Mother Drinking What Do I Do

My mother won’t quit smoking and drinking every night. How do I get her to stop?

Before you get all worked up over HOW to “get her to stop” you should seriously consider whether you SHOULD be doing things to “get her to stop.” Is she smoking one cigarette after dinner with a glass of wine? Or is she puffing away two packs of CamelKillers while downing a quart of Jim Beam every night?In the first instance, it’s likely you’ll do more harm than good trying to make an issue of it. In the second instance you should be talking to your school counselor about it for advice.She’s an adult and has the right to make her own choices in life within reason as long as she’s not endangering your well-being as a child (And no, simply smoking a few cigarettes in a house each evening is NOT “endangering your well-being as a child.”) Think about it: When YOU are an adult someday, will YOU want other people still telling you what to do and punishing you when you are “naughty” and don’t conform to their ideas?If she’s somewhere in between in her drinking and smoking and you’re just concerned about her health, then maybe you could bring some literature home from school and just say, “Hey mom, we had a thing today where they talked about smoking and drinking and they gave us this stuff. What do you think about it?” (Although even doing that is a big awkward.)MJM, both of whose parents smoked and drank fairly heavily by today’s standards throughout his whole child- teen- hood and didn’t leave him any the worse for wear.P.S. If anyone has been trying to frighten you with ideas that your mom is going to die or that her smoking is going to give YOU lung cancer etc, THEY should be ashamed of themselves for abusing your trust in them to use you as a weapon to manipulate your parents at the risk of family disruption. If you examine the dozen or so studies on childhood exposure to smoke that I and several other folks gathered together at Philadelphia you’ll see that there is no solid indication at all of any risk in the area of lung cancer, and that one of the best studies in the area, one done by the UN’s World Health Organization, actually found that children of smokers eventually got 22% LESS lung cancer as they grew up than children of nonsmokers! Unless you’re one of the fairly rare people with smoke-sensitive asthma or one of the VERY rare people with a genetic defect called AAT-1, the only real negative concern for you healthwise will be if your parents get more colds and bronchial infections from their own smoking and then pass them on to you.

How do I stop my mom from drinking?

I think my mom is an alcoholic. She drinks wine every single night and she always gets drunk so easily and it's so obvious to anyone around her, but my family members won't admit it, I tell them that she is drunk again but they just flip it off and say that I'm exaggerating (only my sister understands me sometimes). The problem is the way she is when she is drunk, she victimizes herself all the time, doesn't think clearly, speaks in a very odd way, and keeps threating me if I ever do something that bothers her (everything bothers her when she's drunk). She has always been like that since I was a little child, but now it has become worse. We get into fights all the time, and I tell her that she is drunk and she needs to stop drinking so much, but she says she is sober and awake and acts very superior towards me. Right now we just had a very bad fight because she wasn't thinking clearly of her actions, and we argued a lot. I told her that she is too drunk and that's why we are always fighting, I couldn't stand anymore because I always try to be calm when she gets drunk, but she is too annoying and pushy and does too many stupid things and it bothers me a lot, so I told her everything that bothers me so we got into a fight. Please help me do something about it, she needs help, if I tell this to a family member they would not take me seriously and probably tell the conversation to my mother.

What can I do if I have a mother that drinks a lot and gets mad at me for no reason?

I am no expert and I don't know your circumstances. But, for starters, confide in someone who knows both your mother and you. Ask them for advice. Ask them how you think you should handle it. Also, if your mother is a reasonable person sober tell her how it makes you feel. Maybe she will think about that the next time she drinks. If your relationship with your mother is great when she is sober, ask her to go to Alcohol Anomous (AA). Tell her that you will go with her if that is what it takes. Do all of the research for the AA locations and times so she will not have an excuse. If you google it, I'm sure you can get all of the info you need. Express to her that her drinking is not only hurting your relationship but it is hazardous to her health. I hope I could help a little bit. I know it is hard but hang in there. Maybe one day she will make a change for the better. But if she doesn't, you tried. Also, don't give up. You might find some resistance  in the beginning but, hopefully she wil give in. I wish you the best.

My mother is furious for having caught me drinking. What should I do?

If you are still an minor and depend on your parents for support, then it is best if you “play the party line.” You don’t have to drink (alcohol) with friends. I’m guessing you are old enough to make your own life choices. When you are an adult, paying for you life and living on your own, it will not make a big difference what you mother thinks about your drinking.

The joys of having a drunk mother—what do I do?

I suppose you’ll need context first.

My mom is constantly drinking, and makes no effort to stay sober despite her many promises to do so. Support groups seem out of reach at this point when my family has done all they could to help her with no resolve.

I could live with that if she didn’t belittle my dad and verbally abuse him on the daily. She always accuses him on cheating with another woman, claiming he doesn’t actually love her despite his actions to prove otherwise. The insults and screams are only escalating when he hasn’t said a single word against her. He doesn’t want anyone else involved, but living here is just a nightmare. To make it worse, she cries and makes herself the victim! He just goes and comforts her like nothing happened! Like, what the actual f*ck?

