Muslims How Will The Mahdi Go About Restoring The Islamic Faith

Are Muslims waiting for the messiah?

Actually, we DO believe that Jesus (saws) is the Messiah. We do believe he was born of a miraculous birth, was a wonderful Prophet of his time, performed many miracles by the will of God, and left a legacy that all can benefit from. We also believe that he will return to destroy the anti-Christ and restore the world to peace before the Day of Judgement. There are only two topics that Muslims and Christians disagree on when it comes to Jesus. The first is that Jesus is God's son or a part of God; we believe God is One, there's no other like Him, He begets not, nor was He begotten, no one deserve worship but Him, and only He can judge us. We also do not believe in the crucifixion; we believe that instead of letting him be slaughtered, God rose him up to heaven where he awaits until his time to return. He is the only human in heaven whose body has not yet died. Aside from these two issues, we agree on pretty much everything else!

Hope it helps you and good luck and God bless!

Are Judaism, Christianity and Islam three renditions of the same parable?

Although Christianity and Islam cannot be understood apart from the Jewish scriptures that they take as their starting points, their essential stories are quite different. Judaism is about the covenant between G-d and the Jewish people that originated with Abraham, and the way of life that G-d commanded Jews to follow. Christianity is about the unique significance of Jesus for individual salvation. Islam is about the role of Muhammad in bringing a final and perfect revelation to order the world. These are not three renditions of the same message.

To GameDogg81: I'm afraid that the Messiah is not a "central figure" in Judaism. Yes, Jews await the coming of the Messiah, but not in the same expectant way that many Christians seem to await the Second Coming. In addition, if I am not mistaken, there *is" an analogous figure in Islam - the Mahdi (divinely guided one) is an eschatological figure who Muslims believe will come to bring about a time of justice and peace and a unifying of the world under Islam and Islamic law just prior to the final judgment.

To Honore: While it's certainly true that there are important similarities between the stories of Noah in Genesis and Utrnapishtim in the Gilgamesh epic and Atrahasis, there's no way of knowing whether the Bible version is based on the Sumerian version or whether theey are both based on another, earlier source. In addition, the ethical point of the Noah story is very different from the Utnapishtim story. In the latter, Utnapishtim is saved through the connivance of Ea and gains immortality; Noah is saved because he alone was righteous. In the aftermath of the flood, gods quarrel over Utnapishtim's sacrifice, where Noah's sacrifice is to the one just G-d. The theme of the Noah story, absent from the Sumerian versions, is that G-d is just and values justice and righteousness.

Why is everyone saying that the Imam Mahdi will appear on 2028 or 2020?

Only Allah knows the definite date. But many prophesies  of end of time era have come true and it is about time that Imam Mehdi appears to lead Muslims from the persecution they are suffering in Iraq and Syria, where good Muslims are being persecuted for not joining a sect. And a ruling clan that worships hazrat Ali as God.Prophet Muhammad (saw) has even mentioned name of that tribe that is Bani-Kalb. Present ruler of Syria is from that tribe and hence Muslims resisting his rule are calling for help from  Allah. You can see that Christian USA and atheist Russia are both attacking Muslims of Syria. So  Allah's help is very close. Imam Mehdi will unite shiites with mainstream Islam and lead them to revolt against satanic world order imposed by USA led NATO.We are progeny of Ismael (AS) who was assigned role of patience by Allah. So let us wait for him patiently! Allah is with those who show patience.

Adam/Eve were Muslim?

''so as Quran says that Allah sent Adam (pbuh) and Eve (pbuh) to this world and so I assume there were monotheist?''

my comment
you are right

'than how come we don't find any evidence of monotheism till Judaism? '

my comment
it didnt survive .i ask why there should be in the first place if we will get preserved complete message (quran)

'Why is Abraham (pbuh) labeled father of monotheist religion rather than Adam (pbuh)? '

my comment
general misconception between nonmuslims

'Did Adam (pbuh) had many children according to the holly book than why is is that primal people worshiped nature instead of Allah?'

my comment
who said so?? many worshiped GOD but later they go astray generally to paganismby going extreme and praising religious people.thats why there was always prophets and messengers sent to guide people to the path of GOD(prophet mohamed told us that 125,000 messenger was sent to earth)

'Same question to Christians- what happens to people before Jesus? are there souls saved or are they going to hell or are they just lost and not accounted for at all?'

my comment
Quran 017.015
Whoever is guided is only guided for [the benefit of] his soul. And whoever errs only errs against it. And no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another. And never would We punish until We sent a messenger.

'this is of course if you take Quran literally and take the stories like it really happened and not believe in natural selection'

the below points cant be all found except in islam (this include ur belief system)

1- the confirmation of all fields of science
2- simple belief (just one GOD sent different prophets for one message)
3-challenges for doubters
4-logic answers for deniers and believers
5-sources preserved in the original language without word change
6-others (secrets of Quran ,moralities,spirituals,..ect)

check out this
