Mental Condition Fron Lack Of Friends

How can I explain my mental state to my friends?

I can understand where you're coming from. I myself have Bipolar disorder and I'm anti-social because of it. However, if your friends don't know about your condition they really can't help being insensitive. When I started dealing with being Bipolar, I had a one-on-one chat with my closest friends. This made them understand where I was coming from. Since there wasn't a group of people around, there was no crowd pressure to make fun or laugh about my problem. If they are truly your friends, they'll understand or at least try too.

My family has taken this in stride and my sister has done her best to help me when I'm in one mood or another. It's possible that your sister really doesn't understand what depression is like. My sister didn't understand my low moods until I described it as best I could. I'd have a heart to heart with her and really tell her how you feel. She might be uncomfortable with the situation because she doesn't understand it.

There is still a certain stigma that goes along with mental illness, but part of ending that stigma is to be open about what you feel and how you feel it.

You should be proud of how far you've come. I'm proud of myself for getting as far as I have with Bipolar. I have to manage mine with therapy and medications, but if you can avoid medications then that's to be commended.

Is my friend lying about having mental disorders?

my friend claims to have all these mental illnesses such as (depression, social anxiety, insomnia, bipolar etc.) she says she has tried to commit suicide many times (which I know is a lie) and that she has dealt with these thing her whole life. however, when in situations that would not be comfortable for a person with these things, she is perfectly fine. I personally do not believe she has these things, and she has just recently started claiming to have them all.

She is always saying that she doesn t want people s pity, yet on social media, she is constantly posting things like "I wish I could kms" "insomnia sucks" "I found I have another anxiety disorder" "being bipolar is the worst" and things like that. If she doesnt want pity then why is she insisting on everybody knowing she has these things?! Sometimes at school she won t even talk or open her mouth bc of her "bipolar personality" but when somebody who isn in our friend group talks to her she is all smiles and acts like nothing is wrong.

I don t know what to believe and I wanted a second opinion on this. And also, we are fangirls and most fangirls say they have similar illnesses so that may play part in this.

Which mental health conditions or personality disorders are associated with lack of empathy and sympathy?

“Which mental health conditions or personality disorders are associated with lack of empathy and sympathy?”I will start by saying that each individual is unique regardless of their diagnosis. Therefore, there are exceptions within every diagnostic category. Generally speaking, however, many individuals with symptoms of the following diagnoses tend to lack or have a reduced degree of empathy and sympathy:Autism Spectrum Disorder: May be characterized by deficits in social-emotional reciprocity, limited social interaction with others, minimal response to social overtures from others, or a lack of interest in socializing and interacting with others.Schizoid Personality Disorder: Characterized by a lack of interest in relationships with others, a lack of close friends or confidants, emotional coldness, detachment, and indifference to the praise or criticism of others.Schizotypal Personality Disorder: Tends to lack close friends and confidants and is defined as a pervasive pattern of social and interpersonal deficits marked by acute discomfort with, and reduced capacity for, close relationships.”Schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders: When actively psychotic, some individuals are unable or have significant difficulty connecting with others. Negative symptoms may result in a lack of emotional expression or communication with others. There can be a disinterest in the well-being and experience of others.Antisocial Personality Disorder: Defined as a a disregard for and violation of the rights of others and characterized by a reckless disregard for the safety of others and a lack of remorse.Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Specifically defined by the DSM-5 as a “pervasive pattern of … a lack of empathy.” Criteria includes “lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others.”

How can I accept the fact that I have no friends because of my mental illness?

