My 9month Old Puppy Pooping In The House

How do I house train a 9 month old puppy?

Up to 25 percent of dogs relinquished to animal shelters by their owners end up there due to housebreaking problems. The same statistic applies to dogs seen by veterinarians — 25 percent of behavior-related visits to vets concern toileting.Guide: Dog Training 101: How to Completely Train Your Dog – Millie Hensworth – MediumI think one of the main reasons attempts to potty train fail is because pet owners tend to look at their dogs as four-legged humans, and if a human in your household were to use the floor instead of a bathroom to relieve himself, it would be quite upsetting.Your pup has done something natural for her by relieving herself when the urge struck. You have reacted in a way that’s natural for you, which is to be offended that a furry family member has just made a stinky mess on your carpet, tile or hardwood floor.I was driving to work about six months ago and thought I saw a fox off to the side of the road in a ditch. I pulled over to take a closer look and realized the fox was actually a small, fuzzy dog that was up in years she looked to be about 10. I spent the next half hour trying to catch her because she was one very frightened pup.When I got her to Natural Pet, my animal clinic, we checked her over thoroughly. The poor girl was a mess. She had mange. She had bad hips, bad eyesight, and her nails were grown into the pads of her little feet. It was obvious she’d been homeless for quite some time.Instilling good potty habits from the start in a puppy is much easier than re-training an adult dog. But if your furry friend is older, do not despair.Never leave your un-housebroken dog unattended. Not even for a minute. If you aren’t actively engaged with your dog, having her in the same room doesn’t count.Some dog parents believe crates are a bad thing. Not true! The fact is a crate is actually a very natural, normal habitat for a dog, as long as your pup doesn’t associate it with punishment.Dogs are den dwellers by nature. Under normal circumstances, they enjoy and will seek out small, safe, warm “bedrooms” in which to rest. If you provide your pup with his own little den (crate) and there’s nothing forceful or punishing about his association with it, he’ll make it his own.I’ll discuss more about crate training in part 2 of this series next week.If you’re dead set against crate-training your un-housebroken dog, then your only other option is to tether your pup to you so that no matter where you go, she’s right there with you.

How do I stop my 9 month old pup from pooping in the house?

I have a part Terrier and part pit bull. He is 9 months old and you can say potty trained. He does let us know when he has to go outside by either circling the sofa or just giving us a stare like i gotta go man.

Well the problem we have been having is that he sometimes poops in the house. Usually right near us when we are preoccupied. We take him out in the morning, and evening. Between that sometimes we take him out 4-6 times. We try to take him out the moment he try's to get our attention. The problem is he will pee but will not poop.
So after taking him out 3 times with out pooping we bring him in and not even 1 hour goes by he poops in the house. I do spank him when i have seen the aftermath. I know they say punish only when u see the act being done but i am loosing Patience with him. Any suggestions?

How can I stop my 5 month old puppy from eating her poop?

Sometimes switching food does the trick. Otherwise I just make sure it gets picked up quickly. The stubborn poop eater needs basic training so they will “leave it” long enough for you to clean it up. Whatever you do don't yell or chase them. There needs to be a reward for listening rather than punishment for eating it. You never know how determined a dog can be and fighting w a dog sure is silly;-)

How long can a 9 month old Maltese puppy hold her pee/poop?

Usually dogs will poop after they eat or excercise. So you should be able to predict fairly easily how often she goes in one day. As for holding her bladder, you need to start training her to control herself until she's let out. Crate training is a great way to do this. She probably shouldn't go more than 3-4 hours without being let outside.

How do I stop my 9 month old puppy from peeing in her cage?

I have an 9 month old boxer puppy that will not stop peeing in her cage. I have taken her out all hours of the night, I had picked up her food/water around 6:00 pm or 7:00 pm (est) and she still pees in her cage. I had put a sheet in her cage with my sent on it and that didn't work. So I tried putting a radio on for her and it didn't work. I am getting tried of having to bath her every day. Please someone help me on this

How do I get my 9 month old Rottie puppy to stop pooping in my dining room?

