My 6 Month Old Son Has A Fever Of 105 Should I Take Him To The Hospital

My son has a 103.5 fever.. when should I take him to the hospital?

Honestly, these answers are all wrong. You should give your child acetaminophen, which you already did. Give it about 45 minutes to work. If it doesn't bring the fever down, you can give infant ibuprofen. This should definitely bring the fever down. You can alternate Tylenol/Tempra and ibuprofen, giving Tylenol every 4 hours and ibuprofen every 6 hours. These medications might not completely get rid of the fever, but the fever should come down some.

Keep your child cool and well hydrated. If your child becomes lethargic after medication, begins to have breathing problems, or becomes dehydrated then take him to the er. Otherwise all they will do is give your son some ibuprofen/Tylenol and send you home with the same instructions I just gave you.

An 8 month old's brain does not become damaged until the body reaches a temperature of 107 or 108, which occurs when a child is left in a hot car rather than from a fever. If the fever reaches 105 then an immediate trip to the er is necessary.

My 4 month old son's temp is 101.6?

4 month old 101.6.....HOSPITAL.....

18 month old with fever of 101.3.....?

is this okay? should I take her to the ER? She has had diarrhea on and off for like 4 days and now she has a cold and her fever is up. what should I do? I gave her children's fever reducer about an hour and a half ago. but it's still!

Three month old; fever 100.1; should i be worried?

my three and a half month old seems to feel hotter than normal. i've been taking his temperature on and off for the past two hours and it hasn't peaked more than 100.4 (without clothes on).

i called the dr and she said not to worry until it reaches 102 & then to give him baby tylenol. and not to take him in until it reaches 105. that doesn't seem right to me. i feel like 101 is too high for him.

also, he's been pretty alert and happy. he doesn't have any rashes on him and doesn't seem to be teething right now. the only thing is that he took a two and a half hour nap and then an hour nap about an hour later. & he's only taken three ounces since 1pm today. (she also said that's nothing to worry about)

should i be worried or is this normal with infants? is she giving me the right information/advice? i don't want something to happen and not be prepared for it.

also how often should i be checking his temperature? i've been doing it about every ten minutes.

One Year Old with High Fever?

I just went through this. My son who is one had a very high fever as well 104.9 one night. It is a fever virus that is going around. he has also had loose stool. If you son is very lethargic then I suggest taking him to the hospital but if he is walking around and kinda acting normal other then being sleepy and decreased appetite then I suggest getting a warm bath not too warm but not too cold and put him in it for about 20 min. Also put a washcloth with the tub water on it and put it on his head. He will most likely cry because it will feel a little cold to him. At least my son did. After I did that and the motrin his temp came down two degrees. It is very scarey I know I stayed up almost all night to monitor his fever. It went away in 48 hours but they were the longest 48 hours ever especially at night that is when it was the highest. I do suggest calling you doctor to see what they say to do since they know your child.

My doctor told me to do motrin and then 2 hours later do tylenol and then 2 hours later do motrin. I did do this especially at night. Push the fluids make sure he is drinking alot.

I hope he feels better soon.

10 mo old son's fever is 102.8 after a dose of tylenol 1 hr ago. Is that ok? Too high?

Remember it will not OD him to do motrin and tylenol together when the fever will not go down. It is okay to give tylenol and ib profin at the same time (not alternating) that is what should break the fever! Sometimes it is the ONLY thing that will break the fever!!!
To correct some people under me...
your baby had a temp. of 105 because you DIDNT give both at the same time. ANY doctor will tell you that to break an extremely high fever you are to give both at the same time...havent been an RN for long huh???

At what temp. would you take your child to the hospital/doctor for a fever?

It's not how high it gets, it depends on how hard it is to keep it down (and how long they've had it).
In most cases, a 103.7 fever shouldn't cause febrile seizures in a child over 6 months of age unless the child has the same body temp for an extended amount of time or there's an underlying cause.
104 or higher is when I really start questioning whether or not a trip to the doctor is needed. That is, unless ibuprofen and/or acetaminophen and a tepid bath won't get the fever down and unless they have been running a fever for 3 days or more. (I'm referring to a child over 6 months of age.)

What should we do if someone has an 104 degree fever?

Do some research on “fever”, yourself. It’s there, all over the internet and there’s no excuse not to know what fever is dangerous if you have responsibility for someone.Actuall, 104 fever is safe for adults, but children under 2 may not have developed their brain’s temperature regulation mechanism, and those tots you need to protect, with cool baths, and getting them to medical help, where they will be treated with cool baths too. Adults can safely tolerate about 104.6F for a while. Fevers vary depending on what pathogen is being attacked. If the infection is local to some cells, it is taken care of with inflammation in that area. When it moves, normally to the lungs which are the coolest place, full body fever appears to be necessary.Fever is not bad. It is the mechanism for cooking the cytoplasm of the bacteria and viruses, killing them. I’m not sure about viruses, but bacteria have a very narrow temperature tolerance and different ones may need higher temps to kill. Our immune systems, innate and adaptive, are fantastically sophisticated, and protected our ancestors for thousands of generations before there was “medicine” (drugs).