It’s really tough being different and mental illness is for sure being different.I’ve overcome serious abuse and difficulties and here are some things that helped me:Stopped feeling sorry for myself. Lots of people have had this problem and solved it. I determined I would change my loneliness. I asked for help, looked for groups to join and went to one of their meetings. I worked on liking myself so that others could like me too.I used to be shy. Then I realized the reason it was so painful is that I thought people were paying attention to every little thing I did. They weren’t. We all are usually more concerned about ourselves.I looked more at what I had in common with people than what was different with me. I developed interests in things I could share. The simple things are the best - favorite TV show, music, movies, vacations etc.I learned to make small talk. The weather. The news. Their new outfit. How did you meet the host.I learned not to mention my mental/emotional problems unless there was a good reason to. You can get interest in your problems in the beginning, but then people will be uncomfortable around you. I used to feel obliged to tell them then learned it is none of their business and I didn’t have to tell. Everyone has problems; some even worse than mental illness. But it’s usually not something people talk about in public.Support groups of people with similar mental illnesses sometimes are good. You don’t have to explain yourselves to each other. But the group should be focused on some positive things and ways to improve.This book helped me immensely. It’s a classic because it’s so good. Read it and read it again! I read it every few years again. How to Win Friends & Influence People: Dale Carnegie: 8937485909400: BooksI learned I didn’t have to make a big, gigantic change all at once. Do little things but do them consistently. Make a phone call. Write a list of hobbies to pursue. Look up support groups. Keep at it and sooner than you think, you’ll have done a lot!You can have friends. Believe in it. Take baby steps.May the good forces be with you!

I won't care if my friends die. Why I have little empathy for people mental health question?

I keep seeing your questions,
I think you're just a troll, and if you are then you really should get better at it :s

although if you are telling the truth then go and seek some medical help because srsly no one and be that obliviously arrogant.

Anyways if you are telling the truth then, well you would care if your friends died, you just don't no it yet as it thankfully hasn't happened yet. And if they were your true friends, you really should love and care for them, but otherwise, I would srsly consider not being so arrogant and go and make some new friends.
ok byeex

How do I turn my life around despite my lack of friends and support and despite the decline of my mental health?

There’s no one immune to failure, sorrow or loneliness. We all go through times where our negative emotions are overpowering the positive, where we feel like surrendering. However, stop and think. Who are we surrendering to? Who’s winning this race? It’s in fact a rivalry against yourself.Friends come and go, their support is indeed useful, yet if the change of attitude doesn’t come from within its like watering sunflower seeds while its snowing. Without the right conditions or state of mind, you can’t progress and you’ll only reach so far.Start by helping yourself, work on your self esteem, your confidence, do things that make you happy. Wake up in the morning and remind yourself of your purpose, write it down and put it up near your work area. Reaching emotional well being without working on your physical welfare will not work out. Wake up early in the mornings, walk or jog around your neighborhood, it’s also a great way to socialize. Your body is something you have to live in forever, treat it well.Consult a psychiatrist, please do not hesitate to seek help. I know you’ll get to your happy place :)

How much more likely than normal is it that an adult with no friends has some form of mental illness?

In the US, the strong emphasis on “having friends” is related to the strong emphasis on “being a team player”. It’s a bit pathological, as we see if we look at the UK and Commonwealth countries, where being a “loner” does not worry other people, or lead them to suspect that “there must be something wrong” with the un-social person.We can see it play out within the US, too.The upper east coast urban areas have been heavily settled by people from around the Mediterranean rim from Portugal through the Lebanon, and the social culture reflects that. Lots of emotion, friendships easily made and abandoned, confrontation and arguments as a contact sport, etc.Whereas the northern midwest, from Michigan thru the Dakotas, was largely settled by Scandinavians and North Germans, whose social culture expects that people will be polite, low-key, reticent, helpful without having to be asked, conflict-avoiding, and take years to make new friends, if at all.So people from the east coast who move to, say, Minneapolis for work get a horrible culture shock and often leave again in just a few months: they’re “team players” where nobody seems to want them on their “team”. They can’t get a date, nobody will invite them over or accept their invitation, and nobody will tell them why not. So they conclude the locals are cold-hearted and passive-aggressive, and flee back to the east coast.So, to answer your question: whether someone is a loner is not a good predictor of mental state, even in the US.

Help me dianose a friend?!?

hi. this sounds to me like a group of problems-some caused by others-hypochondria-is always thinking sick and self diagnosing-but i do that but hypochondria may also be an underlying symptom of some psychological conditions. psychological/personality disorders tend to run in packs so to speak. that is common. your friend should see a psychiatrist is my thought.