Muslims How Will You Plan Your Nights With All The 72 Virg Ns

Is it right to say that muslim men are womanizer?

Any person can make any opinion, when they can marry 4 women in this life and get 72 after death.

How nice feeling it could be to enjoy four in this life and eighteen times more after death? What sort of heaven would be that which may contain the proportion of populatiom of men & women in the ratio of 1:72?

Why do Hindus burn their dead while Muslims and Christians bury them?

Hinduism is unique among the world’s major religions in mandating cremation, called antim-sanskar (last rite) as one of the 16 life rituals. Jainism and Sikhism also strongly prefer cremation. Since Agni, the god of fire is seen as a link between the gross and subtle, matter and spirit, the seen and unseen, the known and unknown and a messenger between men and gods, dead bodies were disposed by cremation. Thus, the dead body is an offering to Agni with an earnest prayer to purify and lead the individual to a better and brighter life.Another reason for preferring cremation is to produce a feeling of detachment in the freshly disembodied subtle body and to encourage it to pass on, rather than hover around loved ones. Moreover, Hindus, out of respect for the dead, did not want to leave the bodies around to be consumed by vultures and other animals.The exceptions to cremation are saints, holy men and children. Since saints are supposed to have attained a high degree of detachment from the body, they do not need to be cremated – they are buried in the lotus position. For children too, the attachment to the body is much less. Also, according to custom, an offspring is required to light the funeral pyre, and both categories would normally not have any.Not all hindhu sects cremate dead bodies. Shaivities predominantly follow burning of body and vaishnavities cremate.According to Islamic belief, their god allah will resurrect all dead bodies from the graves on judgment day and send them to heaven to enjoy with 72 virgins. If they cremate the body then there will be no body for allah to resurrect so they believe that they should not cremate the dead. They consider body belongs to god and burning it is disrespectful. Cremation causes alot of environmental problems and waste of fuel whereas burying a diseased person may lead to spread  infections.After all these rituals i believe main priority is availability of resources.Islam is orginated in region(desert) where cremating cannot be followed because of lack wood ( main requirement of creating fire) and so they might have accepted rule of not to geographical origin of a particular religion also matters!!!

Is islam banned in Japan?

No. Japan dose not banned Islam. According to Wikipedia, about 50,000 Muslims live in Japan. And there are about 80 mosques in Tokyo.

To get the job in Japan, I think you have a few difficulties.

1. A dress policies:
Many companies in Japan maybe do not allow tie a scarf to cover your face.

2. Praying times:
Many companies in Japanese maybe do not give you time to pray for Allah in working time. This is not discrimination based on religion, but just they do not want to interrupt working time.
(I THINK they should give time for pray to Muslims, because most of them give their employees time to enjoy cigarettes. )

3. Foods:
It is possible but not easy to get halal.

There are no or few religious discriminations in Japan, but some difficulties like above.
If the company you want to join understands Muslim, there are no problems.
I recommend you to negotiate with the company about a dress policy and praying tie for Allah

> They said if a Japanese citizen marry a Muslim the government take their citizenship away is that true??
I read news paper every day, but I’ve never heard of that.

May Allah bless you.

Where did Islam go wrong?

History of God by Karen Armstrong, right? I haven't read that in YEARS. I wasn't aware they were using it in classes now, but I definitely approve.

I think the same thing went wrong with Islam that goes on with most faiths with strict doctrines - the people *in* the faith corrupted the underlying message to serve their own ends. What we are seeing in the Middle East today with the oppression of women and other such intolerant behavior is actually fairly recent and can be traced back to one extremist Imam in the 1950's. I read an interview (in Time magazine, I think it was) with an old Muslim man who remembers the time before men and women were segregated and he says he misses the women! So even that segregation is recent and part of the extremist/fundamentalist movement in some areas.

I think most faiths talk a good talk at their core. However, when someone is taught that there is only one "true" faith and only one possible way to believe, it causes a lot of problems. Not only does it foster intolerance for those of other, minority faiths, it actually harms the spiritual development of those within the faith as they are too afraid to explore. They are confined by the word of man, only free to express themselves and their spirituality within certain boundaries. That, in my opinion, is a very sad thing.

Oh, something you may find interesting. Muslims have been painting and drawing Mohammed for centuries. The prohibition against drawing the prophet is also fairly new. Here is a link to the Mohammed image archive, most of those images Islamic in origin, some with his face hidden, others full depictions. ----->

I do wish the Muslims were stuck in the Middle Ages instead of the 1950's. If they were they'd still be leaders in math and science. I think seeing how going back to a "simpler time" has harmed that faith and their standing in the world at large should be warning enough to any Christians who want to do the same with their own faith. Unfortunately, most will never see the danger in that, so it's something the rest of us have to watch for and protect ourselves against. I know I don't want my Christian friends trampled by the extremist elements in their own faith and I don't think anyone but those extremists want that sort of thing to happen.