Mothers What Formula Are You Using For Your Newborns

What is the best formula for a newborn?

The best formula is the one that baby tolerates best. Generally ready-to-feed is preferable to powder (though more expensive.)

I would start with any standard brand of milk-based formula (store brands are fine). If baby does well, you're set. If not, you could try a 'gentle' type, or one without DHA (some babies are sensitve). If baby still isn't doing well, there are hypoallergenic formulas (like Alimentium), soy formulas, and even some prescription formulas.

BTW, IF you are interested in breastfeeding, it really IS an option for you. Adoptive mothers can and do induce lactation. It's not the easiest thing to do (takes time and effort, and you probably won't make enough to meet babies complete needs), but if you ARE interested, look into it.

EDIT: I wanted to address mbcratz comment about using soy if you are adopting from a country where lactose intolerence is common. This is not correct. Infants are never lactose intolerant. Breastmilk contains far more lactose than cows milk, or any milk-based formula. Lactose intolerance develops (in people who have it) in mid-late childhood or beyond, and has nothing to do with the type of formula baby gets as an infant. (Babies who need soy formulas are allergic to the proteins in cows milk, not sensitive to the sugars in it.)

Why do mothers use baby formula when they could use breast milk instead?

While the evidence points to breast milk being better for your baby’s health,Breast feeding can be hard.My wife breast fed our first child until 2 years and is currently feeding our second at 8 months.When my wife first started our first was a month premature, small, jaundiced and kept falling asleep when feeding, so did not eat much. This meant that she had to be fed every two hours, first on the breast, then from the bottle with expressed milk. Try to imagine feeding for 30 mins, pumping for 30mins, sleeping for an hour then repeating for a couple of weeks.Now imagine that you are a new mum who has never done this before. Your milk supply is not coming in very fast as your baby is not feeding well, you are just getting a teaspoon at a time. You're not experienced so even when your baby is awake (and you will be only half awake) you don't really get the latch right. This means that feeding does not go well and your nipples are getting sore, cracked and bleeding.Ok, you're strong willed (have an amazing husband) and persevere and it goes well. Success, but it is still hard as you cannot easily hand off your child or if you need to, you need to pump to express milk (which does not always go well). This continues but even more so when you go back to work.It would be so much easier if you could just drop some water and powder in a bottle, hand it and your baby to your (amazing) husband and finally get to sleep.Most of our friends (sensible, educated people who know that "breast is best" for their baby) either could not get started or gave up within the first three months.

Can feed my newborn pit similac formula?

First off breed isn't important in this part of the game, he's just simply a newborn puppy.

If at all possible you need to have a vet check the little one out. Often times mama dogs know something, we might not pick up on... there could be something wrong with the pup.

If the little one is healthy, he needs to be on puppy formula. The trick is to help him eat.

Use a puppy baby bottle (most pet shops carry them), if you can't get one use a rubber nipple baby bottle.

Check the nipple to make sure the milk is coming out correctly. Too fast will choke him and to slow he may not get enough to eat. You can increase the flow using a hot sewing needle.

Make sure the formula is baby bottle warm. Should not be hot, but a bit warm. Pups don't like cold formula out of the fridge!

Next is how you hold him, he is not a human, don't turn him on his back like a little baby.
Place a soft towel or wash cloth over your hand, let him kneed on the towel as he sucks from the bottle. It should resemble the natural position he would have if he was nursing from his mother.

Little newborns puppies are like little newborn humans in one way, the eat little and they eat often!!! Set the alarm clock at night for every three hours.

Also try to keep him warm, but not hot and out of drafts.

Good luck

Why do mothers of formula fed babies get so defensive?

Nobody likes being told that they have made a less desirable choice, particularly when the choice involves their children. So it's much easier to fall back on denial ("Formula is just as good!" or defensiveness "Why are you calling me a bad mother?")

EDIT: Crazy Cat -- yes, it's true that there are SOME mothers who truly cannot breastfeed for a variety of reasons. But the vast majority of women who formula feed do so out of CHOICE -- or because they have failed to educate themselves or get appropriate support, so they 'fail' at breastfeeding. (How else do you explain that vastly different breastfeeding rates in different states and countries? Do Swedish women REALLY have better breasts than women in Louisiana or Ireland?)
So it's NOT unreasonable to assume that a formula feeding mother is doing so out of choice, not becuase she's had a double mastectomy or a baby with a cleft palate. (Which of course does not justify walking up to a bottle feeding mother and berating her ... but nobody does that anyway.)

But no, modern formulas are still not 'just as good' as breastmilk.

I need mom's help with baby's formula?

