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Why is my hair falling out/what can I do?

I have noticed that my hair has been shedding A LOT lately, more so than it ever has before. It doesn't seem to be thinning to much, it it is already thin at the ends so I dont want to lose to much more. I drink plenty of water (the only thing I drink really) I exercise daily,I do have a relaxer, but I moisturize the crap out of it. I mean I have slight stress at school, but not enough I thought to cause hair loss. If you can't figure out why that is totally fine, but please, any suggestions?

Losing hair, bald spot becoming apparent- young age (20)?

My brother started noticing a bald spot on the top of my head. I know it is not genetics because my brothers doesn't have one & my parents aren't bald. I'm beginning to think it's because of my diet or that I wash my hair too frequently. Maybe I'm not shampooing my hair property?

Can anyone advise a healthy proper way to shampoo? I use dove and baby johnson shampoo. I don't apply any conditioner afterwards. How frequent should I wash my hair? daily? every other day? What should i get to prevent hair loss?

Be as detail as possible. I am afraid if I don't take the precaution right now, I'll be bald by the time I grow up. Please help!