My Adult Teeth Are Loose

My adult teeth were never loose before and for some reason I started wiggling them until they became loose. They're now loose. Can a dentist tighten my teeth up?

Well, if you have periodontal disease, a history of tooth trauma, or severe crowding that could change what I have to say. However:If you have been wiggling your adult teeth until they get loose, I’m afraid that that is not a physical problem as much as a psychological one. To consistently wiggle adult teeth until you have loosened the periodontium to the point of marked mobility means that you have been obsessively doing this.This may be a sign of some sort of psychological obsession. I really think that you should consider what you have been doing and why, because it is a form of self-destruction. Certainly you should see a dentist to have the extent of the damage evaluated, but you should also stop immediately.Adult roots are long.They are surrounded by a soft tissue called the periodontium.Which contains the periodontal ligaments. These ligaments attach the tooth to the bone. When you rock the tooth either aggressively or chronically (a little bit over a long period of time), you damage these ligaments, traumatizing the tissue surrounding them and causing micro-bleeds in the tissue. This leads to swelling in the ligament area, and the tooth becomes loose as the ligaments soften.This is bad.Please stop this immediately.Go to the dentist and have it evaluated, and let them know what you have been doing. They may decide to refer you to someone to help you with this behavior.Good luck!

My adult tooth is loose !?

stop wiggling it and it will go back to normal

I have braces and my adult teeth are loose?

So a few days ago I bended my wire while eating a pretzel ( which I know is really dumb to do and I'll never do it again) and since two days ago I feel that my adult molars are loose and they feel really sore when I bite down, and I nudged it with my finger and they moved a little, so I'm scared that they might fall out, why is this occurring? I had the same exact type of pain the first week when I got my braces but it's been more than half a year and they never felt loose, some people say it's because they're moving into position, but you know the tooth all the way in the back where they put the crown thing to connect the wire to? It's crooked compared to the rest of the teeth, all the other teeth on the bottom are aligned but that tooth is off to the inner side of my mouth. Why is that? All those three teeth on the right side of my mouth hurt like hell! They feel really loose as if they were baby teeth, but I already lost them all. Someone help me please?!

I’m still young but one of my adult teeth are loose. What should I do? Will it be ugly?

When I was young, one of my adult teeth was lose. It had no root on it due to one of the teeth next to it being large enough to stop it from developing any root and it just came out, without hurting at all and I cried for the longest time over the tooth. I remember throwing it away, eventually. Their was no saving that tooth, no matter what the dentist tried. No one notices the missing tooth anymore.Try to see a dentist and ask what exactly is wrong and discuss a treatment plan but if the tooth has no root on it at all, you may not be able to save it.

What should I do if my adult tooth is loose?

Increased tooth mobility is usually a sign of periodontitis (it is a disease state which makes your teeth fall out), there can be other reasons for it though but this would be the most common one. My suggestion is to visit a dental clinic for an examination. If it is indeed periodontitis that has progressed this far you will most likely be in need of root scaling which is not something you can do at home. The only thing you can do at this point is to get very good at keeping your teeth clean. Brushing with good technique twice daily + flossing is vital to preventing this disease state from progressing further. Sadly you can't really clean the infection out from underneath your gums so this will have to be done by a trained professional.

My adult tooth is loose?

As long as the tooth is "in place" don't do anything. The gums will reattach to the tooth and it will tighten up again in a few days. You can have your dentist X-ray and cold test your tooth. You will need to watch the tooth to see if it turns grey or if you develop a lump in your gums above the tooth. This means the nerve inside the tooth died and you will need a root canal.
It is possible that you fractured your tooth. If you think it is fractured down the root...then you need to see your dentist. Likely, the tooth would need to be extracted if it fractured mid root. A fracture down near the tip may be alright.
If the tooth is noticeable out of position, again you need to see your dentist. The tooth needs to be put back into place, and anchored there for 7-10 days.

My adult canine tooth is loose...?

A few days ago I was eating an apple and got the apple skin lodged in between my canine and the tooth behind it; as hard as I tried, I couldn't pick it out... apparently I was missing, and had been picking at my gums.. so now the gums around my canine are loose, and so the tooth is also loose---it doesn't freely wiggle, but if I push it, it will. I'm worried, because it seems to be getting increasingly worse, but I might just be overly anxious about it getting worse...

Would this heal by itself (as I said, the gums holding it in place are loose, and the tooth itself wiggles if force is applied), or should I make a dentist's appointment immediately? I don't have insurance, and so I'm not eager to pay the dentist's fees if it's unnecessary...

Thanks, though.

Can I pull out a really loose adult tooth?

Yes you can do it’s fully mobile tooth, but I will suggest you better u visit dentist for extraction because u can’t do properly it can cause infection.Commonly loose tooth causes because of Diabetic Or for Poor Oral Health.. Visit Dentist to protect other tooth.Gum Problem or Gingivitis & Periodontis:Gum is the supporting & which surrounding tooth. Gum disease, also known as Gingivitis & Periodontist, is an infection of the gums that surrounding the teeth structure. It is also one of the main causes of Bleeding gum & tooth loss among adults. There are two major stages of Gum disease: Gingivitis and Periodontitis. Gum disease can increased space in between tooth, causes increase gap in between tooth. If this problem is untreated the it can cause tooth loss.Bleeding gum, Know causes & treatments[/caption]Causes of Gum disease:Gum disease can be caused by a number of factors, but poor oral hygiene is the most common cause. Mainly Dental Plaque & Calculus causes Gum problems. Your mouth is full of bacteria that combine with saliva to form a sticky film known as plaque, which builds up on your teeth. This plaque later becomes hard on the tooth,its call Calculus. When you take food or drink high in carbohydrates (sugary or starchy foods), bacteria in plaque turn carbohydrates into the energy they need, producing acid, this acid causes irritation of gums, making them inflamed & gum disease.Periodontal infections are usually mixed, most often involving anaerobes such as Treponema denticola and Porphyromonas gingivalis. The microaerophile Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans causes a rare form known as localized Juvenile Periodontitis.TO KNOW IN DETAILS ABOUT THIS PREVENTION, RISK FATOR & TREATMENTS CLICK HERE

What do you do if one of your permanent teeth is loose?

If one of my permanent teeth is loose, then I immediately seek to the veteran dentist to avoid dental problems in nearby coming days. Also, I stopped consuming soft drinks and other unhealthy foods that may make my dental issue a severe one.I live in Houston and I know that there are various dentists providing the dental care to their patients, but all are not as reputed as the dentists of Vita Dental in Houston. Vita Dental is best known for providing the dental services including dental implants, dental braces, cosmetic dentistry and much more for both children as well as adults. So, I schedule my appointment with them and take proper care.