Muscle Pills Hearth Problem

Can anxiety chest pains cause heart problems?

According to the (American Heart Association), many mental health issues can affect your heart health. When your body is under stress, it produces higher levels of glucose, adrenaline, and cortisol. Repetitive or prolonged distress overworks your adrenal glands, heart, and arteries. Unhealthy coping mechanisms, like smoking cigarettes or eating fatty foods, can contribute to the negative cycle. If left unchecked, an unhealthy mental state becomes another risk factor for heart attack.Additionally, up to a third of all heart attack survivors experience depression. Anxiety and chest pain can trigger more panic, resulting in a potentially destructive cycle.

Can one get a heart attack after having sleeping pills?

Sleeping pills typically lower the heart rate in most cases but it doesn't prevent someone from having a heart attack.  Heart attacks are a result of plaque formations in the Coronary arteries that impede or stop the flow of blood to delivering oxygen to cardiac cells.  The scientific term for heart attack is called a myocardial infarction or MI for short.  In many cases of heart attack there are two types NSTEMI and STEMI.  STEMI means ST elevated MI and often occurs when a piece of plaque breaks off and gets stuck further down in the Artery completely blocking blood flow.  These are the most dangerous kind and a patient requires immediate attention. NSTEMI is a non ST elevated heart attack.  ST before I continue is a line on an EKG tracing we in cardiology can look at to assist with diagnosis.  NSTEMI can occur with time or they can occur like the STEMI where a piece of plaque breaks off and travels down the Coronary Artery resulting in a partial block.  The partial block is severe enough where there are electric changes in the heart.  Often times with both these conditions people will develop something called angina which is a word we use for chest pain pertaining to the heart.  If your mother has chest pain that feels like a squeezing pressure or tightness in the chest that moves into the left arm, neck, jaw, upper back she needs to dial 911 immediately.  If she has diabetes she may have no chest pain something we call silent MI.  Silent MIs may present as muscle aches, fatigue, shortness of breath, sweating, flushed skin.  To get back with your question I would have your mother follow up with her physician regarding sleeping pills and if they are safe for her to take.  There are many different kinds of sleeping pills and depending on what sleeping pill it is and what meds she is currently on are all certainly risk factors for interaction.  But just looking at a sleeping pill from a generalized sense it may lower blood pressure, heart rate, and calm nerves which are all certainly contributors to heart disease and would assist in keeping the heart rested however no it does not prevent heart attacks.  If it did we would passing out sleeping pills like M&Ms on Halloween.

What is the safest muscle relaxer to take if one has thyroid and heart problems and is taking zoloft for depression?

The one that your physician recommends, of depends on whether your thyroid and heart illnesses are well treated and stable, or if they are still in flux.It depends on what you need a muscle relaxer.It depends on a myriad of other medical issues, illnesses, medications, alcohol consumption, drug use, age, and so on.Please discuss this with your treating physician. We can’t give you medical advice for your specific situation.

What do Testosterone pills do?

Testosterone pills are used to raise testosterone level in blood. They are widely used by old age people to restore their hormone level and also by young people to enhance their muscle development. If you are healthy and younger than 70 your testosterone level should be quite sufficient. At 18 years of age testosterone will be the last of my worries you do not need it, you already have plenty and more will not change anything except for the worse with no benefits.
When you take steroids or any testosterone-like supplement it may help muscle growth but will cause your body to respond by reducing the normal testosterone output of your testicles in an effort to keep it at normal levels. Most of the horror stories you have heard about the side effects of steroids are true. If your testosterone level is low, real testosterone supplementation as prescribed by a doctor will normalize it. Either way it will not do much for your facial hair growth or penis size. That is controlled by genetics. The genes you inherited from your parents, grandparents and further back in your ancestry
Testosterone Steroids and prohormones can cause:
Negative effects:
Losing hair, Facial hair growth, Irritability, Acne (in various places), ther negative effects prostate cancer, heart disease, addiction, muscle failure at an older age,
Positive effects:
Testosterone in low doses can make men become more interested in making love (libido), increase muscle mass, bone strength, decreased levels of lousy LDL cholesterol and improve insulin sensitivity, so your chance of suffering diabetes decreases.

Is muscle relaxers allowed with high blood pressure medication?

its ok according to nursing 2011 drug handbook by lippincott

Why is ginger considered dangerous for someone with "heart disease"?

Like the others said, ginger has some wonderful properties including fighting nausea due to IBS and pregnancy. However, like many supplements, it can have some anticoagulant properties. That is the only reason I can think of that people who have “heart disease” may have to worry about its use. Anyone considering popping it who has heart disease should check with their cardiologist first to make sure it’s safe for them.

Does bodybuilding weakens the heart?

A2A.NO! If anything, body building or any kind of physical activity for that matter strengthens your heart, improves your cardiovascular fitness, increases your stamina, improves blood circulation, provides better muscle coordination and in short enables your heart to pump more blood and enables your cells to accept and process more oxygen by creating better neuro-path ways in your body and enabling one to posess a higher VO2 max.Dumb decisions taken with regard to training methods, supplements (including but not limited to steroids) may cause heart problems. Over training and constant state of faituge created due to not sufficiently resting oneself may cause strain and eventualy heart problems. According to the American College of Sports Medicine:it's recommended that you log about 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of high-intensity exercise per week to keep your heart healthy. Some of you probably accomplish that in a few days! It's clear that exercise is heart-healthy, but there are risks for those who exercise to extremes for long periods of time.A review study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings found that some endurance athletes who exercised at very high intensities over a long duration were at a greater risk of developing heart problems than those who exercised more moderately. "The research we have [indicates that] excessive exercise in any form may lead to cardiac issues," says Dr. Nelson. "Those who run ultra-endurance events are at a higher risk. Unsurprisingly, those who only do high-pressure powerlifting or weightlifting only may also be at a higher risk."But this too, could pretty well be because you were under the danger of heart ailments and not just because of working out (just my personal opinion; as I never completely trust these studies. One day they say 'this' and the next day, they say 'that').Body building and strength training are all about working various muscles in your body and making them stronger to perform day to day tasks efficiently. Your heart too is a muscle. The most important muscle in your body perhaps. Sources - Your Heart: The Muscle That Matters The Most Bodybuilding Decreases Your Risk For Cardiovascular Disease!