Moms Can You Explain Why My Mom Does This

How do I explain binding/wanting a binder to my mom?

Either you are seeking understanding and eventual acceptance, or you are seeking to protect yourself. You may have a mixture of these goals. Maybe your Mom is good at listening, maybe not? Maybe she is patient, or perhaps she gets angry really easily? Maybe she is a feminist, or maybe she has social conservative views on gender?If you are wanting to protect yourself, even just in the short term, the best approach might be to downplay the significance of the binder:It’s like a sports bra.It helps me get an androgynous look.Some of my friends have one, too.Basically, you pretend the binder is no more important to you than your favourite shirts.If you are wanting to work toward understanding, then it’s good to share little bits of what you really think and feel.It’s uncomfortable.People treat me differently when I wear it.It helps me feel confident.It helps me look more masculine.I like it when people can’t tell if I’m a boy or a girl.I don’t get panic attacks anymore.Last weekend at the shopping centre, one of the sales staff said, “Dave, can you come serve this young man.” <>Working toward understanding usually has the best outcomes, and if you share tiny little bits at a time, you can then gauge your Mom’s response. That gives her time to think about it, then you can share another tiny bit.If you feel confident that she will accept and support you, then you can share everything, even if you feel embarrassed. Sharing what you really feel brings relationships closer, but only if you think that’s safe to do.If you need to protect yourself, that comes with the cost of zero chance of understanding. That may still change, one day, but in the meantime, you are not letting her in to even begin to understand this important part of you.If you are wanting your mom to buy you a binder, you’re probably better off to ask her for money, rather than trying to explain. A most excellent use of birthday or Christmas money.Naomi Lauren's answer to Where can I get a cheap chest binder? Is it safe to use a chest binder daily?Naomi Lauren's answer to Where can I get a free chest binder online? I can't buy one because my parents monitor my bank account and I can't afford for them to notice. (I live in the UK.)

How do I explain to my mom that I am a victim of molestation and that it was my dad's attempt?

Virali said it very well. I'll add some of my own.I want you to be strong in this fight. Always remember that one Draupadi made the whole Hastinapur kingdom crumble mercilessly. One Sita led to the destruction of one of the most knowledgeable man and his empire. Such ugly manifestation of lust is bound to see its fate.Never ever underestimate your power. You can be the light you seek. Whenever someone cast an eye on a woman, he has never escaped.I would ask you to be cautious. At no times, you must be too close to your mother or anyone else. Do not be on the phone for a long time. Do not try to go out too often. Do not take my advice as my shallow thinking.I feel a man like that can hurt anyone who seems suspicious or harmful. So to save yourself and your mom from the harm, just do it safely, secretly.Also present some evidence, anyhow. Always remember that he is still your mother's husband and she might wave this off as your stupidity. She still has full trust. Unless you prove him wrong in the first go, he will be notified. If you can't prove, ask your mom to keep mum and understand you.However do not refrain from telling her. Never ever. It would be a menace. If every girl sat in their home feeling the sting and burning silently, people like that will roam free.And I have always learnt that our homes are the building blocks to this society. So society will be better with courage and fearlessness.We are with you in tough times. However I pray that he sees what he did wrong and pleads guilty and starts loving you as a daughter. If he does that again, be sure that he never was a father. Hurt him and report him. It's easy to do it these days. Have faith. Have courage. We are with you.

What does "mother's maiden name" mean? How would you explain it to a child?

If you were explaining it to a child, you would say that "mother's maiden name" is your mother's full name before she got married, that is, her name with her original family name (or "surname"), the name she used when she was a girl and a young woman, before she started using the title "Mrs." "Maiden" here means "unmarried woman." So "maiden name" refers to a woman's name when she was still an unmarried woman. As Madsen Sparler has said, in many cultures, when a woman gets married, she takes the family name of her husband's family, so her name changes.Let us say that your mother's name was Mary and she was born into the Smith family. Her maiden name would be "Mary Smith." Then, let us say, she married your father, whose name was Tom Jones. When she married him, she became Mrs. Jones. That is her married name, but her maiden name would always be Mary Smith.

How do I explain to my teenage kids that their mother is having an affair and we are separating?

I was a teenager when my parents divorced, and both of them took it as an opportunity to overshare the specifics of what went wrong. While I enjoyed the gossip at the time, in the long-term this really harmed me as a person, and ultimately damaged my relationship with both of my parents.My mother had an affair…I called her names…I sided with my dad…I refused to stay with her…I didn’t have the maturity at 15 to really understand that a relationship between two people has so many intricate parts, that the affair wasn’t the only thing wrong in their marriage, and even if it had been that was between them. I was horrible to her, and she became horrible to be in response.Knowing this, I lost the idea of my mom as a female role model and it was really tricky for me navigating those high school years, my own relationships with boys, and my friendships not having a female I could look up to. I wish so badly they had just had enough mutual respect to leave us out of it, and say that while their marriage was great for 20 or so years, they were no longer in love, and they were getting a divorce. If they could have worked on co-parenting, creating a space that was not filled with name calling, blaming, and over-sharing, I feel I would have been impacted far less severely.

