Mood Changes At Night

Do people "change" at night?

This may sound a little confusing. I've noticed that the people around me tend to change at night. People seem more vulnerable to everything and open to their emotions. People tend to drink at night. They tend to get into disagreements with people, especially with their families (may be connected to people getting home from work?). People usually have sex at night. People get strange urges to flirt or party or do something risky under the cover of darkness. People have strange mood swings at night. I've even noticed this in myself. I'm fairly sensitive normally, but when I'm not crying from pain or from a movie, most of my crying is done at night. It's like my emotions unfurl. I've experienced many different online communities, including things like MMORPG's and brief excursions on the spur of the moment into Zwinky and IMVU and other similar communities. When night rolls around, people are more hyped up. They tend to pick fights with people and they say the strangest things. People get absorbed into doing things at night and don't realize the time has passed until the sun begins to peek through their window.
Has anyone experienced this or thought about it? Is there a reason for these mood changes and odd tendencies that only appear at night? Is it just because people are grumpy, even if it's during a summer break or something when they regularly stay up until 3, 4, even 5 am? Thanks for any input!

What events change Elie Wiesel in his novel Night?

One main event that takes place in his life, that changes him immensely, is when he witnesses babies being burnt in the furnaces of one of the first camps he is taken to. This is one of the first times when he truly begins to question the mercy of God. This also occurs when he sees the angelic child in a later chapter hanged.

Another event is when he witnesses the beating of Madame Schachter in the cattle cars. He realises the negative affects that adverse situations have on the psyche of human beings. He begins to discover how he must change himself in order to survive in this new environment. He witnesses first hand what kind of monsters human beings can become under monstrous situations also when a son murders his father for a piece of bread.

Additionally, when a kapo prone to mood swings beats his father and he does nothing to stop him in order to save himself, he discovers a more animalistic nature in himself. This occurs again when his father is close to death and Elie can't help but think that his father's death would actually improve his chances of survival.

The title Night was chosen because of Night's symbolic value. Elie, through all of these experiences had descended deeper and deeper into darkness, in terms of his psyche, his views on religion, and his views on brotherhood and family. Also, accompanying Night, there is always a day, and he calls it night because it is the darkest, most painful and devoid of light, part in his life, and in his opinion in the history of humanity, and is acknowledging it as such.

Hope this helps!

Personality change at night?

Changes in light can alter a persons mood, most people who are light sensitive tend to become depressed during winter months when there is less sunlight and the days are shorter and are just fine in the summer when there is more light and longer days. That's called seasonal depression, its actually very common. Use a brighter light when it gets too dim. Open the blinds or curtains during the day to let in as much natural light as possible. And be sure to get plenty of exercise during the day. These things will actually help to improve your overall mood and outlook on things.

Why does my personality and mood changes all the time?

You are very, very young so I can see why you may feel so lost.You have mentioned what outside influences have meant to you, what do your insides say? What I mean have you considered taking control of your life from what you can control? The only thing you can control is you. The only truth in your life is what you feel and are inside. Seeking answers to your needs outside yourself in religion, philosophy or drugs is putting your life in the hands of outside forces. What are your talents? What do you know that you could use to propel your life forward? What can you do to better yourself? These are deep internal seeking questions.Don’t give up on life yet. I am 57 and I am in college and publishing books. No, I’m not getting rich or anything like that, but I enjoy learning and spreading information I have gleaned from life. Find your talents and work with them. Don’t fight so hard. Life isn’t fair or easy, but neither is it a toilsome never-ending journey.

My mood changes every moment, up and down, is that Bipolar disorder?

Mood swings, my mood goes up and then down MINUTE TO MINUTE literally. it keeps going up and down, up and down for the whole day. One minute I feel my life is meaningless the next I feel great. WHOLE DAY. Is that bipolar disorder? if yes is it I or II.