My Apple Id Is Completely Messed Up

Will downloading apple Itunes mess up my new computer?

i just got a new Windows Vista computer after my other one died.
So im being extra careful with everything i do. I have my Ipod and i need to get Itunes on my computer. But i'm afraid it may make my computer slow or cause problems. Therefore my questions are. Will it mess up my computer ? And what do I need to watch out for when downloading so i dont really screw things up? thanks!

My Apple ID got randomly deleted?


For your protection, your Apple ID is automatically disabled (partially) if your account password is incorrectly entered numerous times. This affects some services you may access with your Apple ID, such as your accounts with: Apple Photo Services, iTunes Store, and MobileMe.

When you try to use some online services and your Apple ID has been disabled, the following message appears:

“This Apple ID has been disabled for security reasons.”

Note: Partially disabled means

* You cannot edit your personal information or make purchases.
* You do not have access to your MobileMe account settings, but you do have access to MobileMe Mail, Calendar, Contacts, and iDisk.

Products Affected

Photo Services, iTunes Store, iPhoto '08 (7.x), Aperture 2.X, MobileMe

Reset your account password

If your account was partially disabled for security reasons, use iForgot ( to reset your account. This will restore your access to the disabled services. You can also click the “Reset Password” or “Forgot Password?” buttons that appear in the alert message.

Note: If you are a MobileMe user, when prompted to enter your Apple ID, be sure to type your full MobileMe email address, which is (or

Update your MobileMe Settings

After changing your password, you may need to update some settings on your Mac or PC.

MobileMe Preferences

Mac OS X

1. From the Apple () menu, choose System Preferences.
2. Click MobileMe.
3. Type your new password and click Sign In.

Windows-based PC

1. Choose Start > Control Panel.
2. Double-click MobileMe.
3. Type in your new password and click Sign In.


If you use an email application to access your MobileMe email, you should be prompted by your email application to enter your new password when you check for mail. If you are not prompted, see this article if you use Mac OS X Mail. If you are using another email application, refer to the application's built-in documentation for information about changing your email password settings.
Additional Information

If the issue persists, you can visit MobileMe Support, iTunes Support, Apple Photo Services, or contact AppleCare for further assistance.

Why don't sites don't tell me if I messed up my ID or password?

What they are doing is making it more difficult for hackers trying to guess passwords. If they enter a random username and password, and that user does not exist, the site could give them an invalid username error which means they need to try another username until they find a valid one. If they had a script that did this thousands of times a minute, they could quickly find a big list of valid usernames on the site. This is called username or account harvesting. Now, all they have to do is take that list of usernames and go through each one with the most common passwords. So they might start with 123456 and go through every account to see if anyone uses that as a password. Chances are they will find some matches. They repeat this with all the common passwords. And since they are spreading this across multiple accounts they can avoid being locked out of any single account.To make this more interesting a smart hacker might take all the usernames they found and match them up with account password leaks found on the internet. For example, if my username was my email address you could search the internet and find that a long time ago I used the password October39 on a Yahoo site and they later got hacked. Since so many people reuse the same passwords, it would make since to first try that password on my account to see if it works. Using this dramatically increases the success rate over just trying random passwords. Therefore, by keeping the error message vague and not saying which one was wrong, we are preventing hackers from account harvesting and making it more difficult to use automated scripts to hack passwords.

Can Apple Cider Vinegar mess up or stop your period?

I haven't heard about ACV messing OR slowing a heavy period until I researched lots of info about ACV. I took the vinegar about a couple days just to get rid of my coughing I had from a minor cold and this is before I read about the vinegar. Does it really stop or slow down heavy periods just by taking it for only a couple of days or do you have to take it each day to slow down heavy periods?

Thank you

What are people's experiences with Apple Touch ID on the iPhone 5S so far?

Here is the dirty little secret about devices that use subdermal capacitance - they don't work for everybody. They never have, though they work for more people now than they did in the past. I've had mine for about 2 weeks. Touch ID works about 80% of the time. Been the same since I got it, even though it's supposed to be learning. It could be me - I couldn't use a touch device (like a track pad) at all until about 2003, because they didn't "see" my finger.

Why do my Apple ID not work?

When creating an Apple ID, if you make the unfortunate mistake of entering your birth year wrong or actually being under the age of 13 (and not fibbing about it), then be prepared to see this error message:

“You Cannot Create An Apple ID Because You Do Not Meet The Minimum Age Requirement.”

You try again and again, and then go as far as changing your birth year to 1920, and apparently (or so it seems) the ripe old age of 93 is too young to download and get one’s candy crush saga fix on. What gives?!

How to fix or get around this issue in the following scenarios:

If you turned 13 today

Make yourself 1 day older, and tomorrow you can change it back to your real day. Apple doesn’t seem to like 13th birthdays…probably the result of some repressed adolescent trauma of sorts.

If you are under 13 (and planning on lying about it thus landing yourself on Santa’s naughty list this year) or if you actually are over 13 and just messed up on entering your birth year due to your monstrous thumbs hitting the wrong key

You can wait 24 hours and try again.

Go to settings, then safari, then clear history, cookies, and cache. Then re-register for your new itunes/apple user account.

Try creating the account from a different device (for example a friend’s phone or another computer). Remember you don’t have to create it in the actual app store application under “create new account.”

You can also open a browser tab and search for “apple id” and then choose to create a new account this way as well. It doesn’t have to be from an iDevice.

So, now that I have just showed children under the age of 13 how to trick the system, I’m gonna try and lay my head down on my pillow tonight and sleep soundly. Tomorrow I better help an old lady or two cross the street to balance the scale.

Will apple automatically cancel my order?

Well, I ordered from the apple store on finance but my computer messed up when applying for the barclays finance card... now I can't find a way to get back to that page and it won't let me cancel my order...

It still says 'Awaiting Payment' but also says Delivers 20-21st of March.

What will happen now? Will they just cancel my order because I haven't signed up for the financing? Or will they send some forms out or something?