My 1 Year Old Dog Won

1 year old dog pregnant.?

First of all forget about the information you've heard about young bitches giving birth being fatal. Apart from the fact that whenever you put a b itch in whelp there is a chance of losing her if things go badly wrong, you mess up/vet messes up, in fact a young b itch will most likely whelp perfectly okay, and her puppies will also be perfectly okay. What will happen is her own growth will be arrested because she'll be 'giving' her all to her puppies, both before, and after birth. You are far more likely to lose an elderly b itch if put in whelp. So forget about that one.

Apart from arresting her development, it is possible that a young b itch, like a 12 year old human girl, may not mentally be fit to look after a litter. It may freak her out, and you could well end up having to hand-rear the puppies. However, provided you have good back up (vet/mentor) this should be pretty straightforward. Get her onto a good quality feed (I have never fed my in whelp bitches Puppy food - I believe that's for puppies), and as she increases in size, maybe cut back on the bulk, and up the protein, splitting her daily feed into several small meals as she won't have room for a big meal.

You can give her extra vitamins, but if she's basically healthy, and on a good quality feed, this isn't really necessary - it's more likely she may need supplementing once she starts to nurse her puppies, depending on the size of the litter - and you do know Labs can have up to 11 puppies don't you - so I hope you have space, and the financial ability to feed them until they are at least 8 weeks.

You have 9 weeks, depending on how far along she is now, to read up on whelping (don't get scared - I got some good books, which frightened me half to death!!). If you are not getting the support you need from your current vet - go find another one!! You may well be needing him.

Finally, if you really feel you can't cope with all this - and it is a huge commitment (not the least being you need to be available 24/7 at least for the first 5/6 weeks after the birth!) - sign her over to a Shelter where she will be safely whelped, and her puppies found good homes.

There is loads more to learn, but not the space here to write it ALL.

ps at 3 weeks gone, it's still not too late to have her in for an emergency spay.

Why won't my one year old dog eat anymore?

My puppy is about a year and a half Rat-cha (rat terrier/chihuaua mix), we've been feeding him the same brand of Pedigree Small Dog Formula for almost as long as we've had him and we've never had a problem. However now he won't eat his food unless we're hand feeding it to him and sometimes not even then. Some factors we've considered: though we try not to do it often, sometimes we feed him small amounts of people food but it's never affected the way he eats his dog food. Another, he's grown up with his biological brother from the same litter his whole life so far, and just recently our roommate (who owns his brother) has moved out and they haven't been around each other for about 4 days. He seems to be having less interest in harder food not only his dog food but also any hard snacks or dog treats. He's only responded to soft people food in small amounts, which leads me to believe that he may be growing in his second set of teeth. Lastly, we've recently started trying to train him to go on a food schedule for the past 3 days unsuccessfully including feedings twice a day (9am and 9pm), up until now, he's had access to his food 24/7 and he basically would just eat when he was hungry, mostly nibbling. He's always been a very healthy and upbeat puppy but now he seems grumpy and lethargic. If anyone can help pinpoint exactly what this could be, or if anyone has had a personal experience, please share. Thankyou!

1 year old dog tooth fell out?

Go to the vet to be sure, but I know my dogs, when they get crewing on things, a bit of blood will show up, but its nothing major.

How loose was the tooth? Also, my puppy who is now about 1.5 yrs lost his one of his major teeth, but not before turning grey a couple of months back. A new one grew right in, as it was a baby tooth, so that may be the case for your pup, just a tooth thats taking awhile to come out.

My dog is 1 year old and he still pees and poops inside the house I need help?

I suggest starting over and using this method: Schedule-Confine-Supervise

Schedule- the feeding and potty times. An adult is fed twice a day. A puppy is fed four times a day up to 10 or 12 weeks, then three times a day through adolescence. They need to potty first thing in the morning, last thing at night, within a few minutes of every meal, and every few hours in between. The “in between” hours are calculated by their age in months: 1 month = 1 hour, up to 6 months/hours. So, a three month old puppy should be taken to potty every three hours in between the other scheduled times. When the dog/puppy is taken to potty, wait with him as he ‘does his business’ and then praise like crazy. The neighbors should be able to hear you.

Confine- the puppy or dog whenever it is not being watched. Confinement can be in a crate (especially at night), an exercise pen, or behind a baby gate in a very small and puppy-proofed room.

Supervise- the puppy or dog whenever it is loose in the home. This means having eyes on it, not on the TV. Play with the puppy, do a five minute training session, groom it, or just let it lie at your feet with a safe chew, but have it within sight at all times. If it squats then give a loud “NO” or “ACK” as you scoop and run to the appropriate potty spot.

Do not let the dog return to the accident spot until it has been thoroughly cleaned and then wiped with vinegar or a commercial enzyme product to remove all urine odor.

My 1 year old dog keeps pooing in the house. How do I stop this?

