My 1 Year Old Cousin Still Can

I freaking hate my 3 year old cousin!?

Dude. She's three, what do you expect from her?
1. Three year old's are VERY talkative, it's normal and should be encouraged.
2. She's three, she has no concept of money, right now she's breaking her toys and getting more so she has no reason to not break them, her parents need to teach her differently.
3. She's spoiled, which again is her parents fault.
4. She's spoiled, which again is her parents fault.
5. She's spoiled, which again is her parents fault.
6. She wants people to be proud of her and or give her attention, she's three that's what they do.
7. All three year old's are VERY hyper, they're suppose to be and should be encouraged.
8. She doesn't want to get in trouble, three year old's lie, it's not there fault they need to be taught differently. (The fact that you want to punch a three year old in the face shows a lot more about you then her.)
9. Three year old's cry.
10. She needs to be taught/made to clean up her things.
11. She wants you to be PROUD of her, it's normal.
12. She's three and truly thinks she knows it all, it's normal.
13. She likes you, she wants to be like you, do the things you do. You should be happy about that.
14. She's three and most three-year-old's don't appreciate the small things parents or people do for them.
15. She's three and they can one minute be happy and the other unhappy.
16. She's three and they let her do it.

You shouldn't be blaming her for many of the things she does, these are skills that need to be taught. No one is born with them, right now she gets whatever she wants so why should she stop doing things her way when she has no consequences for her actions? She needs to be taught to be nice, to pick up after herself, to not lie, etc. You were not born being the person you are now, those are skills that were taught to you. I don't know why you're judging her for being a NORMAL THREE YEAR OLD.

My 3 year old cousins poop is blue?!?!?

She has either been eating blueberries like the other person said, but it could also be anything with blue dye's like popsiciles, kool-aid or any like juice, she could have swallowed a crayon, or a host of many other things. The good news is though, that there is no natural problem that will turn your poop blue. So as long as she's not complaining about a tummy ache and she is pooping fine, she will be okay. It is just the funny things that kids put in their mouths...... lol

How can I make a connection with my one year old cousin?

You could make a connection but it will be forgotten the next time you two meet again, and you may have to start recapturing his/her attention all over again. After all he/she is just a year old. They are easily distracted and does not really focus on people much. I suggest you should just spend your time playing toys with him/her as much as you could and talk to him/her more, as he/she would be more likely to respond to you with baby babbles!! One thing to note. If you want your baby cousin to focus more on you, make sure there are no background noise (e.g. television, radio) to distract him/her from you while you talk. Have fun!!

Can i get custody of my 1 year old cousin? I'm 18?

I suppose she would actually be my second cousin. Her mother is so irresponsible! Lets just say she has 6 kids, and only has cusdoty of 3. She called my mom about 4 weeks ago saying that she needed to take her to the doctor because her eye was swollen. My mom told her not to mess around when it comes to their eyes. and it turns out she didn't take her till 2 weeks later! Her eyes were GREEN full of puss. I watched her the following weekend and she has dry blood all over and up her nose. Of couse I cried, and I cleaned it. It made me feel bad cause she was crying but I knew it needed to be done. My cousin often texts me and asks me if I can take her for the weekend, and I always do, because If i don't, you never know who she could let watch her, and I am not having that. I taught this baby to walk, and helped her crawl and she knows where her belly button is cause of me.

-I know how it may sound, an 18 year old wanting to do such a huge thing. But I feel that if I don't, I may not be able to ever see her again once she gets taken away from her mom, and i don't think I could live with that.
-My dad has already told me that he would take cusdoty of her, and asked me tell my cousin to come over and talk to him. I tried, and she always made excusses not to come.

*When she didn't take her to the doctor, her excuss was that she didn't have a ride. My first thought was that I would have walked!*

I have to do this. For her. the only thing that bothers me is taking her away from her sisters. one of which was just born in january.


My 1 year old baby cousin named jacy has a fever of 101.9 should we be concerned or just let her sleep it off?

A 102 fever is NOTHING for a one year old.
You can give her some infant tylenol or infant motrin to try to reduce the fever if she seems uncomfortable. But unless there are symptoms of a bacterial infection causing this fever, the most likely culprit is a virus, for which the doctors can't do anything but treat symptoms for comfort and try to keep her hydrated if the starts to vomit or have diareha.

