My Apple Id Help And Read

Apple id :'(?

So I have created an account on computer an apple id but when I open it in my I phone it blinks a note " your Id is not used I app store" do you want to review. And when I review it then it wants credit card which I dont have any of you can help me please... any simple suggestions ^_^

Please help...Forgot my apple Id password?

How can I change my apple Id?

Please read I got the new iPhone 5 and I need my apple Id I forgot my password and I have tried resetting it by email but its my brothers email he said its not come through I tried answering the security questions but he can't remember the answers my apple I'd has £20 vouchers on please help

Asked by Chloe 14 hours ago 3 days left to answer.

Should I take it to the apple shop will they be able to do anything

I don't remember my apple id security questions?

It's best to call rather than email them. An email may not be answered for several days or more. Whereas a phone call gets attention as soon as it's answered by Apple. And after you get the phone sure you write all the information about email address used, security questions and answers, and any password written down in a notebook and kept in a secure location so this doesn't happen again. Write this information down immediately! Don't think you can remember everything the following day. If the information is that easy to remember, then the password isn't very strong and could be hacked easily.

Apple wants me to change my password. Please read details, it's very important ?

Apple wants me change my apple ID password. This is the third time this happening to me, it's driving me crazy. Game center, iMessage, FaceTime are not working. First it tells me to enter apple ID and password then this message pops out:
"The apple ID you entered has been disabled for security reasons. Touch "Reset" to change password. "
When I press reset I takes me to apple website, iforgot part and wants me to change my password. I'm tired of the whole prosess; I can't do this thing anymore... Someone please help me

What if somebody else is using the same Apple ID as mine? Will they read iMessages that I send to somebody (blue messages)? I changed my password before I sent the iMessage. The other iPhone is offline.

Anyone using the same ID as you would have complete access to anything and everything in your account, but, no-one is using the same ID as you, unless you told them what it and it’s password is.

How do I vertfiy my apple account?

Go to the Email you are using for the Apple ID and find an email by Apple and the title will be "Please verify the contact email address for your Apple ID"

Read the mail and Click on the Link "Verify Now >" and then Apple will Ask you to Sign in with your Account and Password.

Done! Now you can go and Download from the app Store.