Three things: Take him out for walks frequently. For the first three weeks take him for an hour or half an hour. Then after a few weeks start ending the walks when he poops. He will quickly learn that walking ends when he poops. Soon he will hold thinking that the walk won’t end but once you turn around signaling the end of the walk, he will quickly void knowing that the end of the walk is nigh.Two, take him for walks with other dogs or, baby sit a house trained dog for a week and he will naturally imitate the other. I once got a new puppy which was given to me because they couldn’t housebreak him. He didn’t pee or poop once in the house because he just followed my other dog who was already trained.Three, congratulate him every time he makes you a gift outside.Four (I lied), don’t ever scold or punish him for doing it in the house. He had to go. It was probably your fault for not walking him enough. Dogs often need to poop shortly after eating because the food pushes on the contents of what is already in the intestines. A good rule of thumb is every time you have to void, your dog may have to also.Five, crate him during the hours you suspect he is doing the deed. Over night, when you are at work . . .Maybe, since he is still a puppy, there may be a physiological reason. For instance, boys often grow bone and muscle tissue faster than their organs, such as the kidneys. It is often common for an 8 year old boy to still wet the bed because his larger body is creating more waste than his tiny underdeveloped kidneys can handle. So what do most parents do? They punish, yell or humiliate the boy when it is not really his fault.Never punish a dog for doing what dogs do. YOU need to adapt to accommodate their doggy natures and bodily needs. I don’t know why people expect them to adopt human habits.SIX, your dog loves you and wants to spend time with you. Letting them out in the yard alone is not fun. Often they get bored with their yard and will just sit by the door thinking they are being punished. Go for walks so the movement can help getting things moving along.

How much to feed my 1 year old husky...?

my husky just turned 1...happy birthday! lol...

the breeder recommended feeding him a cup in the morning and a cup in the evening when we first got him...

now he is about 52 healthy looking pounds, but i wonder if i am feeding him enough...please do not answer with "read the recommendations on the dog food bag" because that isnt very accurate...nordic breeds are different from most types of dogs in terms of their food intake...

i feed him a very healthy 'flint river' brand, just need to know if i should up the intake a bit...

thank you!

My dog is almost 1 1/2 years old and is still not house trained. Is it too late?

Not at all! However, you have to be willing to invest time and effort into making it happen. A simple way I use to potty train my critters:1. Try to stick to a feeding schedule so that your dog's bowel movements are somewhat timed.2. Take your dog out and see if he has to go potty immediately after waking up, after AND before each meal, and before bedtime.  You want to be one step ahead of him to prevent him from going potty inside of your home as much as possible, and these are the times he is more likely to have the urge to go.3. This is where the time-investing comes in. You can't just take the dog out and leave him there for 2 to 3 minutes. Preferably, you should take him out on a leash, walk him around for at least 5 minutes (some dogs may need up to 10, so the longer you wait, the better). You can also use words such as "Go potty" to encourage him, and later on, it can be used as a command. My dog learned this, and when she doesn't have to go, she'll just trickle to get me to shut up and let her back inside :)4. As soon as he goes, give him a treat he really loves. It has to be immediately after, or else he won't associate the positive reinforcement with him going potty outside, and it'll be useless. Also, take him back inside after the treat is given, or else he'll think he was taken out just to have a good time and not to go potty. Of course, he can have some play time a different time during the day.5. Be persistent and continue this pattern for as long as it is necessary. Most dogs catch on right away...within a couple of weeks, while others may need months.6. Be alert for any hints that your dog needs to go potty. He will start with subtle signs such as whimpering or pacing uncomfortably. It will eventually progress to barking, scratching at the door, crying, sitting or standing by the door, etc. At that point, your dog is pretty much potty trained!Remember, be patient. My Lab was potty trained within two weeks, while my Aussie mix took 2 to 3 months. As long as you don't give up and are consistent, any dog CAN be potty trained at any age.Hope that helps! Best of luck,Connie M.

How can I train my 1 year old dog to stop using the bedroom as his bathroom in the middle of the night?

There are multiple ways to correctly potty train a dog to potty outside. I know from experience, as my Huskydoodle was 6 months old when she finally was potty trained.Crate training. Crate training is a very useful tool to learn. Start to get your dog used to being crated, and crate them at night. Try to pick a bedtime, and wake time. For example, 9 pm could be the bed time, and 8 am could be wake up time. Dogs will rarely go potty inside their crates, as it is their home, and don’t want to get it messy. Though, make sure not to have too big of a crate, or too much space, as they might go in the opposite corner, and just don’t go near there.Reduce food and water before bedtime. Take away food 3 hours before bedtime, and water 1 hour before bedtime. This will cause the dog to not have any waste in its body before bed, and they can go longer without having to go potty again. Also, have the dog go potty right before you crate them for bedtime.Tethering. This is a training technique in which you keep the dog leash to you, or someone else, at all times. This not only teaches the dog to stay close to you, but also this causes them to not potty as they are right next to you, and dogs will try to go somewhere you can’t see them. Additionally, start taking the dog potty on leash, and praise them for going potty outside while using a command word such as ‘Potty’.