Reasons to call the docter with a 102 fever of a 1yo would be:
1. Child is listless and very inactive during what should normally be play time. ( a little extra sleep time is to be expected, but if they are awake trying to play, but seem too disoriented to do so, there is a problem).
2. The fever doesn't respond to tylenol or motrin (taken alone every 4 to 6 hours should reduce the fever by at least a degree, alternating every 2 to 3 hours should reduce the fever by at least two degrees).
3. You find other signs or symptoms of an illness.
4. They are vomitting/diarreha to the point that they are possibly getting dehydrated.
5. If the fever gets above 104, then you should at least get some input from the doctor's office or an after-hours on-call nurse. But even at 104.5, the nurse is likely to just recomend tylenol and motrin if the fever is the only sign of something being wrong.

*** Additional ***
And please don't listen to these morons telling you to rush your child to the ER. They are crowded enough as it is, and there is not need to waist both the time and money on an issue that a doctor can't do anything about anyway.

Case in point, sure for an adult a fever of 102-104 is dabilatating. But children are different. There "take her to the ER NOW!" idiots don't know what they are talking about.

*** Additional ***
Check out this web site. It tells you that a fever isn't a bad thing (it just makes you uncomfortable) unless it gets to 107 (and that will only occur from something like heat stroke). It also confirms that there is nothing to worry a fever alone. It's other symptoms that would indicate something other than a simple virus young kids tend to catch because their immune system is not as mature as adults. (i.e. the fever is likely from a virus and you likely will not catch it from her... unless it turns out to be a stomic virus... then you are not going to have a good weekend).

My 15 year old cousin still believes in Santa. Should I tell him the truth?

No, let him believe Santa is still real.

My boyfriend's 1-year old cousin doesn't like me. What did I do?

You can't take a child acting like that personally. Young kids are , which is probably why she tried to hit you, you made her mad when you said no, because she is too young to understand yet that hitting is wrong.
It's like the same thing when you were mad at you parents and sad you hated them. You don't actually hate them, your just mad at that moment because they did something (i.e. you saying no to her)

It's always a good time to teach children not to hit, but you can't always expect them to take no lightly!:P

How do I talk to my 17-year-old cousin who just lost his mother?

Listen, allow cousin to decide course of conversation or not. Being present at such a tough time is helpful.

Can a 1 year old eat popcorn?

so me and my bf are babysitting his 2 year old niece and his 1 year old cousin. His niece wants popcorn and she has eaten it before,no problem but idk if 1 year olds can eat that. or do i just have to watch her when she eats? thanks :)k

Why does my little 6 year old cousin prefers to play with the PlayStation alone rather than being together with the family having lunch on Sundays?

Videogames are designed to constantly trigger your body to create dopamine by constantly giving you small goals to achieve (build the next thing, defeat the next orc, attain a higher level, earn enough credits to purchase the next thing, unlock the next level etc etc)Dopamine makes you feel good. It is the bodies natural way of rewarding you for reaching your goals in an effort to coax you into doing that (it has other less relevant functions as well). Originally this was for example to get you to go hunting or gathering berries before you were hungry since waiting until there is a high need is dangerous (you might not catch/find anything and if you are already hungry that was your one chance).Sadly dopamine is also a large part what makes us addicted to things. I’m not saying your cousin is dangerously addicted to videogames just because he prefers it over sunday lunch, don’t start panicking, but dopamine is for sure partly the reason why he might find the videogames more stimulating/interesting than lunch with the family.It is not my intention to demonize videogames. I am a gamer myself and play them almost daily. But they can be addictive. In and of itself this is not necessarily a problem, a lot of people are addicted to something (social media, television, cigarettes, alcohol, smartphone etc) but it is only a problem when it really start interfering with your ability to perform as an individual in society. A kid preferring to play with toys (digital or otherwise) over eating with family is no immediate grounds for concern.Its also not my intention to demonize dopamine, we’d be useless and long extinct without it. The fact that it can make us addicted to something is an unfortunate side effect though, if that addiction is of a level that impacts our ability to function as a person.