Men Why Would You Prefer Woman A To Woman B In This Scenario

Any Boy-Girl Scenarios?

So I'm writing a one act about different kinds of interactions between boys and girls in high school.

For example one of the parts in my play includes a boyfriend and girlfriend talking and the girl is "obviously" upset so the guy asks her whats wrong and she replies by saying nothing so he goes on as if NOTHING happened. Just funny or stupid stuff like that.

This is open to boys and girls so if you have any funny stories like that and wouldn't mind sharing leave it here. Thank you so much! =)


Men have different preferences. I wish some women would stop the comparison between big woman and skinny women. Some men like skinny women,some like average women, and some like big women. Some like ALL.
Only of a SMALL insignificant portion of guys will answer this question. There are SO MANY more men in the world. This will not give you a real idea of what the majority of guys like.

Be confident in who you are. That is what's wrong with MOST women. They are always trying to compare themselves to other women and being full of envy and jealously. Love the person that you are, and a guy will love you for who you are.

Edit: Yes, I am thin. VERY thin. And women tell me that I won't get a man, because I don't have curves and whatever else. But guess what??? I stay confident with my tiny legs and small breasts and butt, and I am engaged.

Would you prefer to come back in your next life as a man or a woman? Why?

I again want to come back as a man , if coming back is really real and if I will be the same person at heart :) The reasons are.I am not as strong as a woman needs to be .I am not as tolerant as a woman has to be in this society. I cannot afford to get married at the age of below 25I cannot afford to get killed in my mother's womb.I cannot endure a scenario where nobody likes my existence as everybody wished a male child.I cannot grasp the fact that I can't marry again if my husband is dead.I cannot tolerate anyone speaking to me - “Education is not your thing. You must learn cooking.”I don't want to suffer acid attacks. I don't want to get raped. I don't want to be treated brutally.Hats off to women. They tolerate so much right away from their birth. This is something incredible. Our society is so cruel. Yet I wish to be a man again. I already said, I am not as strong as a woman needs to be :(

Is a married woman accepting drinks from men OK? If yes, is it OK for a married man to buy drinks for women?

I think it all depends on why they are buying if for her. If the scenario is that they are are interested in her single friends and offers to buy a round and she gets one by association than that is OK. If it was you buying it would signal that you are interested in other girls.

However if they are buying directly for her then there is a big issue, no guy puts up cash for drinks for the good of his health

Is ogling a bad thing or just proof that men and women are different?

If a woman says she doesn't feel comfortable being gawked at by a bunch of horny pervs I can respect that, but as a guy I don't have an issue with women eyeing me up like a piece of meat. If it means a chance to score, I welcome it.

Should we stop vilifying the ogle, say different strokes for different folks, and leave it at that?

What is the difference between a working woman and a housewife?

Hi,That's an awesome question!!I will try to tell you the difference between a working and a non working house wife from different perspectives:-According to the society, specially in metros, a working house wife gets more respect in her family as compared to a non working woman. But if you consider the scenario in rural areas, a non working house wife are preferred and are more respected. In these areas, working status of a woman is not appreciated by the societyFor a husband, a working housewife is better as she could contribute to the family economically as well, but still there are people with conservative mindsets who hesitate to let their wives work and gain status that they deserve. Call it their insecurity, conservativeness or what so ever.For a child, a non working mother is better as she could spend more time in parenting the child and inhibiting some essential childhood habits. I am not saying that a working mother is not a good parent, but considering the cases of criminal offence by baby sitters, it would be better if you personally take care of your child according to my perspective. Let it be father or mother, anyone can take the effort or both can share it.For parents of a working woman, it's always a pride since her daughter is giving cut throats competition to boys in every feild.So finally you can conclude that, it's hard to say who is better, but depending on the perspective and circumstances, both are awesome in fulfilling their responsibilities.Being a woman itself is a matter of pride!!!And myself being a male, have observed, that women's are far better than a man in several things, let it be taking responsibility or caring for their family. And one thing special about a woman is that they can do multitasking very easily, which men's cannot, take your mother as an example for this and think about it.Delighted to answer your question.Thanks for A2A,Shubham Rai

What is a girl's ideal scenario for a guy to ask her out?

If you are someone that I have not met before, I would want you to strike up a conversation with me first before asking me out. For example, you could talk about your favorite painting at an art museum, or the book you just read at the bookstore. I want to “feel out” whether you have the same likes and values, have a good sense of humor, and are a friendly person, before I would consider saying yes. Then, you could ask before you leave if I would want to consider continuing the conversation over coffee. Make sure to both a.) ask in person (which I assume by the question details is true to begin with) and b.) at least seem confident doing it, because a lack of confidence is a major turnoff.Also, try to pick a place when a person is not otherwise occupied. If I take a walk through the park and am listening to music, it means that I want some time to myself and do not want to be bothered. If I am just walking with no music, then I am open to conversing with others. Also, places like malls or stores or even libraries might be a bad idea because I am usually there to look for one or two things, and may want to get in and out quickly.

Do self-described feminists ask men out on dates or do they prefer it 'the old-fashioned way' (i.e., men do the asking)?

Hi, feminist here. When I’m on dating sites, I message people quite often, and ask them to go out to X restaurant quite often. When I choose the restaurant, I also do the paying. I also designed and paid for myself a ring that’s my forever ring, instead of a silly (to me) diamond engagement ring.A pic to show it off cuz I’m mad proud, yo. In platinum and Moissanite (don’t get overpriced diamonds, folks!)However, this is irrelevant. Some feminists will prefer it the old-fashioned way, with men doing the asking. This is fine and not hypocritical in any way, which I’d hazard a wild guess is what you’re trying to establish.What feminism tries to do is dismantle the social construct that men must do the asking.Feminism says both sexes can have the OPPORTUNITY to do the asking. Men who like to do the asking, can ask. Women who like to do the asking, can ask. ANYONE CAN ASK. Society shouldn’t have any social judgement of anyone not hurting anyone else, full stop.

What if 2 men and 2 women were the last people on Earth?

Someone should ask a geneticist if this would be enough diversity to create a viable population, or if there would be too much in-breeding. From what I understand, that number is dangerously low for a workable gene-pool. For it to have any hope, you couldn’t just have two couples pair off with each other and try to start two different families that would then inter-breed. That wouldn’t create enough diversity to kick-start this new population. The four would have to agree to trying to get both women pregnant as often as possible with either man, and any girls born would have to be knocked up as soon as biologically practical, by their non-fathers, then their non-brothers and half-brothers, etc. Doubtless, in the first several generations, there would be some very defective offspring, and they would be wise to make sure they don’t reproduce. There would have to be a VERY different moral attitude and a strong sense of prioritizing reproduction over petty jealousies and selfishness. It would be very interesting to witness and study such a young society.