Being a minor, I can’t exactly move out, now can I?

I’m just at a loss. Any help would be appreciated. It seems like I’ve everything.

How do I get my mom to stop drinking and smoking?

Well, I have been in a similar situation with my (now deceased) mother years ago when I was around your age. I'm now 29. She was a drug addict and she put drugs and guys before me and my sister for years.

I tried to help her for years but our relationship was so bad we ended up not speaking for a few years until my uncle died.

Eventually she came to me, when I was in my early 20's, and she moved in with me, quit drugs, left her drug dealer boyfriend and generally cleaned up her act. Then she died 3 months later. She was in her early 40's.

The one thing I learned from all of that was that if someone doesn't want to do anything to help themselves then there is NOTHING you can do for them. It has to come from them, and often, pressurising them to change will only drive them further away and make things worse. Your mom has her life to live. She chose her path. She has to work it out for herself, however painful it is for everyone involved.

Your mom is an alcoholic. My mom was a drug addict. Two different addictions but all addictions are fundamentally the same in terms of the devastation they can cause.

You are 13 years old. You are old enough to be able to make good choices for yourself and to shape the rest of your life. You don't have to let your mom's behaviour and issues ruin your life.

My advice to you is, do well at school. Go to college. Don't let your mom or anyone else contaminate you with their negativity. Learn from their mistakes. And deal with your own feelings in whichever way you can. Express them to someone you trust 100%. Seek the support of your most trusted friends and relatives, or even your teachers. Maybe your school has a counsellor? But please, for your sake, don't let this drag you down into the gutter, in any way.

Of course, the thorny subject is whether you should drink when you're old enough.
It's okay in moderation. So when you're old enough to party, stay away from smoking and drugs. Enjoy a few drinks now and again, but don't overdo it. Keep yourself healthy in mind, body and spirit.

Show compassion towards your parents and your family, and to yourself. Love yourself too because you are worth loving. Live a FULL and HAPPY life that is full of love and laughter.

You will be fine. xx

How do I stop my mother from drinking or buying alcohol every time she can?

I agree with E.A.- not a heck of a lot you can do to make your Mother stop.Three other options: 1) as many writers here have mentioned AlAnon is a good resource and support system for family members of alcoholics.2) For your own mindset/perspective, remember that your Mother is doing something she does not want to do. Her free will has been “hijacked”. She may seem petulant and surly to you, like a 8 year old demanding dessert first but, I suspect underneath is an incredible amount of shame, guilt and self-loathing.3) Ask her to see a therapist or drug/alcohol counselor- not for her- she’ll do whatever she's going to do- but for you- to make you feel a little better about the situation- a little reassurance that she is going to be safe. Plus, suggest to her, it will get you off her back a little. Maybe she is all right- but you are becoming a basket case. (Perhaps have her pick out someone that is going to be “on her side”.)

If the mother drink some alcohol while feeding milk to a 1-year-old baby, will it affect the baby?

You can consume alcohol (1–2 glasses of beer or wine) while you are breastfeeding. Just make sure that you wait for 5–6 hours before you breastfeed.Pump beforehand and feed the baby with the bottle during that time period.

My mom started drinking again....?

It's amazing how much you grow up when you have to deal with an alcoholic parent. Both of the above answers are great. The maturity shows in the responses.

I'm 27 and grew up with a mother who was an alcoholic, as well. My heart goes out to you. My mom is still an alcoholic, worse than before. When I was in high school, I dealt with the stress and anxiety, and I wish I could say it will get better.

Ultimately, unless she wants to get help, there is nothing you can do. You can try to talk to her, maybe you'll have some luck with that. I tried EVERYTHING with my mother. It took until this summer to get through to her that she needed to change. I cut her from my life for months. It has only been recently, that she has come back into it. I'm still keeping her at an arms length, for fear of bringing the drama back into my life.

She is sick. Alcoholism is a disease. Unfortunately, you have to go through this. If you can move in with a family member, that would probably be best. I am so terribly sorry that you are going through this. People have to hit rock bottom before they take the upswing. Obviously something happened that made her turn back to the booze. If she isn't ready to talk about it, there's nothing you can do.

The best advise I can give you is to remember that this is NOT your fault. No matter what she says or does, it isn't you. It took me a long time to get to this point in my life. I can only hope that you will see it before I did. She's your mom and you love her, but she will make her own decisions. If you can support her in her fight against drinking (when she tries again), then great. If not...don't fault yourself.

Hang in there hun! This might EFFECT you but it's not BECAUSE of you. Find someone you can talk to...helpline, friends, family, ANYONE.

Best of luck to you!

Does a baby drink water in its mother's womb?

Yes, they do. Not at first though. The baby will get most of it’s fluids from the umbilical cord. But at some point in development the baby begins to swallow, and it swallows the amniotic fluid.