My 5 Month Old Puppy Ate A Penny And Now She Keeps Throwing Up And Wont Eat Her Food What Do I Do

My dog won't chew his food, he keeps swallowing it whole.?

I have a 10 week old German shepherd pup and he won't chew his food. As a result he gets extremely bloated and is very gassy. I think the pieces get stuck in his throat so he drinks a lot of water which only makes him more bloated and then he gets really bad diarrhea. We took him to the vet and they think he does have a digestion problem and they r treating it but they want me to try to slow him down, I put the pieces in a muffin pan like 3 at a time and he goes after the pan so hard that he had to chase it around the whole house and when he gets a piece out he is still just swallowing it whole. I started making him sit before I gave it to him hoping that would make him calm down and eat slower but it's not. I even tried feeding him one pebble at a time and he still just swallowing them whole I don't even think he is tasting it. I don't know what else to do I feed him large breed science diet lamb and rice. And he is on stomach calmers to keep him from puking after he eats. Any advice would be great.

My 3 month old puppy ate all of her pedigree jumbone and now has diarrhea. What should I do?

You can give her boiled milk to firm up the stools..Bring a cup of milk to barely a off the film (lactose) as soon as it is cool enough..give her 1/4 cup, warm, for a small dog., or 1/2 cup for a larger breed..this is safe, and will help settle her bowels.

If there was any sugars in the treat, it would cause the loose stools..look for corn syrup, fructose, or sugar on the label..

My 4 month old puppy ate a french frie and fried chicken from mcdonalds, the size of a penny?

pppphhhhh. Lol. Don't be ridiculus, Of course he'll be fine. I gave my puppy those and she is perfectly fine. That was about 2 months ago.What kind of puppy is he? I have A jack a bee! PEOPLE!!!!! A JACK A BEE IS A JACK RUSSEL TERRIOR AND A BEAGLE MIX! STOP ASKING ME! ITS A NEW BREED.Okay and dont give him that stuff on a regular basis.

My 2 boston terriers throw up alot.anytime, anything, even water. (been to vet) 1 other non boston does not.?

Anything with bull in their breed name or has that look of one has this problem or simular problems. I have a friend with two bostons with one being like this. His name is Chubby b/c he was a porker as a pup but has since had so many digestive problems that he is now Slim. Her problem is food allergies but it sounds to me like your guy is suffering from bloat or a form of it. My bullastiff suffered terribly with this problem as a pup. She'd vomit up undigested food with yellow like bile. This problem CAN KILL if not treated properly. First find a vet that see's a lot of bull type dogs or specializes in small breeds. Have them diagnose the bloat and they will give you all the info you need. YOU MUST CHCK OUT THE ISSUE BEFORE ASSUMING. I must make that clear. Bloat can cause all kinds of nasty problems. Dogs with the barrel chest build seem to suffer more with this than any other breed. I combat my girl's problem with Peptol Bismal, free feeding to prevent gobbling of food which is the number one cause BTW, and when she had an attack I stayed with her keeping her moving and warm. Their blood pressure drops which is the big danger as their intestines turning. You'll notice their ears will get ultra cold when an attack starts up. Think of a baby or better yet a horse with colic. Its the same idea.

Another reason can be reflux syndrom. Again find a vet that specializes in the breed or small dogs. A tube can be inserted with a camera attached to look at the stomache's muscles to see if this is indeed the problem.

If the dog is going to the bathroom normally and not having any other symptons than I wouldn't bet on it being an obstruction.

HELP my dog ate a penny!!!?

You should call your vet. Most of the time a penny will pass with no problem, but the issue isn't the penny passing. Some pennies have zinc in them, which can cause zinc poisoning and hemolytic anemia which are life threatening diseases that are super expensive to treat. Your vet might think it best to have an endoscopy to remove the penny.

Puppy eating small rocks?

I have a boerboel who has eaten stones since he was a puppy and there is nothing we can do to stop him from eating and swallowing them. He just lays in the garden chewing on stone after stone and I am talking big rocks like the size of a persons fist, he actually digs them up to eat them.

There is probably nothing you can do, my dog is now 2 years old and we have never had to take him to the vet for the stones, so I'm sure your dog will be fine.

Help ! i think my little puppy ate a plastic nose !?

it *should* be OK. I have had many puppies do this in the past and I have kept a very close eye on them to make sure it hasnt harmed them in any way. If sunny is having trouble breathing, is coughing or not eating, drinking and toileting please go visit a vet. if it's late there are 24/7 emergency vets available. Trouble breathing, coughing, pawing at the face, nose, mouth etc are telltale signs that something isnt quite right and you should get her off to a vet now.
Oh, and SAHAH K - dogs and puppies DO eat and swallow things which we wouldnt consider food. They WILL eat plastic etc, swallow and digest it so if you are under the impression that they dont, keep a closer eye on your pup in the future. :)

You will be able to tell if she's having trouble breathing because she will be wheezing, or taking short, sharp breaths, possibly with her neck extended and head partially down. You should be able to easily tell if she's having trouble breathing as she will be breathing and acting differently to how she usually does. If she is still playing, running, barking, having fun etc she should be fine. If she has fallen asleep, just keep a close eye on her and listen to her breathing.