Why is my mom so mean to me?

So sad to hear this. Some moms are jealous of their children because they think the child is better than them or they have a better life than they did. Some moms resent having to take care of their children because they want time to themselves. Others feel bad about themselves so they take it out on their children.Can you ask her, “What am I doing wrong? Why are you so mean to me? What did I do to you? Why did you have me? Can you stop being so mean to me?” Let her know that she is being mean. Sometimes people are mean but don’t realize it.Know that it’s your mom’s issue and you will someday find a spouse who loves and appreciates you. Don’t let her B.S. bring you down.

Why is my mom so rude to me?

I'm assuming here that your mom isn't a sociopathic bugnut.Sometimes people react negatively because they are in physical or emotional pain.Sometimes people have had something secretly bad happen and they react to that through the closest people in their lives.…And sometimes people respond rudely because they are in reaction mode.How do you speak to her?Do you smile, say “please" ...and “thank you" or ever acknowledge any of the sacrifices she has made out of love for you?Are you kind, grateful and helpful?It really is true, what you plant you will grow. You're gonna harvest the words and looks you send out.Unfortunately most of us don't look at our behavior realistically. We tend to see ourselves as innocent little goobers with halos on and, well, that's generally just not the truth.Unless a person is mentally unstable, it almost always takes two to create a problem, because when two people are involved, there are two sides to any issue.She could be reflecting some of the behavior you are exhibiting toward her.Try changing things up! Shock the shite out of her.Make it a week- long experiment if you like. No matter what Mom does, no matter what she says or how she says it, speak to and behave toward her exactly, and I mean exactly the way you would like her to speak to you.If her tone changes, you'll know where it started and more importantly, you'll discover you have the power within you to make it stop.Short answer? Be the mirror you want to see.

How does a mother love her child so much?

It's called "unconditional love". I feel the same for my son as your Mother does about you and your siblings. The love you have for your child is unlike any other love you will experience in your life. It's sometimes overwhelming! Unconditional love means no matter what you do, or don't do, you will always be loved. That's the best I can explain the answer to your question.... you should print your question out and give it to her to read... I bet it would mean a lot to her and she could probably give you the BEST answer and explain it in a way so that you completely understand. :) I bet if you show your question to her, it'll really make her day! It's a very sweet question... she'll really appreciate the fact that her love for you doesn't go unnoticed.

What do you call your mom's mother and your dad's mother?

Throughout all of my childhood, all of my mums family lived alongside mine in the same road. No one house belonged to anyone and we shared them all. Growing up, I was the eldest grandchild but only ever heard my mums mum being called mum so that’s what I called her. So I had two mums which did turn heads when we went out together as I spoke to them. Somehow we all knew who was speaking to who though. My actual mum was touched that I called her mum, mum too. There was no finer accolade for the head of our family who loved her brood and we were all so happy that no one ever wanted to leave. She adored my dad and with my mums help, put his miserable childhood in the past and welcomed him as one of her own. Every generation since, has gone on to raise fine and much loved children, we all say it’s a bit of my mums mum in all of us, it’s what makes us good parents.As for my dads mum, nothing much. She didn’t like children and tied her own to chairs whilst she read and ate chocolate. Fortunately, my dads sad upbringing made him want to be a better dad and he was one of the best.Both my grandfathers had died before I was born.

Stay at Home Moms: How do you handle the rude comments?

I am so blessed to read about your commitment to stay home with you son. Sadly, being a stay at home mother has taken such a low status symbol in todays me first world. There is nothing more honorable then a commited and loving mother to her home. It is a life filled with compassion and putting others first. Please don't let anyone discourage you, although many sure will try. I'm sorry to hear about your Dad. I would poor your heart out to him and tell him that you want to be close with him but that in order for that to happen, you need these rude comments to stop. like yesterday. Tell him how much you reject discouragement in this area you feel so strongly about. Ask him why he disrespects such a self-giving occupation. You saw him do this to your mom, please don;t let him do it to you. Be strong and confident and make sure he knows that you are. He is your Dad and that is something that I'm sure you want to protect. But your little Hayden needs a strong and confident mama and I would not subject myself to anyone or anything who would hinder those things in you. I do not mean to cut him off by any means. I just mean, in those instances where he makes those rude comments, I would end the conversation somehow. For example, if you're on the phone and he says something, say "Dad, I don't aprciiate that and I will not listen to this from you. I have to go." and then get off the phone. Or if it's in person you could say, "Dad, I have told you how those comments make me feel and if you make another one, I'm leaving because I won't hear it." See what I mean? You need to set boundaries and make sure he knows that how close he is with you is dependant on his ability/inability to keep his comments to himself. I hope that all will work out and that your bold stand for your little guy and for your role as his Mama will soften your Dad's heart. Again, I am so happy to hear of your commitment to your family. Don't ever change. :)

(waoh this was lonnnng. are you still awake!?)....goodness.......