Music Career Possibility

I want a music career but I'm Jehovah's Witness?

There are opportunities for musicians and singers through the recordings done at Bethel.

I have a close friend who plays the cello in the orchestra and enjoys that privilege immensely.

I also have another friend who is involved in the recordings of the songs we hear on JW.ORG.

They are successful with their music in praise of Jehovah. No they do not make a living or a career of their music, as you are probably thinking, but they are TRULY blessed for their talent.

I do know a sister who is an opera singer. And I do know a WELL KNOWN brother who has his own LIVE show that is broadcast worldwide. But he has structured his life so that his career stays grounded and based and the talent comes to HIM here in the city I live in so he does not miss meetings.

When he performs as a opening act for another performer, he makes sure that the other performer's show does not interfere with his meetings and conventions.

He has a daughter who is a missionary in South America, and a son who is growing up strong in the truth.

It can be done, but the spiritual strength HAS to be there first.

Get to the meetings, get strong spiritually, take some college music courses, get a music foundation, and remember this ------

Even Paul made tents. So find yourself a trade that will pay the bills while you continue to learn both spiritually and musically.

My parents were professional musicians. My Mom and Dad played for the Grand Ole Opry, and my Dad was a baptized Witness. They cut records and preformed. But we never missed meetings or service. NEVER.

Is there any possibility of increasing my fans in

Yeah, I do believe that we can increase fans in musically for sure and before that, I would like to share my experience with you people of about how I got to become more popular on musically. It is one of my friends who suggested me to buy musically fans online and I thought it will not work initially. But then I made up my mind and just tried once, and to my surprise, it worked out super awesome. I am happy now as I have many fans and I have also reached my goal, it has indeed made my career good as well.

Is there a possibility that someone can lose their creativity for something like music? I have a passion for writing music and playing music, but I don’t want to lose that drive because of other things I’m doing in my life.

Yes there's a possibility that you can lose your creativity.

How do I develop my Indian classical music career ?

It takes time to develop mastery in the Indian Classical Music. First you need to decide that you want to be Instrumentalist or vocalist or want to play percussion instruments like tabla.You need to search the Guru and Practice hard. It is not impossible but yes, it is difficult and hard practice is the right solutionAfter developing some level, you need to participate in some concerts as assistance to some one who is already performing, this may be your guru or some one else. By that you will get some experience of the stage artist.You can also get in touch with some producers to make your album which will establish you as an artist.You can also apply for the radio programs.SPICMACAY and SAPTAK group also organizes the concerts which gives chance to perform the new artists.Read the famous Indian Classical Musician's biography and know how they proceeded to make his carrier

Is it worth pursuing a musical career?

The life of a musician can be totally amazing, or amazingly frustrating. If you luck out (and it is all about luck - though you still have to be talented), and make it big, it is awesome. If you are like the many of us who do not make it big, it can be very frustrating. It is getting harder and harder to make a living as a musician. There are several factors that have made this the case.First, digital music has rendered live musicians unnecessary (that does not mean it is better or worse, it’s just reality). Second, it is much cheaper to play music, stream music, or even have a live DJ, than it is to hire live musicians. So that has reduced the ability of musicians to have paying jobs. Third, people just do not want to pay pay to see live musicians other than the big stars, further making the possibility of making a living unlikely.So what is my bottom line? If you have a burning passion to be a musician, go for it. Be aware though that you will probably not be able to support yourself as a musician, so have a backup plan. That way you can pay your bills and not need to live with your parents the rest of your life. Also, though it is easier than ever to “put your music out there”, it is still not likely that you will hit it big. Even if you are talented and gifted. Just do not put all your “eggs” in one basket.I had dreams of making a living as a drummer and percussionist. unfortunately, drum machines and software limited my options. In order to feed and house my wife and kids, I became a music teacher. Now the work is not the same, I will never be “rich”, and some days are not all that fun, but I still get to make music everyday.

I sometimes raise the possibility (to equally raising eyebrows) that all the possible melodic combinations allowed by the Western tonal system have been used, therefore no new great melodies being possible in pop music or at least harder to find. Am I so wrong?