I have a 6 weeks old baby, and she started drinking Similac Advance with arion, but aparently that was to rough for her stumatch, and her formula was change it to Isolmilk Similac soymilk with Iron..It seems that its working better, I also read about Similac Sensitive for sensitive stomach..I wanted with all my heart to breasfeed her but she didnt take my breas.. I didnt force her and for that is my fault now she is 6 weeks and I dnt think I can keep trying for her to take my breas.. Can I still try with my breast? I beraly have milk in only one of them. It really breaks my heart seeing her crying because of gasses or heart burn ( she is taking medicine for heart burn) I dont know what to do..I feel like is my fault.. Which formula should be better?

Newborn: What's the best water to mix with baby formula?

Recently my mother bought distilled water to mix with my sons formula.... He became very uncomfortable very fussy as if he had a tummy ache... I thought it was the formula because before we started using the powder he was drinking ready to feed and was fine.... I recently went out and got bottles of purified water... I'm not sure if it's the same as distilled water but I notice when I mix this water with his formula he is less gassy and cranky... He actually burps and doesn't struggle to get it out....

The brands of water that I was using was

deer park distilled water but now I'm using nestle pure life water purified.... Is nursery water the same thing or would that be better

Is it really that good to continue mothers milk? What if I do formula?

Mothers milk is considered best for the baby’s growth and nourishment. It is the perfect mix of. What your baby needs at that. Particular stage of his/her growth. It also contains antibodies and other content that is taken from mothers. Body. Only. And. Which formula milk cannot provide. It hence improves immunity of the baby and avoids infections/allergies. Although these points may not be visible or obvious, they are very important. The more obvious result of switching to formula milk can be seen as the baby passes stool. The formula milk makes . The stool harder whereas the. Breastmilk has a laxative effect and. Baby. Does. Not. Face iasues of constipation or gas. Another point ia baby consumes as per his/her need only while formula. Feeding can. Overfeed the baby. Hope this helps.

How do I keep a newborn baby kitten alive if it has no mother? What should I do?

The mother probably won’t come back if it’s been a whole day. She may have been hurt, or gotten lost, or not realized she had another kitten to move. Sometimes moms abandon kittens that are sick or have congenital defects.Newborn kittens need three things:WarmthFoodPotty carePutting the kitten in a warm box with just blankets won’t be enough. You have to actually keep the kitten warm. For now, put it inside your shirt, next to your skin; that’s the easiest and quickest way. I had a friend who kept a newborn kitten inside her bra, seriously. Prepare a hot water bottle for the kitten to snuggle up with; you can also use a rice heater. Make sure it’s not too hot. Kittens this age can’t keep their own body temperature up, and need a heat source; yours is most likely chilled.Your kitten can’t drink cow’s milk; it’s hard on its digestive system and it can’t get the nutrition it needs from cow’s milk. It needs kitten formula, the sort you would get from a vet or a pet store. You need a bottle with a small nipple. The kitten probably will not eat until it’s properly warm. You can put a bit of sugar water in its mouth to give it a bit of energy and get its appetite going; don’t actually feed it sugar water, just put a little on the kitten’s gums and hope the sugar helps it get the energy to suck. They need to be fed OFTEN; yes, you’re going to lose sleep.Your kitten also can’t go to the bathroom on its own. At this age, Mom stimulates it to go by licking its bum. You can do this, after feedings, by wiping its bum with a damp cotton ball or soft washcloth.If you cannot get your kitten fed within an hour, put it in your shirt again and get it to a veterinarian. At this age, kittens go downhill fast, and a vet is probably its only hope.If you have done everything you could do, and you lose the kitten anyway, remember this: Kittens are fragile; even experienced foster parents lose them sometimes. What you did still made a difference, because you gave that kitten a soft, warm, caring place; without you, it would have spent its last day somewhere cold and alone. You made sure that didn’t happen.Further information and specifics on times and amounts to feed:How to Raise Orphan KittensWhat to Do (and NOT Do) If You Find a Newborn Kitten

Is it true that babies eating formula recognize mother much  later  compared to breast feeding babies?

As far as I'm aware, there has been no research to show there is a delay in the mother/baby bond if the mother formula feeds. Some things to do if you are worried though, - read stories to your babies, sing to them, lots of skin-to-skin time, (this can include showering or bathing with them) talk to them a lot. Cosleeping can be done too (bedsharing if it can be done safely, or having their cot/crib in the same room.)As an aside, you can still breastfeed if you have low milk suppy. Start by feeding the babies with breastmilk, then top them up with formula. The act of removing the milk from your breasts will send a signal to your body to create milk. The more you feed them, the more you make. Also, not sure how old your babies are, but there are some factors that can make a mum think she has low milk supply even if her supply is actually fine. These are babies cluster feeding - lots of feeds close together often in the evening. Her breasts softening, or not feeling full - at around 12 weeks the milk supply changes from hormonal to demand driven, so engorgement becomes much less common. (Not sure if you still want to breastfeed so I included that last paragraph. If you speak to a lactation consultant they might be able to help with establishing a breastfeeding relationship. This can still be done if your milk has dried up.  Not sure where you are in the world, but organisations like La Leche League or Australian Beastfeeding Association can help too.)