers tend to be more hostile and irritable towards others, not a pleasant thing to come home to.
-Single mothers, even when time permits, will hardly ever consider your needs and may even laugh in your face if you address them. She will not appreciate anything you do and will expect you to shut up and pay the bills.
-Single mothers will try to shame and berate you into staying if you have doubts and they will use their kids as a way of laying down the guilt trip.
-Single mothers -the majority- do not cook (No, pouring cereal and microwave dinners do not count).
-Single mothers can argue and nag you and you CANNOT do it back to them as they can call the cops on you if you do. In several instances even arguing in front of kids is considered child endangerment and the cops are almost always going to believe that you are the aggressor and she is just trying to defend her kids.
-Say good bye to your hobbies and interests while dating them, your time is spent tending to the kids as they single moms would put it "if you know whats good for you."
-Sex...yeah you won't be having any. Say good bye to your sex life and your sex drive. (Sex by the way IS NOT THE SAME as a relationship. Sex and Love are two separate things.)

Put this "instinctual" stuff aside and look at it pragmatically, single mothers are the poorest option when it comes to dating especially if you aren't looking for marriage from the get go. All instinctual? Apparently you have little to no respect for men as you do not even give them the benefit of the doubt for having at the very least common sense...then again this is the GS board and women who think men are nothing more than rutting beasts at the mere sight of breasts usually frequent this board (i.e. feminists)

Do guys think flatchested women are ugly?

Not at all.Personally, I prefer smaller breasts on a woman. This is for a few reasons (this is hard to explain as I’ve haven’t really put as much thought into this as I have other things; I just like smaller breasts).I’m very tired, so please excuse me if I ramble a bit.#1. Apparently, the larger a woman’s breasts are, the more it becomes physically painful for her to move very quickly (because of all the “bouncing”, you see). And all that extra weight is sure to slow them down as well. So in dangerous situations, a large-breasted woman would have a much more difficult time getting to safety, while a small-breasted woman would be able to move much more quickly.#2. Large breasts will sag like crazy and have stretch marks even in the woman’s younger years. Small ones will not (this is partly also why I dislike tattoos on women; they are going to look TERRIBLE in about a decade or two).#3. Smaller breasts give a perky, fun-loving, feminine look to a woman.#4. I can put my arms all the way around a small-breasted woman.#5. Hugs are not insanely awkward (seriously, why do large-breasted women have such a fixation on hugs?!).Short version: Different physical attributes, facial features, personality, and body language will give off different “vibes”, which different men will be attracted to for different reasons. I myself prefer the “perky girl next door” while other men would prefer the “walking, talking sex bomb” or the “Hollywood Super Milf” or the “Elegant Royalty” (in regards to women like Kate Beckinsale or Emma Watson).But no, breast size does not make a woman “ugly” or “beautiful” by default.

MEN: Why do some men prefer small breasts over large ones?

Because they are nice and elegant and sexy. Both I think mos men like all breasts. It is probably coincidence or whatever, when you end up fancying a particular pair or a particular type as number one.

But it was funny, when you were to explain why one should like big breasts better - you couldn't really explain that, could you? It was just: "well, because they are big" ;o) But think of mobile phones! You'd pay more for a light-weight elegant one, right?

Small breasts=low self-esteem????

There are men who love big breasts, there are men who love medium breasts and there are men, like me, who love small breasts. The most important thing to realize is that a man should fall in love with you and who you are before he falls in love with your breasts.

I have always been far more attracted to ladies with smaller breasts over ladies with larger breasts but, for the most part, I have dated ladies with medium to large breasts only because at the time I met them, I fell in love with them as friends - the breast size never played into the equation.

Please do not fret over them and please do not consider medical options. Most men love natural breasts and many men really do love smaller breasts.

I wish you all the best!