Metaphor For Some Sentence

Metaphor for some sentence?

1) The air smells as fresh as a septic tank.
2) The rose petal are as delicate as granite.
3) The surface of the water is as smooth as gravity.
4) The icicles pointed downward like your grandfather's penis.
5) The fog covered the city like stink on poop.
6) The clouds are as fluffy as your mom's pubic hair.
7) The girt sings as sweetly as Slayer.
8) The children scuttled across the beach like rioters.
9) The road wound its way up the mountain like a tick on a dog.
10) The water streamed down like menstrual flow.
11) Snow drifted to the earth like meteors.
12) Clumps of snow stuck to (?) like dingle-berries.

Some example sentences using metaphors?

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Well, usually a bird that cannot fly has either had it's wings clipped, caged, or is injured in some way. You'll need to stop and think about what that could possibly mean. Is it a good love or a bad love? Personification: The act of giving human qualities to inanimate objects. EX: As the Sun lays down its weary head. Roses dance joyfully to natures music on the wind. Metaphor: uses something to describe something else. "My love is a bird that can not fly" is an example of a metaphor.

What is a metaphor for fast?

The lightning...
Fasterthan bullet (superman)...
In the blink of the eye...
Faster than Garfiled finds pizza...
Faster than a fighter jet...
Faster than a freight train...
Faster than Charlie Sheen can say winning after 3 lines of coke...
Faster than a fat kid chasing an ice cream truck...
Maybe Faster than this (baseball pitcher's name) can pitch a ball
I can go on and on...

I dont think any of them is orginal, tho...

Metaphors About Friends?

Good evening, I am Professor Metaphor from the National Institute of Poetic Techniques. How may I help you today? Oh, how delightful! Metaphors about lovely little friends! Allow me to help!

A friend is:
The smooth, sweet, icing on the cake
A tube of toothpaste - They squeeze through everything yet always stick with you
A treasure chest full of shining jewels
Pancakes, jam, and cream smeared all over your face
The four-leaf clover in the endless meadow
The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow

Excuse my above comments, that was my split personality coming out! I'll have you know it's late at night too!
Only kidding, but I hope you found my examples useful. Good luck!

What are some examples of metaphors?

A metaphor is more forceful (active) than an analogy, because metaphor asserts two things are the same, whereas analogy acknowledges difference; other rhetorical comparative figures of speech, such as metonymy, parable, simile, and synecdoche, are species of metaphor distinguished by how the comparison is communicated. [8] The metaphor category also contains these specialized types:

* allegory: An extended metaphor wherein a story illustrates an important attribute of the subject
* catachresis: A mixed metaphor used by design and accident (a rhetorical fault)
* parable: An extended metaphor narrated as an anecdote illustrating and teaching a moral lesson

My friend, the swift mule, fleet wild *** of the mountain, panther of the wilderness, after we joined together and went up into the mountain, fought the Bull of Heaven and killed it, and overwhelmed Humbaba, who lived in the Cedar Forest, now what is this sleep that has seized you? — (Trans. Kovacs, 1989)

In this example, the friend is compared to a mule, a wild donkey, and a panther to indicate that the speaker sees traits from these animals in his friend (A comparison between two or more unlike objects).

The idea of metaphor can be traced back to Aristotle who, in his “Poetics” (around 335 BC), defines “metaphor” as follows: “Metaphor is the application of a strange term either transferred from the genus and applied to the species or from the species and applied to the genus, or from one species to another or else by analogy.” For the sake of clarity and comprehension it might additionally be useful to quote the following two alternative translations: “Metaphor is the application of an alien name by transference either from genus to species, or from species to genus, or from species to species, or by analogy, that is, proportion.” Or, as Halliwell puts it in his translation: “Metaphor is the application of a word that belongs to another thing: either from genus to species, species to genus, species to species, or by analogy.”

Another example:

All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances; — William Shakespeare, As You Like It, 2/7