My Baby Boy Is 10 Months Old And His Weight Is 8 Kilos My Question Is It Normal Or Underweight

My baby is 7 months old.he weighs around 6.2kg.he is underweight .but he is very active for his age.he still?

Spits sometimes.his schedule is like this:6am breastfeed ,wakeup 7am,bf around 8 am.nap around 9-10 and solids like fruits,play bf and nap around 12-1 pm.wake have lunch ,play nap for 2 hrs.wake up around 5 pm bf and play ,bf and nap around 7 pm.wake up at 8pm have dinner at and sleep at 10 2-3 times in the night.I am confused when I should bf and when I shd give him solids and how much can a7 month old eat .he start his. Solids at 4 months.he needs to gain weight also I have tried giving him him variety of food but he is not gaining much weight .I am worried.can some one help me out with the feeding schedule for my baby.when shd I bf and when shd I give him solids .

My child is 10 month old and weights 8.7 kg, is he underweight?

I wish I could have a doctor but I can't. If I did I was gonna take my child to the doctor. I'm in South Africa so I take my son to the clinic, he goes there every month. Its a public clinic I have to wake up at 2:00 to stand the queue. Then around 7:00 I go home to take my child and go back to the queue. They start to work at 8:00. Most of the times I finish at 10:00 or 11:00.

They just give the child injections and they measure his weight. They write the weight in your card. Last time I went there they said my child is not gaining weight. But they couldn't tell me the ideal weight of a 10 month old, they don't answer any of our questions cos the queue is 2 long maybe. But the nurses are not friendly.

I'm working but I'm not permanent, so I'm not earning a lot to afford a doctor. Clinic is free, I also gave birth in a public hospital which is free. If I had money I swear I was gonna take him to a doc.


Is a 12-month-old boy underweight if he weighs 8 kg?

A 12 month old boy weighing 8kg is pretty close to being in the middle of what is considered normal. However there are many other factors to consider, overall health, appetite, size ( length, chubby or lean ) etc. If concerned see your health professional. In the UK that would be the Child Health Visitor. Many other countries have people serving the same function.i the child is yours you should hopefully have these contact details already. But from the way your question was expressed I suspect your may be a grandparent, or other relative or friend who is perhaps unsure for some reason. Unless you are a parent of the boy in question DO NOT discuss this with the parents. Talk to your own family doctor for advice like this and only if your GP says there is cause for concern then talk to the mother in the first instance but be gentle not a bully. Too often a concerned relative delivers lectures which are never welcome and can alienate extended family relationships.Ponder this point. Babies vary by a wide margin for their weight, build and energy levels. Don’t jump to conclusions.By the way it is good to be concerned, but not over the top.

How do I increase my underweight 7 month old baby’s weight?

How do I increase my underweight 7 month old baby’s weight?Been there. The answer is, you don’t. I had 2 underweight babies. One from surgery, one was just naturally a peanut. I tried everything.I breastfed every hour. Babies eat until they’re full, and if they aren’t hungry, they aren’t going to eat, period. When my daughter turned a year old, she weight TWELVE POUNDS. That’s usually what a 2–3 month old weighs. I was downright panicked. I took turkey fat and put it in the blender with her favorite fruit, pineapple, and tried to feed it to her hourly. She would eat maybe a single scoop. I mixed in breastmilk to sweeten up the deal. Still a spoonful. She simply wasn’t hungry. The doctors ran every test they could possibly run - she was healthy, just a teensy little thing. I gave up.After my son’s surgery at 4 months old, he lost over 2 pounds. For a 4-month old, that’s something ridiculous, like 20% of their body weight. Again, I tried everything. Feeding every hour; adding blended fat; siphoning off the water from my breastmilk to increase the milkfat percentage, nothing worked. Battery of tests; he’s healthy - just teensy. It’s very common for children who have had surgery to have problems with gaining weight - even keeping the weight the do manage to have.Take your baby to the doctor and rule out problems. If the doctor says your baby is healthy, just small, try not to panic. Some kids are just tiny. They’ll grow soon enough, and eat you out of house and home. Trust me.

Is my 12 month old too small? How much did your baby weigh at 12 months?

(17 pounds) plus (14 oz) = 8.10796361 kilograms.

My daughters weight on her 12 month checkup/immunisation was 8.9 kg
2 weeks after she had to get weighed at the hospital (We took her up she had a nasty cold)
and she weighed 9.1kg so around 20 pounds.

It is normal, My baby is smaller compared to other babys her age.
But the nurse said she was healthy.. And underweight BECAUSE she's growing and getting more mobile (On her feet, and crawling more).

I think your daughters perfectly healthy. It will even out (Her weight) She will be in the normal limit, Once she gets put on our diet like.. What we eat for breaky lunch and dinner my nurse said. But for now dont stress.


Also, as one of the answers above state, I have also been told about cows milk. But i got told to take her off formula completely and just give her cows milk. She has cows milk twice a day, and formula at night. Cows milk just doesnt do it for her. So if your not already trying cows milk, Do try but dont stress if she hates it lol.

What is the average weight for an 8 month old baby?

For all US infants (CDC data ca. 2000), boys ~8.8 Kg, girls ~8.2 Kg.See Individual Growth Charts on the CDC web site. Also, WHO growth charts (which may be more appropriate for breast-fed infants) here: WHO | Weight-for-ageThis is rolled up data so if you are evaluating a specific 8 month old, you generally need more information. Growth charts vary by country, gender (as you can see above), ethnic group, weeks of prematurity (if any), and so on.

Is my eight month old male cockatiel underweight?

Not only Cockatiels but all other pets birds as well, can vary so much in their build, there is no ideal weight for any of them, as a group. Just as with humans, one size is not right for all. There is only the proper weight for your bird, based on his genetics and his frame. I have 6 Tiels that range from 63 grams to 1110, yet they are all healthy and at a proper weight for them. One way for you to try to gage it is by his chest. You don't want to be able to feel a real sharp keel bone that sticks out but you also don't want to have a keel bone that is buried in "cleavage". The best thing is to have a "well bird check up" done by a good Avian vet. That is your best source of information and it's best for a vet to already have base line information on your bird for future reference. It's great that you know your bird's weight. Continue to weight him and keep a chart. Any sudden change of 10 grams or more in either direction can be cause for concern. I hope that eases you mind a bit and is helpful.

What should be the normal weight of a 1 year old baby girl?

Don't confuse ‘'average’ with normal. There’s a wide range that still fits within the guidelines of normal. And I don't know why you are asking, but if it's because you are concerned that your baby is too big or to small- do nothing until you see a doctor. Diet changes can be dangerous as infants have diff needs than adults for brain and body growth.Here’s a percentile growth chart: babies are at the bottom percentile of the normal range and others at the top. I've known all sizes, including some who were ‘off the charts’ on either end. As long as they're following a growth curve that's healthy this, too, can be normal.