Mexicanos In Europe Stats Thoughts

Why do expats from Canada and the U.S. who live in Mexico steadfastly claim that Mexico is far safer than their home country when all authoritative studies of Mexico safety and the expats' own experiences suggest otherwise?

Expats may claim that Mexico is safer than their home country mostly for two reasons:■ They don’t want to appear as ungrateful, what with benefiting from the advantages of living in Mexico, such as better climate, cheap prices, etc. Some of them even love the place more than born Mexicans do.■ They live relatively isolated from the mainstream Mexican society and are in a way, kept away from the outside violence. By this I mean that not only do communities from US, Canada and Europe tend to cluster in about a half dozen areas in Mexico where they are a relatively sizeable community that knows better that to get too involved in local affairs; but expats also don’t usually mingle with locals too much.Expats are also a boon to the local economy. For example, San Miguel de Allende would become a ghost town if the expats suddenly decided to move away en masse. For this reason, criminals know that if they kidnap or do anything to hurt expats, they would attract unwanted attention. Whenever a foreigner from a developed country gets kidnapped or killed in Mexico and this leaks to the media it can make national news here and abroad, getting the Federal government into a frenzy to solve the situation not only to save face internationally but also to protect the important tourist industry, which regularly ranks in the top five segments of the Mexican GDP. All this attention doesn’t occur when a similar crime affects an ordinary Mexican citizen or a foreigner from a poor country. In Mexico justice is reserved for VIPs, and an expat income may automatically rank you as VIP in the country.

Mexico: What percentage of Mexicans are of 100% indigenous blood?

The actual number is impossible to know in a free society like Mexico. But there are 9.1% (11.13 million out of 122.3 million) people who self-identify as indigenous and are likely to have 100% or close to 100% indigenous blood.Mexico defies the term racial purity, however. Most Mexicans have between 40-60% native blood, although there's the full range. 496 years with no miscegenation laws (plus never any miscegenation laws before Spanish arrival, either) have made for a pretty even blend.Note that it is part of the Mexican psyche and sense of nationality to be a racial blend, I would argue much more so than the US, by the way. Once you start worrying about racial purity, you pretty much are giving up being a Mexican - Mexicans who are "100% anything" don't seem to derive any national pride in the separation (although they may derive their own separate, tribe-of-origin pride in it). It just doesn't come up. If "racial purity" is the intent of the question, you'd probably be better off by rephrasing it to ask who is 100% Maya, 100% Mexica, 100% Totonac and any of the many many subtypes, which all have their own genotype subclassifications, and let any 100%ers who care about answer (though you aren't likely to find many).But then you'd be asking many different questions. :-)There are over 68 languages (with a combined total of 364 variants) identified in the country, spoken as L1 language by anywhere from 1.3 million (for Nahuatl) and 759K (Maya) to only about 27 people for Aguacatec.Currently there are efforts to figure all this out, from supporting the popular indigenous languages in public life more in order to properly integrate their societies better into the rest of the nation (translating legal forms to their languages, etc), or to at least properly document the languages that are clearly dying, like Aguacatec.

MFS: Do u think el Futbol Mexicano is mediocre?

like the first 2 answerers have said it's not Mexican Futbo in general but the Corrupt people from run it. we have beeaten the best teams in the world like..... Real Madrid, Milan, Man U. just to name a few. but the people who run it are the ones who are damaging Mexico's Image. for example........

Where you aware that the FMF have a contract with SUM (Soccer United Marketing). and they are the ones who calls the shits of who and where Mexico plays there friendlies? and who do you think signed that contract. yeah Decio and Justino. that's why SUM has Mexico play more friendlies in the US than in Mexico or in Europe. it all goes to the FMF being so corrupt. you can also add the Pacto De Caballeros with it. Mexican Futbol has history and we have titles to back it up but the people who are running it now are only in it for the Money and not to make Mexico Futbol better.

Do Mexicans have North African ancestry from the Arab conquest of Spain?

Since many conquistadores of Mexico came from Andalucía, the province of Spain that remained longest under Arab rule, I would say that is a distinct possibility. One could speculate that Cortés himself might have had moorish ancestry to a degree, judging from the strong growth of his beard that was very remarkable for the Aztecs when they first met.Arabs and Middle Easterners males are prone to have heavy beards, that is not just a cliche.But then, besides Cortés, who of the Spaniards that had Arab ancestry actually had children with native people from Mexico? Probably not that many.If you find North African ancestry in Mexican people, that just as well might come form them having been married to folks who immigrated to Mexico from that part of the world. Carlos Slim for example is of Lebanese descent, not North African, but not that far apart.North African ancestry by the way should be quite prevalent in most Europeans that were under the influence of the Roman Empire. That covered a good chunk of North Africa, and they were thus Roman citizens free to go where they pleased. It is a well-established fact for example that in Switzerland, the Thebean Legion was stationed. They consisted to a good part of Egyptians, their leader was thought to be a black person from Nubia.Spain was an important Roman province, and there must have been Romans from North Africa in Spain as well. Later, during the fall of the Empire, germanic Vandals made it all the way from Scandinavia to Northern Africa.Back in the old days, there was far more movement of people between continents than just 50 years ago. There were no borders, no immigration laws and no passports.

Do people in Mexico celebrate Cinco de Mayo?

Not really, except with a day off and an insipid speech by a second class government official, where a group of children is forced to attend under the horrible sun of May. In Mexico, 5 de mayo is a number marked in red in the calendar, no more, and something which is taught in history class in primary schools. Nothing compared to what happens in the US among the Latino community. The 5 de Mayo is more an American holiday and there are good reasons why:— Ignacio Zaragoza, the hero of the day, was born in Texas. — 5 de Mayo was an iconic battle in the midst of an European intervention in Mexico, which was successfully repelled thanks and only after the US decided to intervene.— The 5 de Mayo and its aftermath is an excellent example of the enforcement of the Monroe Doctrine.

Does anyone know how can I find information about Mexico?

Click on the link below for any information that you need, also you can use the search window on that page to find more information. This way you don't have to look though all the information above to find what you want.,2643,en_33873108_33873610_1_1_1_1_1,00.html

If 99% of all ILLEGAL immigrants today were white europeans?

It's not possible.
Europe is an ocean and continent away (from the Southwest where the illegal problem is happening) and white people in general are into following the rules. We just don't defy authority in huge numbers like that. All you have to do is check your history and statistics to see I'm telling the truth. It's a cultural thing. That's why it's so newsworthy when someone is counter culture or demonstrates or whatever, because that isn't the norm in white or European culture. You're asking if the ridiculous happened, what would be our response? The response would have to be just as ridiculous as the impossible behavior.
Just as ridiculous...if European settlers had actually killed off all of the previous inhabitants, as we are often accused of doing, and had become the population south of the border, they would have become part of the United States and the states of what is now Mexico would be states within the United States.
But since it was a country with it's own ethnic groups and culture, they opted to remain independant.
See, no matter how I look at it, we don't get to masses of illegal white people climbing the fence, strewing litter, and making false accusations of mass murder and racism.
It's a class of cultures and laws, not races.
Race is just an excuse.