Mesopotamia Vs. Egypt Essay

How did the ancient cultures of Mesopotamia and Egypt develop into successful civilizations?

The success of both would be strongly contributed to by a great deal of luck to begin with. This luck pertains to having the right conditions under which to produce the food and water necessary to support large civilizations and communities. The power and force to gain large areas of land to be drawn into the civilization. The power and force to keep control of neighboring captured and incorporated lands. The dedication of the people, normally gained by having the power and force to provide them with safe and contented lives without worry of invasion and destruction. Without such power and growing force (military) the civilization would have been a single community or oasis in the desert.

Seeing that the fledgling civilization would survive, there was a need for accounting for all the food and supplies collected from the outer regions so they invented writing and a written record to keep track with. This forced organization and removed a great deal of chance related to luck and thus yielded a stronger and more powerful nation. With which more land could be conquered and absorbed into the realm of the nation.

Now all you have to do is to expand on these ideas and you will have your essay.


Comparing Egypt and Mesopotamia?

Ancient Egypt

Besides Mesopotamia, a second civilization grew up in northeastern Africa, along the Nile River. Egyptian civilization, formed by 3000 B.C., benefited from trade and technological influence from Mesopotamia, but it produced a quite different society and culture. Because its values and its tightly knit political organization encouraged monumental building, we know more about Egypt than about Mesopotamia, even though the latter was in most respects more important and richer in subsequent heritage.

Basic Patterns Of Egyptian Society

Unlike Mesopotamia and the Middle East, where an original river-valley basis to civilization ultimately gave way to the spread of civilization throughout an entire region, Egyptian civilization from its origins to its decline was focused on the Nile River and the deserts around it. The Nile focus also gave a more optimistic cast to Egyptian culture, for it could be seen as a source of never- failing bounty to be thankfully received, rather than a menacing cause of floods. Egyptian civilization may at the outset have received some inspiration from Sumer, but a distinctive pattern soon developed in both religion and politics.

Humanities homework help: Mesopotamia/Egypt/Hebrews/soma...

Mesopotamians is too vague in such frameworks.
Summerians are particular Mesopotamian civilisation which was of the same age as Egyptians, but differs enough to write nice contrasting essay.

Compare Sumer and Egypt and it would be the same as Mesopotamia vs. Egypt.
You will have assortment of city-states with elected rulers (very similar to much later Greek civilisation) vs. Egyptian single Empire with the King (Pharaoh) as the living God.

Mesopotamia after Summer (Akkad, Assyria and late Babylonian Empire) had lost that contrast. They became Empires with God appointed dynasty as well. Not as much interesting for essay.

How Hebrew fit into that assignment of yours, I do not know.
They were definitely an offshoot of Summer civilisation with a nomadic twist.
Kind of like Nubia was an offshoot of Egyptian civilisation planted to the less productive part of the Nile valley to the South.

Maybe one short paragraph to mention it?

Egypt Vs Mesopotamia thesis help?

Here is the thesis I have so far on the topic: egypt vs Mesopotamia. Compare and contrast
The Egyptian and Mesopotamian political, religious and social structures were influenced by their geography, thus they turned out different. Egypt, unlike Mesopotamia, had a consistent rule for over 3000 years, their religeous views differed and Egyptians respected wome more, especially in the upper classes.

please give me some advice on how to improve this and critique it. Or if I have any grammatical errors.

Compare and contrast Neolithic society with the early civilizations in Mesopotamia and Egypt.?

The Neolithic societies were less wealthy; had older technology (i.e. had not mastered Bronze and Iron making); smaller populations. However, they both were limited by their farming techniques which were not particuarly advanced.

What was Mesopotamia known for and why is it called the cradle of civilization?

Two questions that are really one: Mesopotamia is known for being the cradle of civilization. What does that mean? It means there were a lot of “firsts” in Mesopotamia as far as current archaeological research knows.Sumerian is the first known written language, originating in Mesopotamia. The first writings were economic texts (i.e. receipts and bills) so Mesopotamia is considered to have the first documented economy (keep in mind that people there and elsewhere probably traded things and kept track in other ways, this was just the first economy with receipts).The first cities arose in Mesopotamia, probably because writing receipts allowed people to organize economies and let individuals specialize in their work. That is, people who were good at farming, farmed, people who were good at fighting became soldiers, and people who knew how to write sat around writing Quora answers — I mean, they wrote those all important receipts.Archaeology has a tendency to celebrate “firsts” because they make headlines until somebody else finds an earlier example in the archaeological record. That said, Mesopotamia is the home to many “firsts.”

Humanities homework essay help? So confused....Mesopotamia/egypt/...

Okay so the title of my college essay paper handout/ outline says "Mesopotamian vs. Egyptian Cultural Views", but the instructions say:

" Compare and contrast the cultural views of the Sumerians, Hebrews, and Egyptians of the ancient world."

I'm so confused... the title says one thing but the the instructions add in the hebrews and say Sumerians???? what do I have to do, compare the mesopotamians to the Egyptians, or compare the sumarians to the hebrews to the Egyptians???

any help would be much appreciated, thank you!!!

What are the differences between the Egyptian and the Sumerian civilization?

Let me count the ways.I'm not sure if you're looking for hyper specific, in depth analyses of social structure and the like, or if you're thinking more of basics & fundamentals. So for now, here's a general overview:Location. Egypt is located in, you guessed it, modern day Egypt — that is to say, it’s in the easternmost section of Northern Africa. Ancient Egyptian civilization sprang up primarily along the more fertile regions of the Nile River. Mesopotamia (or “Land between two rivers”) on the other hand developed in what is mostly today Iraq. Specifically, it was located between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.State structure. Mesopotamia, at least initially, was not a unified state. The word is a blanket term for a variety of states that existed and interacted in the region, notably Assyria and Babylonia. Egypt was a more cohesive unit, I believe.Language. A variety of tongues were spoken in Mesopotamia, from Akkadian to Sumerian to Amorite. Ancient Egyptians typically spoke the Afro-Asiatic language which we call Ancient Egyptian.Writing. Mesopotamia, more specifically Sumer, is famed for developing the world’s first known writing system: cuneiform. This system relied on a series of marks made on a clay tablet. The Egyptian system is equally famous: hieroglyphics, which relied on images.Religion. It will come as no surprise that the Egyptians and Mesopotamians practiced different religions. Indeed, religion varied greatly and took different forms within each civilization itself.I'm sure the list goes on. Keep in mind that these civilizations were far from static. Their religions, languages, structures, etc. all shifted over time. What I've given above is just a general taste of the differences — the complexities are many and require more in depth study to fully appreciate.