Oh, I don't think so.Let's do a little math. Since pop music is often not too adventurous tonally, we will limit ourselves to a single C major scale. Furthermore, we will limit ourselves to four possible durations and a single, set tempo. This gives us a total of eight possible notes to pick (seven possible notes plus nothing, a rest) and four duration values. Now, for a fairly short melody, with, say, eight choices we have (8*4)^8 choices. This is just a little over a trillion possibilities, and assuming you could sit and listen to about three of these a minute, it would take about 700, 000 years of continually listening for you to hear all of them. But!Do you really like to limit yourself like that?I know I don't. If we lighten up our restrictions just a bit, and take a full chromatic scale, a dozen possible durations, and up to 16 notes per melody, we have: (13*12)^16, or roughly 1.23 x 10^35 possibilities. Assuming fewer than one in one-trillion is even a candidate for your definition of "great," it would take the entire population of earth a little less than 10 million years to listen to them all (hope you have some good shagging-music recommendations to help speed this process up). Of course, this is disregards so many, many other possibilities. In particular, I would LOVE to see popular music use more counterpoint. Now, with just three voices, we have exceeded the limits of my calculator ((13*12)^16)^3,  and, incidentally, the number of atoms in the universe.Of course I could go on, and on. We haven't even considered timbre or tempo changes, not to mention adding octaves or changing our tuning system (see: Microtonal music). HOWEVER! Every single one of these points is mute (yes, that was intentional - sorry).Like with certain other things, it is not so much what you have, but how you use it.For example, here is Tchaikovsky's take on a decsending scale:Or, if you prefer, here is something more modern, Ligeti's take on the note 'A.'tl;dr  You are dead wrong and you deserve the raised eyebrow.

It's very complicated and I am desperate to get to USA!?

Okay, I'm living in Europe, in a really freakin small poor country. I aint starving though and I am not that poor, thx God. I am 17. I am a R&B singer and I've always dreamed of moving with my family to US. And it's not only about dreaming but it's because I can't start a proper music career because no record label can sign me as long as I live here so I really need to move to US. I've received offers but when the American producers would find out where I live, they back up, cause it's gonna be needed a lot of papers and money to manage to move to US. and it's really very hard to get out of this country cause they won't let people go away just like that since this nation is dying, I mean we were 4 million people 5 years ago, now we are 2.5 or 3 million people in the whole country (cause everybody runs away from here). I am not asking for money, nope. I just want to know what other possibilities I have so that I could move to US with my family, (and to make the things worse, my parents don't know english.) And they are not that young anymore. I will be 18 in september. As long as I've thought about every possibility, I got only 2 or 3: to wait for another 2 years (which I really don't want (((( ) so that I could apply for the Work and Travel thing to go to US, or to get married and move to US (which would really take a lot less time and it would make the things easier for everybody and plus I've been into a long distance relationship with an american guy for more than 3 months and he said he would really want to marry me or at least to visit me so that we could be together but he doesn't have the money to afford that ~3000 $ two way ticket from US to my country and back) I could afford paying those money for him but there's no way I'd try to push the things or make him feel like I would buy him so that I would get my way to US) . I really have feelings about him so I wouldn't risk any of that only so that I could get there. So please help! What other things could I do or try or what other possibilities u know that I could apply for or anything like that?

Careers based on my natal chart?

Your career possibilities are shown by your 10th house and your life circumstances and upbringing and parts of this are shown by your whole chart; none of which can be seen by what details you give. Your Sun and Moon are opposed to each other and this can be about tremendous indecision because you're aware of just about every possibility of things so you just have to take everything into consideration before deciding on anything perhaps so it's no wonder you have a problem with your career decision.
It's about how all of your planets get on with each other and this is easier to see by looking at an actual chart rather than a load of data. Why not post your chart with the birth details removed. Your chart consists of houses and these are very relevant to what you ask. All you've given is your Ascendant which is Gemini; this "could maybe" be about asking questions, and questions, and questions.
Both your Sun and Moon are square to Pluto and this creates a t-square aspect formation and that can give really beneficial influences but only after you learn to manage it well. Your indecision creates all sorts of obsession and trauma/drama in your life most likely but this can be channelled positively to actually be of tremendous help for you. Pluto is in your 6th house of day to day living so this is likely to be where all the drama plays out. The answer or starting point in trying to sort it out could be your 12th house Gemini in some way and as you have Gemini rising you have a good idea of what this is all about.
Your Sun is in your 10th house and that suggests that when ever you're out and about in public you just have to be seen in the best light and the same goes for your career. What ever it is you do you have to be "noticed" in some way ideally and as your Sun is in Pisces maybe you need a career where your power to heal or inspire others in some way is what you need. Your MC, (start of 10th house), is Aquarius so maybe you need a career that has some sort of humanitarian qualities to it.