It's a bit late, but nevertheless it's not impossible to achieve: I managed to teach a 2-year-old Labrador to stop peeing on the furniture. First, make it clear to your puppy that you disapprove of him/her messing where he/she does. You do this by sounding angry, speaking in a low tone, but not raising your voice. Never scream and shout: a low, growling tone is the most effective. Second, after you have fed your puppy - presumably you give it one  or two good feeds a day - take it outside and stay with it until it has done whatever needs to be done. Then make a fuss of it, show how happy you are and tell it what a clever dog it is ... and mean it ... because your puppy will see  right through any deception on your part. That is all the reward your puppy needs.     Third, puppy must have access to the outdoors at all times during the day and you must be prepared to let it out at night if it asks.Very young puppies learn within a few days, but you may have to keep it up for two or three weeks before your puppy gets the idea: remember, it has made a habit of this behaviour and old habits are hard to break.Fourth and most important: let puppy know that you are aware of his/her presence. Stoop to stroke it as you walk by, spend time cuddling it while you are not doing anything important or potentially dangerous, talk to it, discuss everyday matters with it as though it is another person. The main thing is that you are reassuring your puppy that it is part of the family and you are fully aware of its presence.One of its problems may be that it feels lonely, which is why we never have only one animal. We normally have two or more puppies or other animals with which they can interact. We never live in towns or cities and ensure that we have enough space in which our dogs can run around outside the house. The doors are always open when we are at home, which is all the time, so that the animals can come and go as they please. I can tell you from experience that puppies are much easier to train than baby rabbits, chicks or ducklings!  Good luck.

How can I stop a 6-month-old puppy from pooping on a carpet and get him to use a wee wee pad?

ITS ALL ABOUT habit. Cover ur carpet with pee pads. If it pees on a carpet, use a pee pad to pick up most of the urine, use enzyme solution to clean up the rest. Leave the pad with the urine. DO NOT REMOVE THE pad. Slowly, reduce the area. Till over time, it’s left with just one pee pad.BE PATIENT.Praise him when he pees/poops where you want him too. Give it treats.Give it a stern “no” IF you catch him WHILE making a mistake. If you only see the aftermath, sulk it up. He won’t understand even if you scold it. dogs have 7 seconds memory span and associative memory. It won’t remember what happened 5 minutes ago but it could associate certain memories.

Help! My 6 month old puppy poops and pees in his crate!?

I really hate crate training. If you don't have time for a dog don't have one. What did people do before crates come into existence? A child's gate works wonders. Keep him in a room instead of a crate. If you had to be put away somewhere when every one was gone would you rather it be a cage or a room? I would prefer a room.

You can puppy proof a room & leave him there while you are gone.

I ferret proofed all but one room of my house. It is the same as child proofing a room or a house for a child. Be considerate of your little friend & he will be a better pet. Train him in the things you want him to know & teach him what "NO" means & use your correction appropriately. Most dogs are very eager to please.

My Husky pup Wont stop pooping in the house T_T!!!?

Do not rub the dogs nose in it or spank him, dogs don't get anything out of that.
Positive Reinforcement is widely recognized by dog training experts as the best and kindest way to train a puppy

Understand puppy behavior: puppies do not know right from wrong. What they understand is safe and dangerous. When your puppy comes into your house he doesn't understand that it is "bad" or "wrong" to urinate on your carpet

Understand your puppy's digestive system. A puppy's digestive system is much shorter than a humans. We have about 26 feet of intestines; a puppy has about 4 feet.

Develop a schedule. Putting your puppy on a feeding schedule during the house training process can make your efforts much more successful. Developing a schedule to take your dog outside will make it easier on you. I always bring a dog outside within 15 to 20 minutes after meals

Manage your puppy's behavior. One of the most important Steps in the house training process is the proper management of your puppy's behavior. In Step 1 we discussed catching your dog in the act, not after the fact. Using a crate can help you when you are too busy to watch your pup.

Influence your puppy's behavior. Just as you need to catch your dog in the act, you also need to let your dog know that she is doing the right behavior. During the house training process it is a good idea to take your puppy out on leash. If you let your puppy out into a fenced in area and you are not there, you will not be able to communicate to your puppy that she is doing the right behavior.

Proper clean up. When I am helping someone house train their pup, one of the first questions I ask is "What are you cleaning up the mess with?" A lot of people get commercial cleaners at the supermarket. A lot of these products contain ammonia. Ammonia smells like urine to your puppy. So if your puppy urinates on the carpet and you clean with an ammonia product, your puppy will come back to that spot and think that a strange dog has gone on the carpet.

Get everyone involved. If you live by yourself with your puppy this step will be easy. If your puppy lives in a house with more than one person, make sure that everyone is taking the steps to make the house training process quick and easy. The closer everyone sticks to the plan, the faster the training will progress.