Men Should Inherit This Earth - Start Reducing The Woman Population Kil Them After Menopause.

Why Allah didn't permit women to keep more than one husband at a time, same as men could keep wives legally?

Greetings and peace!To answer this question first of all we have to settle to the premise in human society Polygyny( man having multiple wives)is common where as Polyandry( woman having multiple husbands) is a rare phenomenon. The answer is my understandings from what I have gathered from my reading in Biology and Anthropology .First of all human society tends to favor men over women when gathering resources because of the dominance of single hormone called Androgen. Androgen gives men the edge over women in terms of physical strength which is required in getting resources. So the men who is more successful on gathering resources tend to attract more women because more resources mean security for the offspring as well as the mother. Another advantage who gathers more resources indicates good gene which will help the offsprings to survive better in environment. Since during pregnancy women becomes vulnerable as it is hard for them to gather resources as well as when the child is infant a constant care and supervision is needed women become dependent upon men for sustainance.Secondly, we humans are more or less sophisticated animals. Our basic need is to survive and to pass down our genes to next generation. And since men cannot bear children so they depend upon women to pass down their genes . As well as men are more prone to jealousy because of the unsurity of passing the genes . So if a woman has multiple husbands since sperm of a single man can fertilize her at a single moment they would be unsure as to who is going to pass their gene through the offspring they would not want to share resources with someone where it may prove a futile effort.Thirdly, Men are more prone to suffer death for various reasons . As a result sometimes there is acute shortage of men than women . As a result of this men tend to have multiple wives.Because of these three reasons Polygamy is common for men rather than women.Now we come to our religion Islam. Islam came to restrict unrestricted polygamy in such a way that it is hard for men to keep more than one woman. As a result monogamy is much more frequent among Muslims rather than polygamy.Hope this answers your question. Thank you for reading and feel free to comment and share constructive criticism I would be happy to oblige.My Sources:The Pros and Cons of Polygamy

What is the evolutionary advantage of losing reproductive capability when getting old (i.e. menopause and reduced sperm activity)? A mutation that does allow continued creation of offspring will have a clear genetic advantage without any extra costs, right?

This is a question, like so many questions related to sex, that has puzzled evolutionary biologists.First of all, nobody knows for sure. Studying this stuff is hard (1, 2). If you Google "evolution of menopause" you'll find several hypotheses. Here are some:1. The Grandmother hypothesis. Menopause is adaptive - it frees them to become grandmothers (and great-aunts).2. The Lifespan artefact hypothesis. Menopause is non-adaptive. It's simply a by-product of us living longer.3. The Change in mating behaviour hypothesis. This is the newest one; like #2 it's also a non-adaptive hypothesis, but rather than supposing menopause is a by-product, it stipulates that it is neutral. Given that it is neutral, it can arise as a consequence of drift (random processes over time), if men choose to mate with younger females.None of these are really satisfactory on their own, which is why this is an interesting puzzle. #1 is problematic because the benefits of raising grandkids needs to be twice that of raising a kid. #2 is problematic because menopause is not present in many other mammals. #3 is problematic because older females are preferred mates in many primates.These models aren't mutually exclusive. In fact, you probably need a combined model to explain empirical evidence (Evolution of the human menopause).More links:Page on npr.orgEdit: an a cool study that seems to provide data supporting the grandmother hypothesis. It addresses the problem that I described by incorporating inter-generational competition.

What are the causes of hair loss and how to prevent it?

For Hair loss prevention Click Here : Stop Hair Loss And Re-Grow Your HairHair loss factsHair loss is a very common condition and affects most people at some time in their lives.Hair loss from breakage of the hair shaft is different than hair loss due to decreased hair growth.Androgenetic hair loss is seen in both men and women but is more dramatic in men.Thyroid disease, anemia, protein deficiency, chemotherapy, and low vitamin levels may cause hair loss.Alopecia areata is a form of hair loss produced by the autoimmune destruction of hair follicles in localized areas of skin.Medications indicated for hair regrowth include minoxidil (Rogaine) and finasteride (Propecia).What are causes and risk factors for hair loss?Because there are many types of hair loss, finding the cause can be challenging. This review will cover the most common causes of hair loss occurring on normal unscarred scalp skin. The medical term for hair loss is alopecia.Most hair loss is not associated with systemic or internal disease, nor is poor diet a frequent factor. Hair may simply thin as a result of predetermined genetic factors and the overall aging process. Many men and women may notice mild physiologic thinning of hair starting in their 30s and 40s. Life vicissitudes, including illness, emotional trauma, protein deprivation (during strict dieting), and hormonal changes like those in pregnancy, puberty, and menopause may cause hair loss.

Is it safe to mix anti-depressants with stimulants?

I would think that it wouldn't be, but know days you just don't know. I would look on the internet under medicines to see if what you have will afect you. Good luck and stay safe!