My Back Door Closed By Itself But There Was Practically No Wind

Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths - Imagine you are walking along and then notice some trees ahead?

1)I see some evergreen trees that encase me around an open Field of breezy grass.The area is kinda cartoonist .Mostly like a anime scene.I walk down this forest path that easily spreads evenly away from me.I in this place with a dumb but Curious look on my face.As I walk down I notice that the path turns into dirt but is smooth. Eventually I reach a grey cave and I enter inside.
2)I imagine this pond of water to be light blue.As I touch it seems to be light blue and consistency is like green goo like you see on nickelodeon.Now it definitely looks animeish .Now I reach down and grab the water with my hands letting the water drip slowly on my wrist I don't go inside the water.I stared at it endlessly .looking at it so excitedly. I don't want to drink the water because it is gooey
3)Well in my dream I really just okay with using y hands.But If I was to imagine a container it will be bowl.a bowl from an ancient civilization like the Mayans. It will be dusty and red,the color of iron.I will just pick it up, dust it, and hold it with my hands since I imagine myself to be wearing a long shirt that drapes my legs and some pants that is like what most traditional Indians wear.
4)he is sniffing the water.He then looks at me.Then he walks to the exit of the cave which is bright white.I'm confuse.I'm like uh uh.I will jump.
5)The key will be in a shape of a apple like the apple of Eden from the game assassin creed 3.I will go to this wall full of native Indian drawings and I will insert the key(which is golden )and then it will be suck through the hole like a black hole from outer space..I then I am floating in the air with starts around me.I'm so happy for the first time in my life.Like I'm about to find the ultimate truth of something.Then everything turns dark.
sun Aquarius
moon Pisces
Mercury Pisces
Venus Pisces
mars Scorpio

There is a room with no doors, no windows, nothing and a man is hung from the ceiling and a puddle of water is on the floor. How did he die?

I can come up with few possible explationsRemember those houses of the past when we used to have a Well in a room in the backyard. So possibly the man tried to climb using the corner walls of the well, probably a bucket of water might have been kept there. He tipped of the bucket while climbing and later he hanged himself.There might have been a big drum or bucket standing on which could have been easier for the man to touch the ceiling. Possibly the bucket could have had water in it. The man overturned the drum/ bucket and hanged himself. Hence the puddle of water.

If the earth is rotating at a high speed and we jump up, why doesn't the earth move below us at high speed?

Since other answers have correctly mentioned the atmosphere and such, let's take it out of the equation for the sake of argument and see what happens.In terms of the difference in the helicopter's path vs. the ground, let's look at what happens during one whole day as the Earth rotates.  Assuming the helicopter can perform an ideal, vertical-acceleration-only hover, then the surface of the Earth and the helicopter have the same tangential speed as the Earth turns, due to conservation of momentum.  But, since the helicopter is now a few feet (~1 meter) above the ground, the path the helicopter takes to go around the Earth during one day is now slightly longer as compared to the surface itself. The added circumference of that trip all the way around the Earth for the helicopter turns out be just 2 times Pi times the height above the ground.  It takes the Earth just under 24 hours to rotate once on its axis, so the helicopter would have to move at an additional horizontal speed of maybe 18 feet (~5.5 meters) per 24 hours, or something like 0.00014 miles per hour (~0.00022 km/h) to stay directly over the same spot on the ground.  This is such a negligible difference in horizontal speed that you don't notice it in any practical system.A real helicopter would deviate horizontally by a speed that is orders of magnitude more than that when it takes off anyway.  And, of course, helicopters fly in the atmosphere, which is coupled to the ground.  It's also fair to say that wind speed dominates any effects from conservation of momentum, as it's orders of magnitude larger, even at high altitudes.  So, real aircraft worry about the difference in wind speed and direction vs. the ground, rather than orbital mechanics.

Is fear of trains an irrational fear?

Every night at about 11 o clock, I wake up to a train going by right across the streets. When that happens, I start to have strange panic attacks. I'll start to breath really heavily and hug my pillow, maybe pull at the bed sheets, squirm around uncomfortably. I also get that feeling like I'm being chased or something, like that feeling you get as a kid when you turn off the light and run to your bed as fast as you can before the monsters get you, and right before you land in your bed you feel as if he might grab you right then as you feel like you might explode. That's how I feel as the train goes by. Afterwards I'll fall back asleep in a few minutes.
I'm really afraid of trains. No particular reason. Well, I am also highly afraid of loud noises but it isn't just the sound it's trains themselves. I don't like walking on or near train tracks either. Is this a strange fear?