Missing School Detention

Is this a loophole in my in-school detention?

You admitted to sharing confidential information that you were not supposed to have, knowing that doing so was likely to lead in others engaging in prohibited activity; you may even have assisted them directly in doing so. That seems to me to be a fair cop to conduct detrimental to the orderly administration of the institution, and thus within the reasonable authority of the school to discipline you. You clearly knew that you were not to have that password, and that, having come into knowledge of it, it was improper for you to give it to others (either directly or, as you allege, by putting it on their phones with or without their knowledge), so you can't argue that you lacked fair notice that the conduct you engaged in and which you assisted others in engaging in was prohibited. That's about the only out you'd have here, and you've foreclosed it pretty much by your own admission.The ambiguity between "Internet password" and "WiFi password" is not sufficient as to render the charge invalid, and indeed it is likely that most reasonable people would recognize that they mean, in this context, the same thing. Attempting to argue your way out of a just punishment on an technicality that no reasonable person would accept is a good way to make your situation worse. You've certainly established that you're a person not worthy of trust, and that reputation will likely follow you for a long time. Good luck on your college admissions.

What would happen if you missed detention on the last day of school?

It depends on the school district. There is no hard and fast rules on discipline in the United States. Some schools may require the student to go for detention when school resumes. They may put something in the student’s permanent record.

What is detention like? I m in middle school and I didn t finish my HW because of missing a day plus I didn t understand something.?

I've been getting so much stress over homework since Tuesday and ever since I've been missing some work and my math grades have been dropping because of it. I'm very sensitive when it comes to punishments, in fact, I'm crying right now, but I need to know what detention is like. I feel like the teachers are going to hate me because I didn't finish...

When you were in school, why did you get detention?

About 3 times a week. All kinds of stuff, chewing gum, talking in class, turning the hands of the clock round, when the teacher left the room. Locking the science teacher in the store room. Not wearing my school tie...why girls should wear ties is beyond me. So many things. Happy memories!

Can a school give detention for bad grades?

They can't do that, that is nonsense.
They can only punish your for bad behavior an disobedience.

I got a Saturday detention for missing a regular detention, now i have been told i have to serve the regular detention this is unfair ?

last week i got an after school detention for pissing around in class, it was to be serve on Friday afternoon, it lasts for 1 and a half hours, anyway it didn't agree with my social arengements so i didn't go, on Monday my head of year called me into her office and told my as i missed a detention without reason i would now be punished with a FULL Saturday detention, it is for 4 hours, we have to be in school on Saturday at 9am in FULL school uniform, then sit at our desks and write punishment essays in TOTAL silence.
now i have been informed that i still have to serve the original detention on Friday, this means it is not worth going home as my whole weekend is detention?

What happens if you get a detention or a Saturday school and you don't show up?

Would you get arrested? The law says we have to go to school but I don't think it says we have to stay after school? Would you get suspended? What's the worst consequence that could happen. BTW, I'm not planning on doing anything bad, I'm just not going to do my homework.